Identifikasi dan Analisis Jumlah Total Bakteri Coliform pada Air Danau Buyan di Desa Pancasari, Kecamatan Sukasada, Kabupaten Buleleng
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui jumlah koloni bakteri yang terdapat dalam air Danau Buyan berdasarkan metode Standard Plate Count, (2) mengetahui jumlah total bakteri coliform yang terdapat dalam air Danau Buyan berdasarkan metode Most Probable Number, (3) mengetahui kualitas air Danau Buyan ditinjau dari jumlah total bakteri coliform, dan (4) mengetahui berbagai genus bakteri coliform yang terdapat pada air Danau Buyan. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif eksploratif. Identifikasi bakteri coliform ditentukan berdasarkan hasil uji biokimia antara lain uji indol, uji methyl red, uji voges-proskueur, uji sitrat, uji katalase, uji motilitas, dan uji H2S. Diperoleh hasil (1) jumlah koloni bakteri pada air Danau Buyan berdasarkan metode Standar Plate Count berkisar antara 6,4 x 105 – TBUD (Rata-rata dari pengenceran 10-4), (2) jumlah total bakteri coliform pada air Danau Buyan berdasarkan metode Most Probable Number berkisar antara 20 – >1100, (3) ditinjau dari jumlah total coliform, air Danau Buyan dinyatakan tercemar untuk kualitas air kelas I yaitu air yang dapat digunakan untuk air baku air minum, dan atau peruntukan lain yang mempersyaratkan mutu air yang sama dengan kegunaan tersebut, hal ini berdasarkan Peraturan Gubernur Bali Nomor 8 Tahun 2007, dan (4) pada air Danau Buyan ditemukan 8 genus bakteri coliform antara lain Erwinia, Cedecea, Citrobacter, Escherichia, Proteus, Hafnia, Enterobacter, dan Klebsiella.Kata Kunci : Air, coliform, danau buyan, MPN
The purpose of this research were (1) determining the number of colonies of bacteria contained in the water of Buyan Lake based on Standard Plate Count methods, (2) identifying the total number of coliform bacteria that found in the water of Buyan Lake based on Most Probable Number method, (3) determining the water quality of Buyan Lake in terms of the number of total coliform bacteria, and (4) knowing the different genus coliform bacteria found in the water of Buyan Lake. This research use descriptive exploratory study. Identification of coliform bacteria is determined based on the results of biochemical tests include a indole test, methyl red test, Voges-proskueur test, citric test, catalase test, motility test, and H2S test. The results are indicated that (1) the number of bacterial colonies on the water of Buyan Lake based on Standard Plate Count method were ranges from 6.4x105 - TBUD (average of 10-4 dilution), (2) the number of total coliform bacteria in the water of Buyan Lake based on Most Probable Number method were ranges from 20 - >1100, (3) in terms of the number of total coliform, the water of Buyan Lake is polluted for water quality class I of water that can be used for raw water of drinking water, or other uses that require the same water quality with usability, it is based on the Bali Governor Regulation No. 8 of 2007, and (4) there were eight genus of coliform bacteria that found in Buyan Lake Water include Erwinia, Cedecea, Citrobacter, Escherichia, Proteus, Hafnia, Enterobacter, and Klebsiella.
keyword : water, coliforms, Buyan Lake, MPN