
  • Ni Made Anggun Purwati .
  • Drs. I Wayan Rasna,M.Pd .
  • Ni Made Rai Wisudariani, S.Pd. .



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) pemenuhan prinsip kesantunan pada Talkshow Rumpi (No Secret) di Trans TV; (2) pelanggaran prinsip kesantunan pada Talkshow Rumpi (No Secret) di Trans TV; dan (3) dampak psikologis dari pemenuhan dan pelanggaran prinsip kesantunan oleh penutur terhadap mitra tutur pada Talkshow Rumpi (No Secret) di Trans TV. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan rancangan deskriptif kualitatif dengan menyasar tuturan pembawa acara dan bintang tamu sebagai objek penelitian. Subjek penelitian ini adalah pembawa acara dan bintang tamu Talkshow Rumpi (No Secret) yang disiarkan di Trans TV. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan observasi. Tahap analisis data meliputi (1) reduksi data, (2) penyajian data, dan (3) penarikan simpilan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 50 tuturan yang memenuhan prinsip kesantunan dan 21 tuturan yang melanggaran prinsip kesantunan Leech. Pemenuhan maksim Leech meliputi maksim penerimaan 34,54% (19 tuturan), maksim kecocokan 27,27% (15 tuturan), maksim kerendahan hati 16,36% (9 tuturan), maksim kebijaksanaan 12,72% (7 tuturan), maksim kesimpatian 7,27% (4 tuturan), dan maksim kemurahan hati 1,81% (1 tuturan). Pelanggaran maksim Leech melitupi, maksim kecocokan 52,38% (11 tuturan), maksim penerimaan 14,28% (3 tuturan), maksim kerendahan hati 14,28% (3 tuturan), maksim kesimpatian 9,52% (2 tuturan), maksim kebijaksanaan 4,76% (1 tuturan), dan maksim kemurahan hati 4,76% (1 tuturan). Pemenuhan dan pelanggaran maksim kesantunan menimbulkan dampak psikologis positif dan negatif.
Kata Kunci : prinsip kesantunan, Talkshow Rumpi (No Secret), teori Geoffery Leech

This study aimed at describing (1) the fulfillment of the politeness principles on Rumpi (No Secret) Talk Show on Trans TV; (2) The violation of the politeness principles on Rumpi (No Secret) Talk Show on Trans TV; and (3) the psychological impact of compliance and violation of the politeness principles by the speaker on the interlocutor on Rumpi (No Secret) Talk Show on Trans TV. To achieve these objectives, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive design by targeting the speech of the host and guest stars as the objects of the study. This research subjects were the host and the guest stars of Rumpi (No Secret) Talk Show which was aired on Trans TV. The data were collected by using documentation and observation methods. The data analysis stages included (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) conclusion drawing / verification. The results showed that there were 50 utterances that fulfilled the politeness principles and 21 utterances that violate the Leech’s politeness principles. The fulfillment of Leech’s maxims included approbation maxims by 34.54% (19 utterances), agreement maxims by 27.27% (15 utterances), modesty maxims by 16.36% (9 speech), tact maxims by 12.72% (7 of speech), sympathy maxims by 7.27% (4 utterances), and generosity maxims by 1.81% (1 utterances). Leech’s violation maxims included agreement maxims by 52.38% (11 utterances), approbation maxims by 14.28% (3 utterances), modesty maxims by 14.28% (3 utterances), sympathy maxims by 9.52% (2 of utterances), tact maxims by 4.76% (1 utterances), and generosity maxim by 4.76% (1 utterances). The fulfillment and the violation of politeness maxims emerged positive and negative psychological impacts.
keyword : politeness principles, Rumpi (No Secret) Talk Show, Geoffery Leech’s teory




