Edutech Undiksha2025-02-12T08:20:21+00:00I Gde Wawan Journal Systems<p> </p> <hr style="border: 0.5px solid black;" /> <table class="data" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Journal title</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Jurnal Edutech Undiksha</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Initials</td> <td width="80%"><strong>JEU</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Abbreviation</td> <td width="80%"><strong>J.Edutech undiksha</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Two issues per year </strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td width="80%"><strong>prefix 10.23887/jeu</strong><strong><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Print ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2614-8609 </strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Online ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2615-2908 </strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>I Gde Wawan Sudatha</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="80%"><a href=""><strong>Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Organizer</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan - Undiksha</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <hr style="border: 0.5px solid black;" /> <p><strong>Jurnal Edutech Undiksha </strong>is a scientific journal published by the Education Technology Study Program, <strong>Fakultas Pendidikan</strong>, <strong>Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha</strong>. This journal aims to accommodate articles of research results and results of community service in the field of education and learning technology. In the end, this journal can provide a reference on the development of science and technology in the field of education for the academic community.</p> <p><strong>p-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2614-8609 </a> (Print) and e-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2615-2908 </a> (Online)<br /></strong></p> Problem-Solving Competencies in Prospective Science Teachers: Comparative Insights on the Flipped Classroom and Direct Instruction Models2025-01-29T23:42:40+00:00I Made Sutikamadesutika@gmail.comNi Made Hari<p>Improving problem-solving skills is a key challenge in science education. Traditional models like Direct Instruction (DI) often limit student engagement, prompting the need for innovative approaches such as the Flipped Classroom (FC) model. This study aims to analyze differences in problem-solving skills between students taught using the FC model and those taught using the DI model. This quasi-experimental research employed a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The sample, consisting of 34 fourth-semester prospective science teachers, was selected through random sampling. The experimental group (FC model) and control group (DI model) each included 17 students. Problem-solving skills were assessed using an essay test in a biophysics course, with a reliability coefficient of 0.717. Data were analyzed descriptively and using ANCOVA at a 5% significance level. The results showed medium improvements in problem-solving skills for both groups, with N-gains of 64.30 for the FC model and 32.94 for the DI model. A significant difference was found between the groups (p < 0.05), with students in the FC group achieving higher problem-solving scores. In conclusion, the FC model is more effective in enhancing problem-solving skills compared to the DI model. Active learning strategies in the FC model foster deeper engagement, supporting the development of essential cognitive skills in science education.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 I Made Sutika, Ni Made Pujani, Ketut Suma, Putu Hari Sudewa the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality-Based Practical Models in Electropneumatic Education in Vocational High Schools2024-01-31T02:50:15+00:00Moch. Situmorangrobinsonsitumorang@gmail.comAnnis Turibus Putu Putrini<p>The challenges in teaching electropneumatics in vocational high schools (SMK) lie in the limited availability of learning media that can facilitate effective and engaging practical activities. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of implementing an augmented reality-based practical model by assessing its impact on: student learning motivation, student learning outcomes, and student satisfaction. The research employed a quantitative method with data collection through tests, checklists, and questionnaires. Data were collected before and after the implementation of the model using pre-tests, post-tests, motivation checklists, and user satisfaction questionnaires. The results indicate that the application of the augmented reality-based practical model effectively increased student learning motivation from the moderate category (58.5) to the high category (76.0). Additionally, students’ learning outcomes showed significant improvement, with average pre-test scores of 54.2 and post-test scores of 77.6. To measure the improvement in student understanding, the N-Gain Score was used, showing a 31.48% increase in understanding, categorized as moderate. Student satisfaction with the application was also rated positively, though there is room for improvement. Descriptive analysis demonstrated that this model significantly enhanced students' understanding of electropneumatic material and had a positive impact on user satisfaction. In conclusion, the augmented reality-based practical model has been proven effective in improving student motivation, learning outcomes, and satisfaction.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Moch. Sukardjo, Robinson Situmorang, Annis Kandriasari, Marsofiyati, Stephanus Turibus Rahmat, Luh Putu Putrini Mahadewi Learning Transformation: The Impact of a Learning Management System-Based E-Book on Classical Assumption Tests in Statistics Courses2024-07-10T13:24:54+00:00Hari Sugiharto Setyaedhi<p>The development of e-books specifically for Statistics courses, particularly regarding classical assumption tests, remains limited. This condition negatively impacts students' learning interest, ultimately affecting their academic performance. This study aims to develop and assess the feasibility of a Learning Management System (LMS)-based e-book on classical assumption tests to provide students with flexible access through the VineSA platform. The research employs a development method using the ADDIE model, consisting of five stages: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The research subjects include material experts, media experts, instructional design experts, language experts, and 90 students. Data collection techniques involve observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods. The validation results indicate that the LMS-based e-book on classical assumption tests is highly feasible for use, with the following scores: material validation at 91% (highly feasible), media validation at 90% (highly feasible), instructional design validation at 94% (highly feasible), language validation at 90% (highly feasible), individual trials at 80% (highly feasible), and small group trials at 83% (highly feasible). The study concludes that the LMS-based e-book is feasible to be used as teaching material and can improve students' academic performance.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hari Sugiharto Setyaedhi , Atan Pramana Learning Accessibility through Digital Libraries: A Study on User Orientation, Resources, and Pedagogical Aspects2023-11-09T03:17:30+00:00Citra Rosalyn Akbar<p>The development of digital technology has driven the transformation of traditional libraries into digital formats to facilitate access to learning resources through internet networks. However, the effectiveness of digital libraries in meeting users' needs still requires comprehensive evaluation. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an Android-based digital library platform used by students of the Educational Technology Study Program. The research employed a quantitative descriptive method with data collection techniques including questionnaires and interviews. The research instruments focused on three main aspects: user orientation, digital learning resources, and pedagogical aspects. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to measure the platform's effectiveness across these aspects. The findings revealed that the digital library platform received positive responses from students, with detailed results indicating an intuitive interface (90%), relevant learning resource collections (95%), good interactivity (85%), and support for collaborative learning (85%). These findings suggest that the Android-based digital library platform has been effective in providing access to learning resources and supporting students' learning processes. The conclusion of this study is that digital libraries can serve as an innovative solution to expand access to learning resources, enhance user engagement, and improve the effectiveness of educational processes in higher education settings.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Citra Rosalyn Anwar, Farida Febriati, Sella Mawarni, Muhammad Akbar Akhmad E-Module in Basic Culinary Arts for Vocational High School Students2024-04-12T10:03:35+00:00Vinny Riana Lubisdist.tira@gmail.comNikmat Akmaldist.tira@gmail.comFatma Tresno<p>The challenges faced in teaching Basic Culinary Arts in vocational high schools (SMK) include the limited availability of effective learning media that can be easily accessed by students. This study aims to develop an Android-based E-Module learning media for the subject of Basic Culinary Arts, focusing on Food Processing Equipment and Food Processing Techniques, using the 4-D development model. This study is limited to three stages of the development model: Define, Design, and Development. The subjects of this study consisted of 2 content experts and 1 media expert. Data were collected using questionnaires to assess the quality of the content and media. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques. The results indicate that the Android-based E-Module learning media developed has been validated by content and media experts. The content expert validation yielded a feasibility percentage of 90%, categorized as "Very Feasible," while the media expert validation showed a feasibility percentage of 94%, categorized as "Very Feasible." Based on these validation results, it can be concluded that the Android-based E-Module for Basic Culinary Arts, covering Food Processing Equipment and Food Processing Techniques, is suitable for use in the learning process.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Vinny Riana Lubis, Nikmat Akmal, Fatma Tresno Ingtyas Book as an Innovative Learning Media to Improve Students' Understanding of Energy Transformation2024-11-14T01:53:22+00:00I Gusti Agung Indra Wayan Gede<p>One of the challenges in science education, especially in the topic of energy transformation, is the difficulty students face in understanding abstract concepts that are often hard to grasp without appropriate media. This study aims to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of the Accordion Book learning media for this topic for grade IV elementary school students. This research uses the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) to produce an innovative and engaging media. Data collection was carried out through validation by media and subject experts, practicality assessment by teachers and students, and effectiveness testing using pre-test and post-test. Data analysis was conducted using Aiken V for validity, average formula for practicality, and paired t-test for effectiveness. The results show that the Accordion Book media has high validity, with an Aiken V score of 0.95 for media experts and 0.94 for subject experts. The practicality of the media is also very good, with an average score of 3.8 from teachers and 3.84 from students. Effectiveness testing reveals a significant difference between the students' pre-test and post-test scores (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the use of the Accordion Book significantly improves students' learning outcomes on the topic of energy transformation. This media has proven effective in presenting the material in a visual and contextual manner, motivating students to be more active, and enhancing their understanding of abstract concepts. This study concludes that the Accordion Book can be an innovative and effective alternative learning media, and it can be applied to other science topics.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 I Gusti Agung Indra Jaya, Ni Wayan Rati, I Gede Margunayasa HOTS-Based Assessment Instrument for Hindu Religious Education in Junior High School2025-02-02T08:15:28+00:00L. Eka M. Julianingsih Pl.eka.m.j.p.90@gmail.comNi Luh Purnamasuari Prapnuwantipurnamasuari654@gmail.comKetut Bali Sastrawanpurnamasuari654@gmail.comPutu Wulandari<p>The low level of critical and analytical thinking skills among students in understanding Hindu Religious Education materials indicates the need to develop an assessment instrument that fosters higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). This study aims to develop a HOTS-based assessment instrument for Hindu Religious Education in Grade IX of junior high school, with the goal of enhancing students' critical and analytical thinking abilities in comprehending the subject matter. The research employs the ADDIE model, which consists of five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research subject comprises the developed instrument, with instrument feasibility as the research object. Data were collected using a questionnaire completed by expert lecturers and students of Hindu Religious Education. The results indicate that the developed instrument has a very high feasibility rating, based on trials conducted by lecturers with average percentages of 88.8% and 88.2%, respectively, falling into the "Very Feasible" category. The average score from the student response trial was 87.4%, placing the product within the "Very Good" category, which suggests its suitability for classroom use. It can be concluded that the developed assessment tool is not only valid and reliable but also effective in promoting critical thinking and cognitive engagement among students. By aligning the instrument with core competencies and HOTS indicators, this study contributes to ongoing efforts to improve educational practices, particularly in religious education.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Luh Purnamasuari Prapnuwanti, Ketut Bali Sastrawan, Putu Wulandari Tristanda, L. Eka M. Julianingsih P Responsive Inquiry Adaptive Navigation to Enhance Acid-Base Titration Understanding in Bali Schools 2024-12-15T20:25:44+00:00Ketut Sepdyana Nyoman Tri Anindia Made Marthana Nyoman Widhi<p>Students' conceptual understanding of acid-base titration remains a challenge in high school science education. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the TRIAN model in improving cognitive learning outcomes and user satisfaction. A mixed-methods approach was employed, involving 60 high school students in Bali as research participants. Quantitative data were collected through pre-tests and post-tests, while qualitative data were gathered through observations, interviews, and user feedback. The effectiveness evaluation was conducted using Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Model, focusing on the Learning level to measure knowledge and skill improvements. The results indicated a 50% increase in students' conceptual understanding, with statistically significant improvements based on paired t-test analysis (p < 0.01). Additionally, findings from the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) revealed high satisfaction levels, particularly in the dimensions of attractiveness, stimulation, and efficiency. These findings suggest that the TRIAN model effectively enhances cognitive learning outcomes while integrating cultural values into the learning process. This study concludes that the TRIAN model, supported by TitraSee AR, offers a holistic and engaging approach to science education by bridging modern technology and local cultural traditions. Future research could explore the application of this model in various educational and cultural contexts.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ketut Sepdyana Kartini, I Nyoman Tri Anindia Putra, I Made Marthana Yusa, I Nyoman Widhi Adnyana Education: Evaluating the Role of 'Corner' Video Game in Improving Conceptual Understanding and Learning Interest2024-04-12T10:10:45+00:00Laswadilaswadi81@gmail.comRhomiy Handicanhandicanrhomiy@gmail.comI Made Arnawaarnawa1963@gmail.comAli<p>The need for innovative approaches in mathematics learning has become increasingly urgent to address the challenges of conceptual understanding and foster sustainable learning interest among students. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational video game "Corner" in enhancing students' mathematical conceptual understanding and strengthening their interest in learning mathematics. The research employed a quasi-experimental method with a Non-equivalent (Pre-test and Post-test) Control Group Design. The instruments used included a mathematical conceptual understanding test and a mathematics learning interest questionnaire. Data were analyzed using independent sample t-tests and paired sample t-tests to compare the results between the experimental and control groups. The findings revealed that the use of the educational game "Corner" significantly improved students' mathematical conceptual understanding. Additionally, there was an increase in students' interest in learning mathematics, as indicated by significant differences between the pre-test and post-test results in the experimental group compared to the control group. These findings suggest that game-based educational media is not only effective in helping students grasp mathematical concepts but also motivates them to become more active and enthusiastic in learning mathematics. Therefore, the use of game-based learning media such as "Corner" can be adopted by educators as an effective strategy to improve the quality of mathematics education in schools.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Laswadi, Rhomiy Handican, I Made Arnawa, Ali Asmar Multimedia in Physical Education: The Effectiveness of Powtoon in Improving Learning Outcomes in Elementary Khusnahemshopiatulkhusna@gmail.comArita<p>The low learning outcomes in physical education among elementary school students are attributed to the use of less interactive and engaging learning media. This condition hinders students' engagement in the learning process, necessitating media innovation to enhance their interest and comprehension. This study aims to develop Powtoon-based interactive multimedia to improve the learning outcomes of fourth-grade elementary school students in physical education. The research employed a research and development (R&D) method by adapting a development model encompassing needs analysis, design, development, and product evaluation stages. Data were collected through pretest and post-test learning outcome assessments conducted before and after the use of interactive media. Data analysis included normality tests using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and homogeneity tests using SPSS version 24, indicating that the data were normally distributed and homogeneous. The t-test results demonstrated a significant difference between pretest and post-test learning outcomes, showing that students' learning outcomes improved significantly after using Powtoon-based interactive multimedia. These findings indicate that Powtoon-based interactive multimedia is effective in enhancing physical education learning outcomes. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of Powtoon-based interactive multimedia has a positive impact on improving the physical education learning outcomes of fourth-grade elementary school students.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Oman, Shofiatul Khusnah, Arita Marini, Gusti Yarmi, Desy Safitri, Sujarwo, Musril Zahari, Leola Dewiyani Elementary Students' Dance Movement Skills Through Doratoon Media Based on Local Cultural Arts2024-04-12T10:17:59+00:00Yetti Misbahudholam<p>Teachers' lack of understanding regarding the concept and purpose of dance education affects the design of learning programs, which tend to be monotonous and less creative. This condition impacts students' dance movement skills in elementary schools. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of Doratoon media based on local cultural arts in improving students' dance movement skills. The research employed a quantitative method with a pre-experimental design of the one-group pretest-posttest type, where one group was tested before and after using the learning media. The research instrument was a dance movement skills test administered to students. The data were analyzed using hypothesis testing through a t-test. The results showed that the use of Doratoon media based on local culture was highly effective in improving students' dance movement skills, as evidenced by the t<sub>value</sub> being higher than the t<sub>table</sub> (9.42 > 2.262). Moreover, the developed dance skills video media has the potential to be published through YouTube as an effort to expand learning access and improve dance skills more actively and creatively. The conclusion of this study is that Doratoon media can be effectively used as an alternative local culture-based learning tool to enhance students' dance movement skills in elementary schools.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Yetti Hidayatillah, Jamilah, Muhammad Misbahudholam AR the Digital Literacy Levels of Junior High School Indonesian Language Teachers: A DigCompEdu Perspective2024-11-04T02:53:42+00:00Gusti Putu Arya Arimbawaarimgst@gmail.comI Made Indra Adhi Wikantaindraadhi84@gmail.comI Wayan Sumarnowayansumarno76@gmail.comGede Rasben Made Agus Oka<p>The advancement of digital technology requires educators to possess adequate digital literacy to effectively integrate technology into the teaching and learning process. However, digital literacy among subject teachers varies widely and requires special attention, especially in maximizing the use of technology to support educational practices. This study aims to provide an overview of the digital literacy levels of Indonesian language teachers at the junior high school level. The research employed a qualitative method with an online survey involving 72 Indonesian language teachers, selected through a cluster-quota sampling technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire adapted from the DigCompEdu model, comprising 22 core statements and 13 additional questions to explore the sample’s characteristics and teaching environment. Data were analyzed by comparing the percentage scores in each aspect of digital literacy within the DigCompEdu model. The results showed that most teachers reached the B1: Integrator level of digital literacy, reflecting their ability to integrate technology effectively into teaching. Teachers predominantly used digital technologies such as presentation media when teaching Indonesian language subjects. However, the study also identified several areas for improvement, including reflective practice, resource selection, teaching, evidence analysis, differentiation and personalization, and communication skills. This study concludes by emphasizing the importance of continuous digital literacy development to enable teachers to maximize the potential of technology in education.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gusti Putu Arya Arimbawa, I Made Indra Adhi Wikanta, I Wayan Sumarno, Gede Rasben Dantes, Gede Indrawan, I Made Agus Oka Gunawan Math Learning with Android: Ethnomathematics Media for 3D Shapes in Elementary Education2024-04-12T10:15:22+00:00Nur<p>The use of smartphones in learning activities holds great potential, especially through Android-based learning media, which allows smartphones to serve as tools for operating learning media in the educational process. This potential is further supported by the characteristics of today's students, who are accustomed to gadgets in their daily lives, so both teachers and students do not face difficulty in adjustment. This study aims to develop an innovative Android-based ethnomathematics learning media product for the topic of 3D shapes for elementary school students. This research is a research and development (R&D) study adopting the Alessi & Trollip model, which includes the stages of planning, design, and development. The subjects of this study include two media experts, two content experts, two fifth-grade teachers, and six sixth-grade students. Data were collected using non-test techniques with instruments in the form of validation questionnaires/feasibility questionnaires for media experts, content experts, teachers, and students. The data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed descriptively to find the average score of each assessment. The results of the study show that the Android-based ethnomathematics learning media received an average total score of 4.65 from media experts, which falls into the "very good" qualification, 4.5 from content experts with the "very good" qualification, 4.5 from two teachers with the "very good" qualification, and 4.3 from students with the "good" qualification. Based on the positive assessments from experts and users, the Android-based learning media developed in this study is deemed "feasible" for use in mathematics learning activities at the elementary school level.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Julianto, Agus Efendi, Gunarhadi E-Modules for Arts Education: Improving Comprehension and Engagement in Nusantara Music Courses2024-12-27T09:14:24+00:00Ayuthia Mayang Yogha Wulan<p>The use of teaching modules in learning processes still faces challenges, especially printed materials that tend to be monotonous and less appealing to students in the digital era. These challenges affect students' understanding and engagement in learning, particularly in courses that require artistic appreciation, such as <em>Nusantara</em> Music. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of developing interactive e-modules to enhance students' comprehension and engagement in this course. The research employed a research and development (R&D) method using the ADDIE development model, which comprises five stages: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Data were collected through pretests and post-tests to measure cognitive and psychomotor learning outcomes. Data analysis was conducted by comparing pretest and post-test results using descriptive statistical tests. The findings revealed that the developed interactive e-module effectively improved students' comprehension, as indicated by significant improvements in post-test scores compared to pretest scores. Additionally, the use of e-modules increased student engagement during the learning process. The study concludes that the ADDIE-based interactive e-module can be effectively utilized as a learning medium to enhance students' learning outcomes in the <em>Nusantara</em> Music course.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ayuthia Mayang Sari, Robby Ferdian, Olan Yogha Pratama, Novita Efendi, Belirda Wulan Dhari Learning Media Development: Improving Elementary Students’ Speaking Skills with Storytelling-Based Audiovisual Tools2024-01-23T04:33:49+00:00I Made Fendy Agus Nyoman Laba<p>The development of innovative learning media is essential to improving students' speaking skills. One of the challenges in teaching speaking skills at the elementary school level is the limited use of interactive and engaging media. This study aims to develop a storytelling-based audiovisual medium that is effective in enhancing the speaking skills of sixth-grade elementary school students. The study employed the ADDIE development method, which consists of five stages: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The research subject was the storytelling-based audiovisual medium, while the research objects included content validity, media validity, user responses, and media effectiveness. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and questionnaires, using instruments such as observation guidelines, rating scale sheets, interview guides, and questionnaires. The results revealed that the developed medium had a high validity level, with a content validity index of 0.92 and a media validity index of 0.91. The practicality of the medium, based on student responses, reached 97% in the excellent qualification category. The effectiveness test showed that the storytelling-based audiovisual medium significantly improved students' speaking skills, with a significance value (2-tailed) of 0.000, which is less than 0.05. This study concludes that the storytelling-based audiovisual medium is effective in enhancing students' speaking skills in elementary school.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 I Made Fendy Agus Gunawan, I Nyoman Laba Jayanta of Digital Comic Media in Enhancing Early Reading Skills for First-Grade Elementary School Students2023-10-18T09:35:15+00:00Vadila Nurista AnandaVadilanurista12@gmail.comKadek Rahayu<p>Not all new students are able to understand letters or reading materials effectively. Many first-grade elementary school students still face challenges in learning to read. This study aims to develop a digital comic learning media designed to improve the reading skills of first-grade elementary school students, particularly on the topic of "Forgiveness." The research type is developmental research using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The research subjects included material experts, media experts, and educational practitioners. The trial subjects consisted of first-grade students, involving an individual trial with three students and a small group trial with nine students. Data collection methods utilized a rating scale with a questionnaire as the instrument. The data analysis technique employed both quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study showed that the evaluation of the material and media tests using Aiken's V formula yielded a percentage of 98%, categorized as "very good." Additionally, the practitioner test analysis indicated a 100% percentage with a "very good" qualification. The individual trial results showed a 100% score, categorized as "very practical." Based on these findings, it can be concluded that digital comic learning media is feasible to be used in learning to enhance the reading skills of first-grade elementary school students.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Vadila Nurista Ananda, Kadek Yudiana, Putu Rahayu Ujianti Student Engagement in Primary Science and Social Learning: The Feasibility of Contextual Interactive Video Media2025-01-28T11:46:23+00:00Cok Istri Dian Agung Gede Pramunditya<p>The lack of interactive, creative, and innovative instructional media provided by educators has resulted in students’ diminished interest and difficulty in concentrating during lessons, thereby leading to lower academic performance. This study aims to develop interactive video media based on the contextual teaching and learning approach for the topic of plant body parts in the fourth-grade science and social curriculum (IPAS) at elementary school. The research employed the ADDIE model, with data collected through observation, interviews, expert evaluations, and trial testing. Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the development of interactive video media indicate that: the design expert judgment test yielded a score of 92.05% in the "very good" category; the feasibility of the interactive video media, as evaluated by subject matter experts, achieved a score of 97.72% in the "very good" category; the scores obtained from learning design experts and media experts were 92.05% in the "very good" category, individual testing yielded a score of 93.33% in the "very good" category, and small group testing yielded a score of 89.72% in the "good" category; the effectiveness test using a correlated t-test produced t_calculated = 12.558, which is greater than t_table = 2.056 at a 5% significance level with 26 degrees of freedom, leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis (H₀) and the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis (H₁). This indicates a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores before and after the use of the interactive video media. It can be concluded that the interactive video media product based on contextual teaching and learning is suitable for use in the learning process.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Cok Istri Dian Natharani, Anak Agung Gede Agung, Didith Pramunditya Ambara of Digital Reference Searches for Islamic Higher Education Students in Central Java, Indonesia2025-01-25T01:18:05+00:00Anisa<p>Islamic university students face challenges in searching for digital references, particularly in utilizing available e-resources, both online and in university libraries. A lack of digital literacy skills, especially in accessing Arabic-language sources, poses a significant obstacle to their academic progress. This study aims to analyze the level of digital literacy skills among Islamic university students in finding digital references and to identify the challenges they encounter. This research employs a quantitative approach with a descriptive method. Data were collected through questionnaires, observations, and document analysis. The study population consists of Islamic university students, with validity testing conducted using the Pearson product-moment formula and reliability testing using Cronbach’s alpha. The findings indicate that students' digital literacy skills in utilizing e-resources are relatively high, with an average total score of 3.25 on a 0.8 scale. This score falls within the moderate category (2.6–3.4). Nevertheless, significant challenges remain in utilizing digital references, particularly in Arabic-language materials, highlighting the need for university policies to enhance students' digital literacy skills, particularly in religious faculties. The study concludes that strengthening digital literacy strategies is essential for improving access to and utilization of academic references in Islamic higher education institutions.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anisa Listiana, Abdul Fatah MAGIC MOODLE: Management Model to Enhance the Professionalism of Guidance and Counseling Teachers2023-12-21T03:46:42+00:00Yari Dwikurnaningsihyaridwikurnaningsih@gmail.comPurwantiyari.dwikurnaningsih@uksw.eduMarinu<p>The implementation of comprehensive guidance and counseling in schools still needs improvement. Various factors, such as inadequate resources, can cause this shortage. This research aims to develop the MGBK MAGIC MOODLE management model to increase the professionalism of guidance and counseling teachers. This research uses a research and development methodology with a mixed methods approach. This validation process involves input from two expert validators. A small-scale trial involving 10 guidance and counseling teachers and a large-scale trial involving thirty guidance and counseling teachers. Data collection methods include interviews, questionnaires, and document analysis. The data collection instrument uses a questionnaire sheet. The data analysis techniques used are qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative descriptive analysis. The research results show that ICT and management experts' validation results are very good. At the limited trial stage, the results showed an average score of 49.79% in the good category and 50.21% in the very good category. In the main field trial, the average score was 54.7% in the very good category, 44.6% in the good category, and 0.7% in the not good category. The results of the main field trial showed that the product effectiveness test provided very positive results. It was concluded that the MGBK MAGIC MOODLE management model successfully provided a practical impact in supporting MGBK management tasks. The MGBK MAGIC MOODLE management model has implications for enhancing the professionalism of counseling teachers through effective technology integration, thereby optimizing the implementation of comprehensive guidance and counseling in schools.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yari Dwikurnaningsih, Purwanti, Marinu Waruwu Science Learning with Augmented Reality: The Impact of Assemblr Edu on Cognitive Dissonance and Thinking Skills2025-01-19T12:32:02+00:00I Kadek Angga Yatha Wayan Wira<p>Third-grade elementary school students often struggle to comprehend the concept of complete metamorphosis, which can trigger cognitive dissonance and hinder the development of complex thinking skills. This study aims to develop an Assemblr Edu-based augmented reality learning media within a metacognitive learning framework to reduce cognitive dissonance and enhance students' complex thinking abilities. The development process follows the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The applied metacognitive strategies encompass planning, monitoring, and evaluating. Data collection methods include questionnaires, essay tests, and interviews with homeroom teachers. Media validity was assessed by four media experts and four subject matter experts, while practicality was evaluated based on responses from 24 third-grade students. The effectiveness of the media was examined using a one-group pretest-posttest design with a sample of 24 students. The data were analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results indicate that Assemblr Edu demonstrates high validity, with scores of 0.94 from media experts and 0.93 from subject matter experts. The practicality assessment yielded a score of 92.88%, categorizing the media as highly effective and practical. Effectiveness testing revealed a significant impact in reducing cognitive dissonance and improving students' complex thinking skills. Thus, this media is effective as a learning aid in metacognitive instruction at the elementary school level.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 I Kadek Angga Yatha Wiweka, I Wayan Widiana, Gede Wira Bayu