Filsafat Ilmu dan Pengembangan Metode Ilmiah
Philosophy of science, Scientific MethodAbstract
This article discusses the philosophy of science and the development of the scientific method, between the philosophy of science and the scientific method has a close relationship. Philosophy of science cannot be separated from scientific rules relating to the scientific method used, and the scientific method is the key word in science. Some of the problems that can become material for the study of scientific activity thinking are all activities related to the universe and its contents while it can be observed (observable) indirectly or directly by utilizing methods and means of assistance, as well as measurable. In order for a science to have an object and scientific method, it must meet several requirements which include the following dimensions/aspects. namely: (1) the ontological aspect (2) the epistemological aspect (3) the axiological aspect. The mindset in the scientific approach consists of an inductive mindset and a deductive mindset. The steps in the scientific method include: Formulating problems, conducting literature studies, formulating hypotheses, testing hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting data, and drawing conclusions. There are two types of scientific research methods, namely qualitative methods and quantitative methods. Types of qualitative research are generally divided into narrative research, phenomenology, ethnography, case studies, grounded theory, participatory action, discourse analysis, document / text / heurmenetic studies, natural observations, centralized interviews, reasoned theory, historical studies, while quantitative research in general include: Descriptive Research, Relationship Research, Correlation Research, Experimental Research, Laboratory, Case Studies, Surrvey, Action Research field, Class Action research, Research development, evaluatif.analytic descriptive.
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