
  • Luh Armini .
  • Drs. Ignatius I Wayan Suwatra,M.Pd .
  • I Wayan Widiana, S.Pd., M.Pd .




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kesenjangan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan Kurikulum 2013 berdasarkan Permendikbud Nomor 65 Tahun 2013 tentang standar proses di SD N Pejarakan pada semester genap tahun pelajaran 2014/2015 ditinjau dari perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, penilaian hasil dan proses pembelajaran, dan pengawasan pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian evaluatif ini menggunakan model kesenjangan (Discrepancy Model). Pengukuran efektivitas program dilakukan dengan membandingkan kondisi riil dengan kondisi ideal tentang pelaksanaan standar proses untuk satuan pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Variabel penelitian terdiri dari perencanaan pembelajaran diukur dengan lembar dokumentasi, pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran diukur dengan lembar observasi, penilaian hasil dan proses pembelajaran diukur dengan lembar dokumentasi, dan pengawasan proses pembelajaran diukur dengan lembar kuisioner. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 4 orang, yaitu guru kelas I, II, IV, dan V. Analisis data skor perolehan semua variabel mengunakan prosedur uji tanda berjenjang Wilcoxom, kemudian dicari beda dan besar bedanya dengan standar yang telah ditentukan. Secara umum hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terjadi kesenjangan pembelajaran Kurikulum 2013 berdasarkan Permendikbud Nomor 65 Tahun 2013. Kesenjangan terjadi pada: (1) variabel perencanaan pembelajaran, perolehan skor 56,9; besar beda 43,2 dengan kategori cukup besar; (2) variabel pelaksanaan pembelajaran, skor 84,8; besar beda 15,3 dengan kategori sangat kecil; (3) variabel penilaian hasil dan proses pembelajaran, skor 80,9; besar beda 19,2 dengan kategori sangat kecil; dan (4) variabel pengawasan proses pembelajaran, skor 82,0; besar beda 18,0 dengan kategori sangat kecil.
Kata Kunci : diskrepansi, Kurikulum 2013

This research is aimed to determine how much is the discrepancy of learning implementation with the curriculum in 2013 based on the regulation Minister of Education and Culture Number 65 year of 2013 about the standardization process at SD N 6 Pejarakan in the even semester in the academic year of 2014/2015, in terms of lesson planning, implementation learning, assessment of learning outcomes and supervision of learning. This research was an evaluative research with discrepancy model. The measuring of effectiveness process was done by comparing the real condition with the ideal condition about standard implementation process for the basic and intermediate education. The variables of this research were consists of lesson planning was measured by documentation sheet, implementation learning process was measured by observation sheet, assessment of learning outcomes was measured by documentation sheet, and supervision of learning was measured by questionnaire sheet. The samples of this research were 4 persons, they were the first grade teacher, the second grade teacher, the fourth grade teacher, and the fifth grade teacher. The analysis of data score result for all variables used Wilcoxon's Rank Sign Test procedure, then it would be found the differences and also how much was the difference based on the predetermined standard. Generally, the results showed that there was a discrepancy of learning implementation to the curriculum in 2013 based on the regulation Minister of Education and Culture Number 65 year of 2013. The discrepancies were happened at; (1) lesson planning variable, the score was 56,9; the difference was about 43,2, it was classified as high criteria; (2) implementation learning variable, the score was 84,8; the difference was about 15,3, it was classified as low criteria; (3) assessment of learning outcomes variable, the score was 80,9; the difference was about 19,2, it was classified as low criteria; (4) supervision of learning variable, the score was 82,0; the difference was about 18,0, it was classified as low criteria.
keyword : discrepancy, curriculum in 2013



How to Cite

., L. A., ., D. I. I. W. S., & ., I. W. W. S. M. (2015). DISKREPANSI PEMBELAJARAN DENGAN KURIKULUM 2013 BERDASARKAN PERMENDIKBUD NOMOR 65 TAHUN 2013 DI SD N 6 PEJARAKAN. MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.23887/jjpgsd.v3i1.5654


