Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan (1) keterampilan guru memotivasi siswa untuk mengembangkan minat belajar siswa (2) minat belajar siswa (3) alasan guru menggunakan teknik motivasi yang dipilih (4) kendala yang dihadapi guru dalam memberikan motivasi untuk mengembangkan minat belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran fisika kelas X di SMA Negeri 1 Semarapura tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Populasi penelitian yaitu siswa dan guru fisika yang mengajar di kelas X. Sampel penelitian yaitu seorang guru fisika dengan 152 siswa kelas X MIA 3, 4, 5, dan 6. Data yang diperlukan adalah (1) keterampilan guru memotivasi siswa dan (2) minat belajar. Pengumpulan data pertama dikumpulkan dengan pedoman observasi dan wawancara. Data kedua dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner minat belajar. Data observasi dan wawancara dianalisis secara deskriptif. Data kuesioner dianalisis dengan SPSS-PC 16,0 for Windows.Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) keterampilan guru memotivasi siswa untuk mengembangkan minat belajar siswa terdapat dua belas teknik yang diterapkan guru tetapi jarang digunakan ( =1,85, Sd=1,97), (2) minat belajar siswa tergolong sedang ( =66,42, Sd=1,97), (3) alasan guru menerapkan teknik motivasi adalah agar siswa: (a) merasa senang, (b) bangga dan percaya diri, (c) perhatian siswa menjadi terarah pada fokus materi pelajaran dan terhadap penjelasan guru, (d) tertarik pada pelajaran dan guru, (e) dapat mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki, (f) mengendalikan suasana kelas, (g) lebih semangat, rajin belajar, dan, lebih mudah memahami konsep, (h) menimbulkan rasa penasaran (4) kendala yang dihadapi guru yaitu minat siswa masih rendah, letak kelas berdekatan dengan jalan raya (bising) dan kelas yang tergolong kelas gemuk.Kata Kunci : Keterampilan guru memotivasi siswa dan minat belajar
This research aimed at describing (1) teacher’s skill to motivate students in developing the students’ learning interest (2) the students’ interest (3) the teacher’s reasons of using the motivation techniques (4) the problems that the teacher faced in giving motivation to develop students’ learning interest in study Physics of grade X in SMA Negeri 1 Semarapura at year 2015/2016. This research was categorized as a descriptive qualitative research. The population of this research was the students in grade X and Physics teacher who taught in grade X. The sample of this research was a Physics teacher and 152 students in grade X MIA 3, 4, 5, and 6. There were two main data of this research, namely (1) teacher's skill to motivate students and (2) learning interest. The first data were collected by doing observation and interview. Meanwhile, the second data were collected by distributing questionnaire of learning interest. Data of observation and interview were analyzed descriptively. Data of questionnaire were analyzed by using SPSS-PC 16,0 for Windows.The results of this research are: (1) there are twelve techniques of teacher’s skill to motivate students but those techniques are rarely used by the teacher in developing students’ learning interest ( =1,85, Sd=1,97), (2) students’ learning interest is sufficient ( =66,42, Sd=1,97), (3) the reasons of teacher in applying the motivation technique in order to make students: (a) feel happy, (b) proud and confidence, (c) the students’ attention be able to be more focus on the material and teacher’s explanation, (d) be interested in material and teacher, (e) develop their potential, (f) control the situation of classroom, (g) more enthusiast, more diligent, and easier in understanding the concept, (h) arise curiosity, (4) the problems faced by the teacher is that the students’ interest is still low, the position of class is near the road which makes the class noisy, and the amount of the student in one class is too many.
keyword : Teacher's skill to motivate students, learning interest

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