Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Undiksha https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JJPF <p><strong>Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Undiksha </strong>is an open-access scientific journal published by the physics education study program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. This journal aims to spread original, theoretical and practical advances in multidisciplinary research findings related to physics education. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Undiksha creates and give a global description to our academic society about the research and development of science and technology in education.</p> <p>Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika was first published in 2014 and has been published consistently three times a year in <strong>March, July, and November</strong>. All manuscripts submitted for publication will be previewed by the editor and if appropriate, sent for blind peer review.</p> <p><strong>p-ISSN : <a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1512018925" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2599-2554</a> (Print)</strong></p> <p><strong>e-ISSN : <a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1511512750" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2599-2562</a> (online)</strong></p> Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha en-US Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Undiksha 2599-2554 <p><strong><br /></strong></p><center><a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a><br /><br /><a href="/index.php/JJPF" target="_blank"> Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Undiksha</a> is licensed under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</center> Problem Based Learning: An Effective Solution for Enhancing Conceptual Understanding of Simple Machines in Eighth Grade https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JJPF/article/view/86343 <p><em><span class="fontstyle0">This study discusses the effectiveness of the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model in improving eighth-grade students' understanding of simple machines in the Natural Sciences (IPA) curriculum. Conducted at SMP Negeri 6 Satap Sekayam, the research employed a quantitative approach with a pre-experimental design involving 22 students. The results indicate that after the implementation of PBL, the average student score significantly increased from 73.81 to 92.32, reflecting an enhancement in conceptual understanding and application. Statistical analysis, including the Wilcoxon test, confirmed that the PBL model has a significant positive impact on students' conceptual understanding. These findings suggest that PBL promotes active engagement, collaboration, and deeper learning, making it a promising instructional strategy in physics education. Additionally, PBL was found to enhance higher-order thinking skills, social skills, and students' readiness to face future challenges. While most students showed significant improvement, one student did not make progress, highlighting the need for individualized support. Overall, this study affirms the effectiveness of PBL in enhancing the quality of education and preparing students with essential life skills.</span></em></p> Amin Mustajab Samsul Bahri Gista Ayu Fatmala Copyright (c) 2024 Amin Mustajab, Samsul Bahri, Gista Ayu Fatmala http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 14 3 515 523 10.23887/jjpf.v14i3.86343 Efektivitas Simulasi Pola LED Menggunakan Tinkercad: Media Pembelajaran Inovatif pada Elektronika Dasar https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JJPF/article/view/87201 <p><em>The use of simulation-based learning media has emerged as an innovative solution to address the limitations of physical facilities in basic electronics education. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of LED pattern simulations using Tinkercad as an interactive learning medium in improving students' understanding of basic electronics concepts. This research employed a pre-experimental approach involving 60 students enrolled in a Basic Physics course. Students were guided to design and test LED patterns using Tinkercad, followed by evaluations through understanding tests and questionnaires. The results indicated a significant improvement in students' average understanding scores, from 65 before the simulation to 75 after. Additionally, the majority of students (78%) found the simulation engaging and helpful in simplifying the learning process. Tinkercad simulations proved to provide instant feedback, support student exploration, and enable interactive self-directed learning. This study concludes that Tinkercad is effective as an innovative learning medium for teaching electronics circuit concepts and can serve as a relevant alternative in formal education and remote learning environments.</em></p> Riskawati Sukmawati Said Nurul Mutmainnah Herman Copyright (c) 2024 Riskawati, Sukmawati Said, Nurul Mutmainnah Herman http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 14 3 524 531 10.23887/jjpf.v14i3.87201 Pengaruh Tinkercad sebagai Media Pembelajaran Elektronika Dasar melalui Proyek Digital measuring device https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JJPF/article/view/87280 <p><em>This study aims to explore the impact of using Tinkercad and digital measuring tools in basic electronics training for physics students. The training involved 60 students who were given the opportunity to design and test electronic circuits using Tinkercad as a simulation platform and digital measuring tools to measure key parameters in electronics. The analysis of surveys and practical tests showed a significant improvement in students' technical skills, particularly in designing electronic circuits and using digital measuring tools such as multimeters to measure voltage and current. Students' perceptions of the ease of use of Tinkercad and the benefits of digital measuring tools were highly positive, with an average score of 82% for most of the evaluated aspects. These findings support previous research showing that technology-based learning can enhance conceptual understanding and practical skills in electronics education. Overall, the study emphasizes that the integration of digital technologies, such as Tinkercad and digital measuring tools, can make a significant contribution to improving the quality of electronics education and equip students with relevant skills to face challenges in the industrial world.</em></p> Riskawati Sri Agustini Dirgah Kaso Sanusi Copyright (c) 2024 Riskawati, Sri Agustini, Dirgah Kaso Sanusi http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 14 3 532 540 10.23887/jjpf.v14i3.87280 KALKULASI NUMERIK RAPAT KEADAAN WS2 MONOLAYER DENGAN PENDEKATAN IKATAN KUAT MENGGUNAKAN METODE PERAMBATAN WAKTU https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JJPF/article/view/86266 <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Tungsten Disulfida merupakan salah satu varian <em>Transition Metal Dichalcogenide</em> yang memiliki potensi besar untuk diaplikasikan pada berbagai teknologi seperti sel surya, transistor, dan optoelektronika lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini dikaji rapat keadaan Tungsten Disulfida <em>monolayer</em> dalam keadaan murni maupun dengan variasi vakansi atom penyusunnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara komputasi menggunakan metode perambatan waktu dengan pustaka TBPLaS. Kalkulasi dalam penelitian ini dapat berjalan dengan baik pada komputer personal dan waktu yang diperlukan bersifat linier terhadap peningkatan ukuran sistem yang dikaji. Diperoleh bahwa Tungsten Disulfida <em>monolayer </em>dalam keadaan murni memiliki sifat semikonduktor dengan celah pita energi yang bernilai sekitar 1,7 eV. Sementara itu, Tungsten Disulfida <em>monolayer </em>dengan variasi konsentrasi atom-atom penyusunnya dari 1 - 5% menunjukkan sifat semikonduktor tipe N, tipe P dan terkompensasi.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong>Tungsten Disulfida<em> monolayer</em> <em>, </em>Ikatan Kuat, Metode Perambatan Waktu, Rapat Keadaan, Vakansi</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>Tungsten Disulfide is one of the Transition Metal Dichalcogenides with significant potential for applications in various technologies, such as solar cells, transistors, and other optoelectronic devices. This study examines the density of states of monolayer Tungsten Disulfide in its pure state and with variations in its atomic vacancies. The computational research used the time propagation method with the TBPLaS library. Calculations were performed efficiently on a personal computer, with computation time increasing linearly with the system size. The results show that pure monolayer Tungsten Disulfide exhibits semiconductor properties with an energy band gap of approximately 1.7 eV. In contrast, monolayer Tungsten Disulfide with varying atomic vacancy concentrations from 1% to 5% displays characteristics of N-type, P-type, and compensated semiconductors. </em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>Tungsten Disulfide monolayer</em><em>, Tight-Binding, Time Propagation Method, Density of States, Vacancy</em></p> I Wayan Windu Sara Copyright (c) 2024 I Wayan Windu Sara http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 14 3 541 552 10.23887/jjpf.v14i3.86266