Solitude as a Positive Experience in Times of Social Restrictions
kesendirian, pembatasan sosial, pandemi Covid-19Abstract
The purpose of this article is to discuss solitude during the social distancing era caused by the
Covid-19 pandemic. Various studies showed that the pandemic had an impact on aspects of
human life such as health, economy, social, and education. Aside from those various aspects,
one of the life changes that many people experienced during pandemic is social distancing or physical distancing. People were forced to live in solitude in the social distancing era. In general,
solitude is an uninteresting topic to discuss. The situation is even more viewed negatively and
associated with loneliness, sadness, and even helplessness. In contrast to the negative view, this
article aims to clarify solitude from a more positive standpoint. This study uses a qualitative
method with a literature study approach. The data sources come from various literatures that
intersect social sciences, philosophy and spirituality, particularly those that address the theme of solitude. Three findings were identified and analyzed based on the various literature. First,
solitude encourages individuals to increasingly recognize themselves. Second, solitude creates
a space of freedom for humans, particularly in the context of social relations. Third, solitude brings
people closer to nature. This article closes with a conclusion about the importance of practicing
solitude in certain situations, even outside the context of a pandemic
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