Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Undiksha 2025-02-16T06:57:27+00:00 I Made Oka Riawan Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Undiksha</strong> adalah adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mewadahi artikel-artikel hasil penelitian dan hasil pengabdian masyarakat dibidang Pendidikan Biologi dan keilmuan Biologi. Pada akhirnya Jurnal ini dapat memberikan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di bidang pendidikan bagi masyarakat akademik.</p> <p> <strong>p-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2599-1450</a> (print)</strong></p> <p><strong>e-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2599-1485</a> (online)</strong></p> Penerapan Teknik Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) dalam Mendeteksi Bakteri Patogen pada Sektor Peternakan dan Kesehatan Masyarakat 2025-01-24T04:38:27+00:00 Made Dwi Ambara Putra Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti I Putu Bayu Mayura <p>Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology has emerged as a significant breakthrough in the detection and management of diseases in the livestock sector and public health. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and applications of PCR in detecting pathogens in livestock and zoonotic diseases that can transfer from animals to humans. The research adopts a literature review approach, analyzing various scientific findings related to the application of PCR in different contexts. The results demonstrate that PCR offers advantages in sensitivity, specificity, and detection speed compared to conventional methods, enabling effective early intervention to prevent disease spread. Furthermore, innovations such as digital PCR, Point-of-Care PCR systems, and real-time data integration broaden its applicability, particularly in resource-limited settings. These findings underscore the importance of continuous research and development in PCR technology to enhance disease surveillance and global health management.</p> 2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Made Dwi Ambara Putra, Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti, I Putu Bayu Mayura KAJIAN TUMBUHAN OBAT YANG ADA DI HUTAN BUKIT KANGIN TENGANAN BERBASIS LONTAR USADHA TARU PRAMANA DAN IMPLEMENTASINYA PADA GENERASI MUDA DI DESA ADAT TENGANAN, KARANGASEM 2025-01-24T04:40:02+00:00 Ni Putu Ovilia Mustika Sari Teguh Teja Murti Ida Bagus <p><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p> <p><em>This research is to find out (1) species of medicinal plants found in the Bukit Kangin Forest, Tenganan Pegringsingan Traditional Village and which are still used by the surrounding community, (2) plant organs that can be used as medicinal ingredients used by the community and based on Lontar Usadha Taru Pramana, (3) implementation to the younger generation of medicinal plants in the Bukit Kangin Forest. The sample in this research involve two aspects, first is the ecosystem aspect and the second is sociosystem aspect. Samples from the ecosystem aspect are all species of medicinal plants in the Bukit Kangin Forest, which are covered by a square of size 10 x 10m, with a total square are 65. The samples in terms of sociosystem aspects include community leaders, official village administrators, adat, balian usada, penglingsir, the general public, especially the younger generation in Tenganan Pengringsingan Village. The results showed (1) medicinal plant species consisted of 24 species with a total of 728 individuals belonging to 19 families, (2) plant parts used as medicine consisted of roots (29.16%), stems (4.17%) ), leaves (16.67%), flowers (8.33%), and fruit (29.16%), (3) Implementation of Usadha Taru Pramana's Lontar towards the younger generation based on knowledge parameters 55.42%, attitude 70.44%, and implementation 66.66%.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Bukit Kangin Forest, Medical Plants, Implementation</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) spesies tumbuhan obat yang terdapat di Hutan Bukit Kangin, Desa Adat Tenganan Pegringsingan dan yang masih dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sekitar, (2) organ tumbuhan yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan obat yang digunakan oleh masyarakat dan berbasis Lontar <em>Usadha Taru Pramana, </em>(3) implementasi ke generasi muda mengenai tumbuhan obat yang terdapat di Hutan Bukit Kangin. Sampel dalam penelitian ini menyangkut dua aspek, pertama aspek ekosistem (biotik) dan yang kedua aspek sosiosistem (budaya). Sampel aspek ekosistem adalah seluruh spesies tumbuhan obat yang ada di Hutan Bukit Kangin, yang terkover oleh kuadrat ukuran 10 x 10 m, dengan jumlah kuadrat sebanyak 65 kuadrat. Sampel dari segi aspek sosiosistem yaitu tokoh masyarakat, pengurus desa dinas, adat, balian usada, penglingsir, generasi muda yang ada di Desa Tenganan Pengringsingan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan&nbsp; (1)&nbsp; spesies tumbuhan berkhasiat obat terdiri dari 24 spesies dengan total individun 728 yang termasuk ke dalam 19 famili, (2)&nbsp; bagian&nbsp; tumbuhan yang digunakan sebagai obat terdiri dari akar (29,16%), batang (4,17%), daun (16,67%), bunga (8,33%), dan buah (29,16%). Bagian yang paling banyak digunakan masyarakat di Desa Adat Tenganan Pegringsingan adalah akar dan buah, (3)&nbsp; Implementasi mengenai Lontar Usadha Taru Pramana terhadapt generasi muda berdasarkan parameter pengetahuan 55,42%, sikap 70,44 %, dan implementasi 66,66%.</p> <p><strong>Kata-Kata Kunci : </strong>Hutan Bukit Kangin, Tumbuhan Obat, Implementasi</p> 2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ni Putu Ovilia Mustika Sari, Teguh Teja Murti Ida Bagus GIM EDUKASI “IMUNEED QUEST” MATERI SISTEM IMUN UNTUK SISWA FASE F KURIKULUM MERDEKA 2025-01-24T13:10:56+00:00 Gusti Kade Dwi Dharma Susila Ni Putu Sri Ratna Dewi Ajeng Purnama Heny <p><em>The research aims to produce a valid and practical digital educational games as a learning media for the immune system material for students in Phase F of the Curriculum Merdeka. This research is a type of research and development (R&amp;D) was used the Borg &amp; Gall development model up to the fifth stage. The study was conducted with biology teachers and eleventh-grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Kuta Utara. The validity test was conducted by material experts and media experts. The practicality test was carried out on three biology teachers and 30 eleventh-grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Kuta Utara. Data analysis was performed using qualitative descriptive analysis. Research results show that: (1) The Imuneed Quest educational game build plan developed consists of a home page, a login page, the main page, an information page, mission pages, how to play page, and playing page that contains immune system materials. (2) Media validation received a rate of 4.5 which includes criteria very valid. Validation of material obtained from a range of all aspects of 4.3 is highly valid. (3) Imuneed Quest educational game practicality test results from the teacher's response received a percentage of 85% from the category very practical and the student's reply received a percentage of 87% from the category very practice.</em></p> 2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Gusti Kade Dwi Dharma Susila Pengembangan E-Pocket Book Berbasis Riset Kesehatan Masyarakat pada Pokok Bahasan Sistem Respirasi 2024-09-10T00:16:52+00:00 Fany Nurbaithy <p><em>Teaching materials are one of the supports in the learning process at school. One of the skills in the 21st century is the use of technology. It is hoped that the development of teaching materials that are integrated with technology, such as e-pocket books, can become an innovative teaching material solution. Apart from that, the delivery of material will also be more useful if it is related to real conditions in everyday life. For example, there are additional results of public health research, especially related to respiratory diseases, in the discussion of the respiratory system material. This research aims to: 1) Analyze the feasibility of an e-pocket book based on public health research on the subject of the respiratory system. 2) Verify the practicality of an e-pocket book based on public health research on the subject of the respiratory system, and 3) Analyze the effectiveness of an e-pocket book based on public health research on the subject of the respiratory system. This research is a type of Research and Development research with the ADDIE (Analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation) development model. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and questionnaires. Based on the research results, it shows that: 1) The feasibility of the e-pocket book was obtained from the development stage with a content validity value of 1 or very feasible, 2) The practicality of the e-pocket book was obtained from the evaluation stage with a CVI (Content Validity Index) value of 0.95 or practical, 3) The effectiveness of the e-pocket book was obtained from the evaluation stage, as many as 97% of students gave very good responses.</em></p> 2025-01-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 fany nurbaithy Pengaruh Pemberian Eco-enzyme terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Tanaman Persea americana 2025-01-24T04:37:36+00:00 Atika Okta Melisa <p><em>This research aims to find out the effect of giving eco-enzymes on the growth and development of avocado plants (Persea americana) as well as the optimum concentration that can be given to avocado plants (Persea americana). This study was quantitative research with CRD (Completely Randomized Design as experimental design. The difference test used was ANOVA and DMRT used as further tests. The results of the study showed that there was an effect of eco-enzyme on the growth and development of Persea americana. The results of the ANOVA test showed a significance value of 0.001 on the growth of plant length and 0.000 on the number of leaves. Both significance values ​​&lt;0.05 which means that shown a significant effect. The optimum concentration was found in the P2 treatment, which was 5 mL/L with an average plant length of 31.5 cm and an average number of leaves of 15 strands.</em></p> 2025-02-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Atika Okta Melisa Pengembangan Mobile Learning Berbasis RADEC Pada Materi Sistem Pencernaan untuk Melatih Literasi Digital dan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa 2025-01-24T14:14:08+00:00 Lisa Meidya Sri Haryani Nanik Wijayati Decky Avrilianda Bambang Subali <p><em>Both teachers and students already have technology such as smartphones but have not yet used them as learning media. Therefore, the development of mobile learning media has become an inspiration. The purpose of this research and development is to create, validate, and test the effectiveness of mobile learning media on the digestive system to train 11th-grade students at SMAN 1 Gondanglegi in digital literacy and cognitive learning outcomes. Analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation are the steps included in the approach used, which is based on the Lee and Owens model. The implementation stage has not yet been conducted in this research and development. Analysis of the results from each test shows that the developed product is highly valid, practical, and can be used to teach digital literacy and cognitive learning outcomes of students. The results of the media expert validation were 94%; the subject matter expert, biology education practitioner, and learning device expert each had 100%.</em></p> 2025-02-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Lisa Meidya, Sri Haryani, Nanik Wijayati, Decky Avrilianda, Bambang Subali