
  • I Nyoman Normal




Tujuan penelitian yang berkaitan dengan akuntansi massa bodi BSK-2 sebagai bahan sisa dalam proses produksi teko coklat (d 18,5 cm – t 24 cm) adalah : (1) Untuk mengetahui harga pokok produksi massa bodi BSK-2 yang seharusnya; (2) Untuk mengetahui perlakuan akuntansi bahan sisa; (3) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan akuntansi bahan sisa terhadap harga pokok produksi teko coklat (d 18,5 cm – t 24 cm); dan (4) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan akuntansi bahan sisa terhadap marjin laba bersih teko coklat (d 18,5 cm – t 24 cm). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Harga pokok produksi massa bodi BSK-2 yang seharusnya adalah Rp 2.459,43 per kg, yang terdiri dari biaya bahan baku Rp 1.651,52, biaya tenaga kerja langsung Rp 302,44, biaya overhead pabrik variabel Rp 89,93, dan biaya overhead pabrik tetap Rp 415,54. Massa bodi BSK-2 adalah barang setengah jadi, karena merupakan hasil akhir dari proses produksi kuarsa, kaolin, tanah Kalimantan, feldspar RRT, dan kapur untuk menghasilkan massa bodi, dan merupakan bahan baku untuk membuat barang keramik berupa teko coklat (d 18,5 cm – t 24 cm); (2) Proses produksi teko coklat (d 18,5 cm – t 24 cm) berbasis lempung Kalimantan menghasilkan bahan sisa, yaitu massa bodi BSK-2 sekitar 4% atau 1,4 kg. Bahan sisa tersebut tidak laku dijual dan timbulnya karena sifat pesanan teko tersebut. Perlakuan akuntansi terhadap biaya pemusnahan bahan sisa (massa bodi BSK-2) dibebankan pada pesanan teko, dengan mendebit barang dalam proses- biaya bahan baku, dan mengkredit persediaan bahan baku. Pembebanan biaya tersebut dapat meningkatkan biaya bahan baku; (3) Perlakuan akuntansi bahan sisa (massa bodi BSK-2) berpengaruh terhadap harga pokok produksi teko coklat (d 18,5 cm – t 24 cm). Harga pokok produksi teko coklat (d 18,5 cm – t 24 cm) sebelum perlakuan bahan sisa adalah Rp 123.954,08 per buah, yang terdiri dari biaya bahan baku Rp 48.250,00, biaya tenaga kerja langsung Rp 57.637,19, biaya overhead pabrik variabel Rp 15.089,42, dan biaya overhead pabrik tetap Rp 2.977,47. Harga pokok produksi teko coklat (d 18,5 cm – t 24 cm) setelah perlakuan bahan sisa adalah Rp 124.054,08 per buah, yang terdiri dari biaya bahan baku Rp 48.350,00, biaya tenaga kerja langsung Rp 57.637,19, biaya overhead pabrik variabel Rp 15.089,42, dan biaya overhead pabrik tetap Rp 2.977,47. Harga pokok produksi teko coklat (d 18,5 cm – t 24 cm) sebelum perlakuan bahan sisa lebih kecil sebesar Rp 100,00 dari pada harga pokok produksi teko coklat (d 18,5 cm – t 24 cm) setelah perlakuan bahan sisa; dan (4) Perlakuan akuntansi bahan sisa (massa bodi BSK-2) berpengaruh terhadap marjin laba bersih teko coklat (d 18,5 cm – t 24 cm). Marjin laba bersih teko coklat sebelum perlakuan bahan sisa adalah Rp 17.363,27. Marjin laba bersih teko coklat setelah perlakuan bahan sisa adalah Rp 17.372,27. Marjin laba bersih teko coklat (d 18,5 cm – t 24 cm) sebelum perlakuan bahan sisa lebih kecil sebesar Rp 90,00 dari pada marjin laba bersih teko coklat (d 18,5 cm – t 24 cm) setelah perlakuan bahan sisa.

Kata kunci : akuntansi, massa bodi BSK-2 sebagai bahan sisa, teko coklat (d 18,5 cm - t 24 cm), harga pokok produksi, marjin laba bersih..


The aims of this research that relate of BSK-2 stoneware as scrap material accounting into production process of brown teapot (d 18,5 cm - h 24 cm) were : (1) To know the cost of goods manufactured BSK-2 stoneware theoretically; (2) To know the accounting treatment of scrap material; (3) To know the influence of accounting treatment of scrap material to cost of goods manufactured brown teapot (d 18,5 cm - h 24 cm); and (4) To know the influence of accounting treatment of scrap material to net profit margin brown teapot (d 18,5 cm - h 24 cm). The research results shew that : (1) The the cost of goods manufactured BSK-2 stoneware theoretically  was Rp 2.459,43 each kg, that followed by raw materal cost Rp 1.651,52, direct labor cost Rp 302,44, variable overhead cost Rp 89,93, and fixed overhead cost Rp 415,54.  The BSK-2 stoneware is a work in process goods, because it was an ending result from production process of quartz, kaolin, Kalimantan clay, RRT feldspar, and lime to produce stoneware, and  it was a raw material to produce ceramics goods that is brown teapot (d 18,5 cm – h 24 cm);(2) The production process of brown teapot (d 18,5 cm - h 24 cm) based Kalimantan clay create scrap material, that is BSK-2 stoneware about 4% or 1,4 kg. Its scrap material was not sold and its creating was caused by its ordering characteristic. The accounting treatment of scrap material annihilation cost (BSK-2 stoneware) was load on brown teapot order, by debit of work in process goods - raw material cost, and credit of raw material cost. Its cost loading can increase raw material cost; 3) The accounting treatment of scrap material (BSK-2) was influence of cost of goods manufactured brown teapot (d 18,5 cm – h 24 cm). Cost of goods manufactured brown teapot (d 18,5 cm – h 24 cm)before accounting treatment of scrap material was Rp 123.954,08 each unit, that followed by raw material cost Rp 48.250,00, direct labor cost  Rp 57.637,19, variable overhead cost Rp 15.089,42, dan fixed overhead cost Rp 2.977,47. Cost of goods manufactured brown teapot (d 18,5 cm – h 24 cm) after accounting treatment of scrap material was Rp 124.054,08 each unit, that followed by raw material cost Rp 48.350,00, direct labor cost  Rp 57.637,19, variable overhead cost Rp 15.089,42, dan fixed overhead cost Rp 2.977,47. Cost of goods manufactured brown teapot (d 18,5 cm – h 24 cm) before accounting treatment of scrap material was smaller about Rp 100,00 than  cost of goods manufactured brown teapot (d 18,5 cm – h 24 cm) after accounting treatment of scrap material; and (4) The accounting treatment of scrap material (BSK-2 stoneware) was influence of net profit margin brown teapot (d 18,5 cm – h 24 cm). Net profit margin brown teapot (d 18,5 cm – h 24 cm) before accounting treatment of scrap material was Rp 17.363,27. Net profit margin brown teapot (d 18,5 cm – h 24 cm) after accounting treatment of scrap material was Rp 17.372,27. Net profit margin brown teapot (d 18,5 cm – h 24 cm) before accounting treatment of scrap material was smaller about Rp 90,00` than net profit margin brown teapot (d 18,5 cm – h 24 cm) after accounting treatment of scrap material.

Keywords  : accounting, BSK-2 stoneware as a scrap material, brown teapot (d 18,5 cm - h 24 cm), cost of goods manufactured, net profit margin.





