Emina Girl Gang Ambassador (EGGA) As A Public Relations Marketing Strategy in Building Emina Cosmetic’s Brand Image
marketing public relations, brand image, strategy, roles, peer groupsAbstract
Cosmetics are ingredients that are used to support one's appearance and at the same time have a good impact on the health of the human body. Nowadays, cosmetics are not only used for aesthetic effect, they also increase self-confidence and look more attractive. The steadily increasing growth of the local cosmetics business sector in Indonesia has become a subject of attention for PT Paragon Technology and Innovation which is a cosmetics company that owns three main brands: Make Over, Wardah and Emina Cosmetic. In this study, the researcher intends to discuss in depth Emina of PT paragon through the best strategy to maintain a firm presence in the competitive business of local cosmetics. Certainly, Effective and creative strategies are. Without a doubt, needed so that the company can compete on attracting public attention, one of these strategies is the application of Emina Girl Gang Ambassador (EGGA) as a Public Relations Marketing strategy in the company. Through this study, the researcher intends to determine and analyze the role of Emina Girl Gang Ambassador in 7 Marketing Public Relations tools by Kotler and Keller. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques of semi-structured interviews and data reduction analysis techniques by Miles and Huberman. The results showed that Emina's brand from PT Paragon Technology and Innovation used 2 main tools from 7 points presented by Kotler and Keller, namely events and sponsors.
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