International Journal of Social Science and Business <hr style="border: 0.5px solid black;" /> <table class="data" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Journal title</td> <td width="80%"><strong>International Journal of Social Science and Business</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Initials</td> <td width="80%"><strong>IJSSB</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Abbreviation</td> <td width="80%"><strong>I. J of Social Science and Business</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Four issues per year </strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td width="80%"><strong>prefix 10.23887/ijssb</strong><strong><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Print ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2614-6533</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Online ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2549-6409</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dr. Gede Adi Yuniarta, S.E.Ak, M.Si.</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="80%"><a href=""><strong>Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Organizer</td> <td width="80%"><strong>LPPM - Undiksha</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <hr style="border: 0.5px solid black;" /> <p>International Journal of Social Science and Business (IJSSB) is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal published by Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Undiksha), Indonesia. The main objective of IJSSB is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. IJSSB aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in Businnes and social science and become the leading journal in Businnes and social science in the world.</p> <p><strong>p-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2614-6533</a> (printed) and e-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2549-6409</a> (online)</strong></p> Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha en-US International Journal of Social Science and Business 2614-6533 The The Analysis of Influence of Performance Management Policy to Employees Satisfaction in KPP Madya Jakarta Barat <p>This study aims to create employee performance in accordance with the bureaucratic reform plan, increase human resources, and productivity at the West Jakarta Madya Tax Service Office (KPP). The subjects of this study include the Head of Supervision Section, Functional Examiner, Extension Functional Officer, and Account Representative. The informant sample was taken using the purposive sampling method, involving 7 participants representing various positions in KPP Madya West Jakarta. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively descriptively. The results showed that independent variables which include policy clarity systems, human resources, leadership, motivation, and job satisfaction had a significant influence on employee performance at KPP Madya West Jakarta. In addition, forced ratings and distributions also affect employee job satisfaction, as well as the amount of performance allowances received. These findings provide an understanding of the complex relationship between the rating system, human resources, leadership, motivation, and job satisfaction in KPP Madya West Jakarta. This research has important implications in the development of effective strategies to improve employee performance through a measurable, objective, accountable, and transparent rating system.</p> Agnes Anita Carolina Deddy Supriady Bratakusumah Maya Puspita Dewi Copyright (c) 2023 Agnes Anita Carolina, Deddy Supriady Bratakusumah, Maya Puspita Dewi 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 1 9 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.66360 The Success of Digital Transformation through Cloud: Revolutionary Innovation at PT Telekomunikasi Selular Indonesia <p>The competitiveness in the digital era is strengthened by many companies through digital transformation, such as PT Telekomunikasi Selular Indonesia, which adopted cloud computing. However, they faced increased service disruptions and usage costs exceeding the initial design in the early stages of implementation. This study aims to analyses the crucial factors determining the success of digital transformation in the implementation of cloud technology at PT Telkomsel. In this research, the phenomenon under study is explored through a case study approach, utilizing Creswell's Data Analysis Technique and triangulation validation tests, including in-depth interviews, observations, and secondary data collection. The informants involved in this research are internal and external experts in their fields and are involved in this cloud project. In addition to involving informants from the IT department, informants from other departments are also involved to provide a comprehensive understanding of this research. The Critical Success Factors (CSF) model for cloud projects by Corriea and Martens (2022) is used as a framework to identify the determining factors for the success of a cloud project. The analysis results show that people, change management, contract, and communication are factors of concern in the success of digital transformation in the implementation of cloud technology at PT Telkomsel. Thus, this research provides valuable insights to improve strategy and approach in cloud implementation and serves as a learning resource for other organizations undergoing digital transformation using cloud technology.</p> Arliadinda Danusaputro Dodie Tricahyono Moh Riza Sutjipto Copyright (c) 2024 Arliadinda Danusaputro, Dodie Tricahyono, Moh Riza Sutjipto 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 10 26 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.73593 Good Corporate Governance: Three Ways of Moderating Infrastructure Companies Should Be Aware <p>This study aims to analyze the interaction between good corporate governance with profitability, free cash flow, and company size against fluctuating dividend policies. This research was conducted on infrastructure companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in the 2017-2021 period. The research sample consisted of 21 companies with a total of 85 observational data obtained through the purposive sampling method. Data analysis was carried out using linear panel data analysis techniques and using the Eviews 12 application for data processing. The results of this study show that profitability has a positive influence on dividend policy, while free cash flow does not have a significant influence on dividend policy, and company size has a negative influence on dividend policy. In addition, this study also found that good corporate governance can moderate the effect of profitability on dividend policy, but is unable to moderate the effect of free cash flow and company size on dividend policy. The conclusion of this study is that profitability is an important factor in determining the dividend policy of infrastructure companies. Good corporate governance also has an important role in influencing the relationship between profitability and dividend policy. However, free cash flow and company size do not have a significant effect on dividend policy. The implications of this study are the importance of infrastructure companies to pay attention to these factors in making decisions related to dividend policy, as well as the importance of implementing good corporate governance to ensure optimal dividend policy.</p> Arry Eksandy Copyright (c) 2024 Arry Eksandy 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 27 35 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.68165 Tourism Management: Antecedents of Tourism Sharing Behavior, Visitor Satisfaction as Mediate <p>The tourism sector in East Java can increase economic growth, so it must be maintained and further enhanced to be able to create new business opportunities, places to learn history, culture, and other positive values. This study aims to explore the impact of visitor satisfaction on tourist attractions in East Java, focusing on factors that influence tourism sharing behavior. The sample of this study was obtained as many as 100 respondents. The analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Squares (SEM PLS 3.0). The study found that cultural attractions had no effect on tourism sharing behavior, and general attractions had no effect on tourism sharing behavior. Cultural attractions affect visitor satisfaction (Tourist), public attractions affect visitor satisfaction (Tourist), and visitor satisfaction (Tourist) is able to mediate a strong influence between variations in variables of General Attraction and Cultural Attractions on Tourism sharing behavior. The findings of this study prove that when travelers feel satisfied with the attractions displayed, they will share with others in their community. The implication of these findings is the importance of paying attention to visitor satisfaction factors in the management of tourist attractions, as well as considering cultural and general attractions as important factors in improving the tourist experience in East Java.</p> Suwitho Suwitho Triyonowati Triyonowati Hindah Mustika Fastha Aulia Pradhani Copyright (c) 2023 Suwitho Suwitho, Triyonowati, Hindah, Fastha aulia 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 36 45 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.63979 Impact of Economic Growth and Quality of Human Resources on Unemployment: Central Sulawesi Case Study 2016-2020 <p>This study aims to determine the effect of economic growth and the quality of human resources on the open unemployment rate in Central Sulawesi Province. The use of panel data regression is essential to find the magnitude of the influence of economic growth variables and the quality of human resources on the open unemployment rate in Central Sulawesi Province to be used as a basis for analysis. The results showed that high economic growth and the increase in the Human Development Index (HDI) in Central Sulawesi Province have not reduced the open unemployment rate in Central Sulawesi Province. Based on the results of regression panel data, this condition shows that economic growth has a positive but insignificant effect on unemployment because the classification of mining and quarrying business fields still supports economic growth. The quality of human resources (H.R.) has a negative but not significant effect on the open unemployment rate in Central Sulawesi in the 2010-2020 period because the improvement in the quality of human resources has not been evenly distributed in areas in Central Sulawesi Province, especially in the regions that rely on mining and quarrying activities that receive more workers from outside Central Sulawesi Province. This research still needs to be continued by considering the variables of wages and working hours in the research model.</p> Laendatu Paembonan Yohan Rahmayanti Nabir Copyright (c) 2024 Laendatu Paembonan, Yohan, Rahmayanti Nabir 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 46 61 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.72148 Examining Customer Loyalty in the Children's Clothes Segment of Matahari Department Store in Indonesia <p>The children's fashion retail industry is very competitive. As a retailer, Matahari Departement Store needs to consider which customer experience elements drive customer satisfaction and loyalty to the children's clothes brand Donita in Medan. This research aims to determine whether the quality of children's clothes retail products will influence customer satisfaction and loyalty when buying at retailers. This research design is quantitative with associative causality research and a non-probability purposive sampling method. One hundred questionnaires can perform descriptive statistics by processing data for the SMARTPLS method. The research results show that all variables have a positive and significant effect. Customers expect quality children's clothes products to perform well, and aesthetics and models have good resistance to satisfaction (t-statistic value 17.738) and customer loyalty (t-statistic value 8.643). Customers will be more loyal if their expectations are met from the perception of the quality and value of the clothes they buy (t-statistic value 5.065). So, it can be concluded that loyalty will be higher if satisfaction with product quality has been appropriately met. The novelty of this research is that even though children's clothes customers are loyal to a brand/product, repeated purchasing decisions do not occur when the product design/model is not liked. The quality of the clothing is poor because the dress's color fades quickly.</p> Bambang Suwarno Soraya Alya Copyright (c) 2023 Bambang 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 62 72 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.69108 Organizational Capacity of the PMPTSP Office of Bandar Lampung City in Implementing A Collaborative and Dynamic Work System <p>Organizational change capacity determines how easily an organization can implement organizational change. This study aims to provide an overview of the organizational capacity analysis of the Bandar Lampung City PMPTSP Office in implementing a new collaborative and dynamic work system. This research is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The results of this study show that the organizational capacity of the Bandar Lampung City PMPTSP Office can support the implementation of a new collaborative and dynamic work system, especially in the leadership aspect. Strong leadership commitment with transformational and transactional leadership styles is a modality for the organizational capacity of the PMPTSP Office to overcome all challenges and obstacles in the early stages of the process and the sustainability of organizational change. The Head of PMPTSP Bandar Lampung City Office has actualized the transformational and transactional leadership style optimally. This is evidenced by various assessment achievements with good predicates and awards that have been received from various parties. The organizational capacity of the PMPTSP Office to make changes is getting stronger with the commitment and support of the Mayor of Bandar Lampung to improve public services. Budget constraints, especially for human resource development, can be overcome by developing knowledge sharing through internal meetings and discussions and creating social media (WhatsApp and Telegram). The implication of this research is the importance of strengthening leadership commitment and support from related parties in facing challenges and obstacles in organizational change.</p> Benny Iswardi Deddy Supriady Bratakusumah Copyright (c) 2023 Benny Iswardi, Deddy Supriady Bratakusumah 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 73 83 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.68136 The Effect of Customer Perception Value on Customer Satisfaction on Consumers of Religious Tour Packages in Bekasi-West Java; Purchase Intention as an Intervening Variable <p>In the tour and travel business, creating, improving, and maintaining customer satisfaction is very important considering the increasingly fierce competition. One dimension that affects customer satisfaction is Customer Perceived Value, where companies strive to provide better value than competitors. This study aims to analyze the effect of Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction with Purchase Intention as an Intervening variable in religious tour package consumers in Bekasi. This study involved 300 tourists who had enjoyed religious tour packages provided by 10 Bekasi-based religious tour package providers, with 30 respondents per religious tour package operator. The data obtained from the results of questionnaires distributed to respondents were then analyzed using statistical methods. Statistical testing on the path analysis model was carried out using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results showed that Customer Perceived Value has a positive and significant influence on Customer Satisfaction. In addition, Customer Perceived Value also has a positive and significant influence on Purchase Intention. This finding shows the importance of Customer Perceived Value in creating customer satisfaction and increasing purchase intent in the context of religious tourism packages in Bekasi. The implications of this research can provide guidance for religious tour package providers in increasing customer satisfaction and obtaining higher purchase intentions.</p> Dhian Tyas Untari Fata Nidaul Khasanah Timorora Sandha Perdhana Tulus Sukreni Basuki Antariksa Yanuar Farida Wismayanti Copyright (c) 2023 Dhian Tyas Untari 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 84 92 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.68148 Evaluation of the Samisade (Satu Miliar Satu Desa) Program in Bogor Regency <p>This study aims to evaluate the Satu Miliar Satu Desa (Samisade) program. The Samisade initiative in Bogor Regency has been funding village infrastructure since 2021 with the goal of fostering regional development in rural areas. This research focuses on the Samisade program, which aims to improve rural economies, reduce poverty, and promote local development. Data was collected through online news and in-depth observations from community members, village heads, sub-district heads, agencies, and the regent of Bogor Regency. The study uses descriptive-qualitative methods and Nvivo 12 Plus tools to analyze the data, ensuring the program's effectiveness and meeting community expectations. The research provides a comprehensive understanding of the program's impact on rural development. According to the study, the Samisade program in Bogor Regency has greatly aided village officials in developing infrastructure, promoting health, education, and growth-oriented programs, and controlling and carrying out accountability. The initiative was funded by an IDR 7.6 trillion budget increase of 10% for 2021, which allowed the program's debut in 2020. Despite obstacles, the Samisade Program in Bogor Regency has been successfully carried out, with its goals, objectives, and techniques being recognized. It has contributed to ongoing infrastructural improvement and economic growth.</p> Diana Michel Dyah Mutiarin Halimah binti Abdul Manaf Copyright (c) 2023 Diana Michel, Dyah Mutiarin, Halimah binti Abdul Manaf 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 93 104 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.68125 Investment Decisions' Impact on Corporate Value: Analyzing Profitability, Leverage, Company Size, and Age Moderation Effects <p>The global economic issues affecting Indonesia's property and real estate sector highlight how investors evaluate company performance based on various factors such as cash availability, sales levels, debt, and company size. This study aims to analyze the impact of investment decisions on company value, moderated by profitability, with leverage, company size, and company age as control variables. This quantitative research use purposive selection approaches to selectively target property and real estate businesses that match particular criteria and were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2018 and 2022. In order to validate the statistical model, the data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression, which aims to examine the correlations between numerous independent and dependent variables via the use of traditional assumption tests and hypothesis testing. According to this research, investment choices have a detrimental effect on a company's value; however, these effects may be mitigated by profitability. Control factors such as leverage, age, and size have a beneficial impact on the value of the firm. when combined with investment decisions moderated by profitability. These results underscore the importance of considering factors such as profitability, leverage, company size, and company age in investment decision-making to enhance company value.</p> Faridatul Munawaroh Agus Munandar Copyright (c) 2024 Faridatul Munawaroh, Agus Munandar 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 105 116 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.73628 The Effect of Fixed Asset Administration and Organizational Commitment on The Quality Of SKPD Financial Statements In The Regional Government of West Bandung Regency <p>Financial statement contained important information that allowed for accurate policy implementation. Financial statement must benefit all stakeholders. However, BPK's review found that the financial statement still contained irrelevant information. This was related to unverified National Health Insurance member data. Therefore, realizing the value of spending must be supported by reliable data, leading to overspending. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of fixed asset administration and organizational commitment on the quality of Regional Facilities Working Unit (SKPD) financial statement in the Regional Government of West Bandung Regency. The verification method was used in the study to assess the validity of the hypothesis made through the collection of field data. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fixed asset administration (X1) and organizational commitment (X2) on the quality of SKPD Financial Statements in The Regional Government of West Bandung Regency (Y). The survey included 94 respondents of 47 SKPD from the Regional Equipment Working Unit (SKPD). SPSS version 16 software was used to perform data analysis, including validity, reliability, and linear regression. The results showed that the regression analysis demonstrated the effect of fixed asset administration and organizational commitment on the quality of SKPD Financial Statements in The Regional Government of West Bandung Regency. Overall, good fixed asset administration and high organizational commitment were important aspects to improve the quality of SKPD financial statements in the Regional Governments of West Bandung Regency.</p> Fitra Nur Rahima Berliana Karlinda Silviana Copyright (c) 2024 Fitra Nur Rahima 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 117 123 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.71782 Development Innovative Work Behavior for Companies? Analysis of Self-Efficacy, Organizational Justice, and Psychological Empowerment as Predictors <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of self-efficacy, organizational fairness, and psychological empowerment on innovative work behavior of employees at state banks. This study uses a quantitative approach with research instruments and quantitative data analysis to test predetermined hypotheses. The research data were obtained through documentation instruments and distribution of online questionnaires to 150 employees of state-run banks, selected using purposive sampling methods. The results showed that self-efficacy and psychological empowerment had a positive and significant influence on employees' innovative work behavior. However, organizational fairness does not significantly affect innovative work behavior. The implication of this finding is the importance of companies, especially bank managers, to pay attention to the fair and transparent application of organizational justice in order to maintain and improve innovative work behavior of employees. In addition, aspects of self-efficacy and psychological empowerment also need to be considered to encourage optimal innovative work behavior. Thus, this study contributes to the understanding of the factors that influence the innovative work behavior of employees in state banks, as well as providing direction for company management in improving performance and innovation in the work environment.</p> Kaharuddin Kaharuddin Sofiyan Sofiyan Acai Sudirman Copyright (c) 2023 Kaharuddin Kaharuddin, Sofiyan Sofiyan, Acai Sudirman 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 124 132 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.56489 The Effect of Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment on Unemployment <p>This study aims to investigate the problem of failed employment growth in The Gambia that is not in line with the increase in the country's workforce, particularly related to the high speed of college graduates entering the workforce. The study is a quantitative study using annual time-series data from 1990 to 2021 from The Gambia, with datasets that include variables such as GDP growth, foreign direct investment, and unemployment rates. The data was extracted from the World Bank database and analyzed using the E-views statistical package. This study used augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root tests and autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) models against existing data sets. The results showed that there was no long-term correlation between the variables studied. In particular, in the short term, economic growth has a negative and insignificant influence on the unemployment rate in The Gambia, while foreign direct investment has a positive and significant impact. The implications of this study suggest that the Gambian government needs to maintain budget restrictions and allocate planned expenditures to meet the infrastructure development needed for businesses to thrive. The Gambia is also advised to attract greenfield investment to create new jobs, by encouraging foreign investors to get involved in sectors of the country's native economy, including the agricultural and manufacturing industries.</p> Sainey A. Bojang Muhammad Sri Wahyudi Suliswanto Copyright (c) 2023 Sainey A. Bojang, Muhammad Sri Wahyudi Suliswanto 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 133 141 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.55721 The Influence of E-Service Quality on Customer Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction Among Livin' by Mandiri Users <p>Advances in information technology and the widespread proliferation of the internet have significantly changed service delivery. Banks are currently faced with demands to innovate in banking services and electronic services, particularly in the context of mobile banking. This study aims to analyze the impact of factors such as interface design, reliability, responsiveness, trust, and personalization on the level of customer satisfaction among Livin' by Mandiri application users. Data for this study was collected through the use of an online questionnaire distributed through Google Forms. This study used purposive sampling method for sample selection, with a sample size consisting of 408 customers using the Livin' by Mandiri application. Data analysis in this study was conducted using the SEM-PLS (Partial Least Squares) method. The results of this study show a significant positive relationship between factors such as interface design, reliability, responsiveness, trust, and personalization with customer satisfaction among Livin by Mandiri users. Furthermore, research findings show that customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty in the context of Livin by Mandiri. In addition, the study's findings reveal the significant positive influence of factors such as interface design, reliability, responsiveness, trust, and personalization on customer loyalty, with customer satisfaction acting as a mediator among Livin by Mandiri users.</p> Muhammad Yustan Al Firdaus Indira Rachmawati Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Yustan Al Firdaus, Indira Rachmawati 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 142 150 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.69777 Assessment of Product Attributes, Consumer Perceived Value, and Repurchase Intention: A Case of All-You-Can-Eat Beef Buffet <p>Products with higher attribute values will create higher consumer value perceptions. The higher the perceived value, the higher the consumer's repurchase intention on the product. This study seeks to analyse the effect of product attributes on the consumer's perceived value and intention to repurchase beef dishes at the All-You-Can-Eat (AYCE) buffet. Unrestricted self-selected surveys were conducted with convenience sampling is utilized, and the number of samples obtained is 230 respondents. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis was used to investigate the effect of the variables. This study reveals that respondents are predominantly female (66.10%) in the range of 18 to 25 years old, and have visited AYCE to buy beef dishes at least one time. The higher the product attributes value, the higher the consumer's perceived value of beef dishes at AYCE buffet (p &lt;0.05). Regarding the intention to repurchase, this study indicated that perceived value and product attributes have a significant positive effect (p &lt;0.05) on consumers' intention to repurchase beef dishes at AYCE buffet. This research highlights the both intrinsic and extrinsic product attributes bring high perceived value and consumer repurchase intentions. The findings of this study recommend marketers for developing effective marketing strategies through adding value to consumers. Differentiation products and making the decision on intrinsic and extrinsic attributes. To compete with similar businesses, product attributes need to be upgraded and given careful consideration.</p> Mujtahidah Anggriani Ummul Muzayyanah Wahyu Eka Putri Copyright (c) 2023 Mujtahidah Anggriani Ummul Muzayyanah, Wahyu Eka Putri 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 151 160 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.57481 The Effect of Intellectual Capital on MSME Performance Through Innovation as an Intervening Variable <p>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play an important role in the Indonesian economy. This study aims to explore the influence of intellectual capital on MSME performance through innovation. Using the purposive sampling method, questionnaires were distributed to 98 MSME owners in Indonesia. Data analysis was performed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the SMART PLS application. The results of SEM analysis show that intellectual capital has a positive effect on innovation (t-statistics = 120,105) and MSME performance (t-statistics = 18,863). In addition, innovation also has a positive effect on the performance of MSMEs (t-statistics = 12,010). This finding confirms that improving the performance of MSMEs requires strong intellectual capital and is supported by effective innovation. Thus, increasing innovation can be key in improving the performance of MSMEs. This research makes an important contribution in the understanding of the relationship between intellectual capital, innovation, and MSME performance. The implications of these findings can help MSME owners and related stakeholders to improve intellectual capital management strategies and innovations to improve the performance of MSMEs in Indonesia.</p> Renya Rosari Trinandari Prasetyo Nugrahanti Laili Savitri Noor Mohammad Muslimin Akhmad Nur Zaroni Copyright (c) 2023 Renya Rosari, Trinandari Prasetyo Nugrahanti, Laili Savitri Noor, Mohammad Muslimin, Akhmad Nur Zaroni 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 161 168 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.68776 Analysis Customer Satisfaction and its Implications for Customer Loyalty and Purchase Intention for Cinepolis Cinemas Tickets <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of E-service quality, price perception, brand image, and perceived value on customer satisfaction, as well as its implications for customer loyalty and ticket purchase intention of Cinepolis Cinemas. This study used a quantitative approach involving 120 respondents as a sample. The sampling method uses a non-probability sampling approach using a purposive sampling formula. The results showed that price perception, brand image, and perceived value positively and significantly affect customer satisfaction. In addition, customer satisfaction also has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty and purchase intent. Nevertheless, the quality of E-service has a positive but not significant effect on customer satisfaction. Therefore, it is concluded that to maintain customer satisfaction with Cinepolis Cinemas tickets, companies need to improve the quality aspects of E-service, especially in terms of completeness of online payment features and data security for online service users. This research provides valuable insights for companies in improving customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and purchase intent through improving price perception, brand image, perceived value, and E-service quality. The implications of these findings could help companies develop more effective marketing strategies and improve the overall customer experience.</p> Rosita Manawari Girsang Darwin Lie Fedianty Augustinah Acai Sudirman Copyright (c) 2023 Rosita Manawari Girsang, Darwin Lie, Kaharuddin Kaharuddin, Acai Sudirman 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 169 181 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.56488 Establishing Land Rights: The Vital Role of Indigenous Community Institutions in Controlling Land Ownership Certificates <p>The current issues related to land ownership rights revolve around the frequent complaints from the community about the authenticity of customary land release documents and some individuals within the indigenous community deliberately selling communal land that does not belong to them. Hence, it is necessary to analyze the role of the Indigenous Community Institution (ICI) in addressing land ownership issues. This research is qualitative in nature, with the research subjects being members of the ICI of Village and the indigenous community present in the village. The data collection methods used include observation, interviews, and documentation. After obtaining data through observation, interviews, and document collection, this data will go through a systematic series of analysis stages. These stages include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions based on information obtained from informants or sources related to the role of the Indigenous Community Institution (ICI) in supporting the issuance of land ownership certificates. The Indigenous Community Institution (ICI) of Village has three main roles, namely the Interpersonal Role, the Informational Role, and the Decision-Making Role. The ICI serves as a bridge between the indigenous community, the government, and the general public, with the aim of ensuring fair and pro-indigenous community policies. To enhance its effectiveness, communication and collaboration between the ICI, the government, and the community need to be strengthened. Additionally, there should be education and awareness-raising among the indigenous community regarding their customary land ownership rights.</p> Samel W. Ririhena Hesty Tambajong Hubertus Oja Paul A. Moento Copyright (c) 2023 Samel W. Ririhena, Hesty Tambajong , Hubertus Oja, Paul A. Moento 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 182 189 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.67942 The Strategy for Developing a Marketplace Promotion Model Based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Online Marketing in Indonesia <p>The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed the way human interaction and daily activities are carried out. The limitations of direct human interaction have driven the development of AI, which improves the operational efficiency of organizations. AI has penetrated various industries, especially the digital commerce sector, where AI has become a valuable tool to increase promotion and sales. In the face of these challenges, companies need to wisely integrate AI into their operations to deliver balanced benefits to their customers and businesses. This research focuses on the case study of Tokopedia, a fast-growing online marketplace in Indonesia. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach, allowing in-depth analysis of complex social phenomena. Internal and external data were collected through in-depth interviews, nonparticipatory observation, and document analysis. The results showed that the AI-based promotion model significantly increased product purchases. This study reveals how Tokopedia successfully leveraged AI technology to increase product appeal, personalize customer experience, and ultimately increase sales. In a competitive digital market, AI-based promotion strategies are crucial to success. The implications of this research show that AI has great potential to transform business operations in the digital marketplace, and companies that are able to optimize AI have a great opportunity to increase sales and achieve success in an increasingly competitive era.</p> Sunarta Budi Permana Copyright (c) 2023 Sunarta 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 190 197 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.68941 The Influence of Implementing Government Accounting Standards, Government Internal Control Systems, Utilization of Information Technology and Apparatus Competence on the Quality of West Java Provincial Government Financial Reports <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of the application of government accounting standards, government internal control systems, the use of information technology, and the ability of apparatus on the quality of the financial statements of the West Java Provincial Government. The population of this study consists of offices and agencies in the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) in the West Java Provincial Government, totaling 38 agencies. This study used primary data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to the compilers of the financial statements of each OPD. The research sample consisted of 38 respondents representing the OPD. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis using the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) program version 26. The results showed that together, the application of government accounting standards, government internal control systems, the use of information technology, and apparatus capabilities had a significant effect on the quality of the West Java Provincial Government's financial statements, with a significance value of 0.000. This study concludes that the application of government accounting standards, government internal control systems, the use of information technology, and the ability of apparatus have an important role in improving the quality of financial statements. The implication of this study is the importance of the West Java Provincial Government to pay attention to and improve these aspects to improve transparency, accountability, and the quality of financial statements.</p> Asep Sunarya Intan Mauludina Silviana Copyright (c) 2023 Asep Sunarya 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 8 1 198 207 10.23887/ijssb.v8i1.69679