Bentuk dan Kesantunan Tindak Tutur Guru dan Siswa pada Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar di Kelas X AK A dan AK B SMK Negeri 1 Singaraja


  • Dewa Gede Acharya G.P. .
  • Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Sudiana, M.Pd .
  • Drs.I Gede Nurjaya,M.Pd .



Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan 1) bentuk tindak tutur guru pada kegiatan tanya jawab di kelas X AK A dan AK B SMK N 1 Singaraja, 2) bentuk tindak tutur siswa, 3) kesantunan tindak tutur guru, dan 4) kesantunan tindak tutur siswa. Peneliti menggunakan rancangan deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan subjek guru dan siswa kelas X AK A dan AK B SMK N 1 Singaraja. Pengumpulan data dengan metode observasi dan perekaman. Data dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian: 1) bentuk penggunaan tindak tutur guru terdiri atas tuturan bermodus deklaratif 17 (56,67%) tuturan, bermodus interogatif 5 (16,67%) tuturan, bermodus imperatif 8 (26,66%) tuturan. 2) bentuk penggunaan tindak tutur siswa terdiri atas tuturan bermodus deklaratif 25 (83,33%) tuturan, bermodus interogatif 3 (10%) tuturan, dan bermodus imperatif 2 (6,67%) tuturan. 3) kesantunan tindak tutur guru ditemukan 5 prinsip kesantunan dari 6 prinsip yang ada, yaitu maksim kedermawanan 1 (3.33%) tuturan, maksim penghargaan 12 (40%) tuturan, maksim kesederhanaan 1 (3.33%) tuturan, maksim kemufakatan berjumlah 14 (46,67%) tuturan, dan maksim kesimpatisan 2 (6.67%) tuturan. 4) kesantunan tindak tutur siswa ditemukan 6 prinsip kesantunan dan 4 tuturan yang menyimpang/tidak santun dari prinsip kesantunan, yaitu maksim kebijaksanaan 1 (3,33%) tuturan, maksim kedermawanan 1 (3,33%) tuturan, maksim penghargaan 8 (26,68%) tuturan, maksim kesederhanaan 4 (13,33%) tuturan, maksim kemufakatan 11 (36,67) tuturan, dan maksim kesimpatisan 1 (3,33%) tuturan. Tuturan siswa yang menyimpang/tidak santun dari prinsip kesantunan yaitu 4 (13,33%) tuturan.
Kata Kunci : bentuk tindak tutur, kesantunan, tanya jawab

This research aims to describe 1) The form of a speech act of teachers activities in question and answer session in class X AK A and AK B Public Vocational High School 1 Singaraja, 2) The form of a speech act of students, 3)The Modesty of a speech act of teachers, and 3) The Modesty of a speech act of students. The Researcher used qualitative descriptive design and quantitative with the teachers and students classX AK A and AK B Public Vocational High School 1 Singaraja as the subjects. Data collection by the method of observation and recording. Data were analyzed by descriptive technique. The result of the research: 1) the form of the use of a speech act teachers consists of declarative -modus utterance 17 (56,67%) utterances, interrogative-modus 5 (16,67%) utterances, imperative-modus 8 (26,66%) utterances. 2) The form of the use of a speech act of students consists of declarative -modus 25 (83,33%) utterances, interrogative-modus 3 (10%) utterances, and , imperative-modus 2 (6,67%) utterances. 3) The Modesty of a speech act of teachers was found that 5 principles of modesty of 6 available principles, namely maxim of generosity 1 (3.33%) utterances, maxim of appreciation 12 (40%) utterances, maxim of simplicity 1 (3.33%) utterances, maxim of consensus 14 (46,67%) utterances, maxim of sympathy 2 (6.67%) utterances. 4) The Modesty of a speech act of students was found that 6 principles of modesty and 4 utterances that deviating/ immodest of the principles of modesty, namely maxim of wisdom 1 (3,33%) utterances, maxim of generosity 1 (3,33%) utterances, maxim of appreciation 8 (26,68%) utterances, maxim of simplicity 4 (13,33%) utterances, maxim of consensus 11 (36,67) utterances, maxim of sympathy 1(3,33%) utterances. Utterances that deviating/ immodest of the principles of modesty namely 4(13,33%) utterances.
keyword : form of a speech act, modesty , question and answer




