Analisis Laporan Arus Kas Pada Koperasi Kredit Swastiastu Singaraja Periode 2010-2012


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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) laporan arus kas pada Koperasi Kredit Swastiastu Singaraja periode 2010-2012, dan (2) analisis laporan arus kas pada Koperasi Kredit Swastiastu Singaraja periode 2010-2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Berdasarkan analisis perbandingan laporan arus kas tahun 2010-2011 dapat terlihat pola aliran kas yaitu kegiatan operasi menghasilkan aliran kas negatif, kegiatan investasi menghasilkan aliran kas positif dan kegiatan pendanaan menghasilkan aliran kas positif. Ini berarti perusahaan atau koperasi menggunakan sebagian investasi dan penarikan pinjaman modal untuk membiayai operasional; (2) Berdasarkan analisis perbandingan laporan arus kas tahun 2011-2012 dapat terlihat pola aliran kas yaitu kegiatan operasi menghasilkan aliran kas negatif, kegiatan investasi menghasilkan aliran kas negatif, dan kegiatan pendanaanmenghasilkan aliran kas positif. Ini berarti perusahaan melakukan kegiatan operasional dan investasi yang sebagian dibiayai dengan dana pinjaman atau penarikan modal. Sebagian dana juga digunakan untuk operasional. Kondisi ini mungkin terjadi pada perusahaan atau koperasi yang sedang tumbuh.

Kata-kata kunci : Laporan Arus Kas, Koperasi.


This study attempts to reveal (1) the cash flow report on Kredit Swastiastu Singaraja Cooperation, during the periode of 2010-2012, and (2) the analysis of the cash flow report of the cooperation in the same periode. The methods being used in this study were interview and documentation. The result of the study shows that (1) Based on the comparative analysis of cash flow report during the period of 2010-2011, it can be seen that operational activity results in negative cash flow, investation activity brings about positive cash flow, and financing activity produces positive cash flow. This means that the company or the cooperation uses half of the investation and the withdrawal of capital loan to afford the operation; (2) Based on the comparative analysis of cash flow report during the period of 2010-2011, it can be seen that there is a pattern of cash flow, in which operational activity results in negative cash flow, investation activity brings about negative cash flow, and financing activity produces positive cash flow. This indicates that the company has done operational and investation activitities, half of which is afforded by means of load budget and capital withdrawal. Half of the financial support is also used for the operation. This condition may possibly happen to the company or cooperation which is in progress.

Key words: Cash Flow Report, Cooperation.





