
  • Dewi Dendy Pratiwi .
  • Gede Eka Budi Darmawan, S.Pd., M.Or. .
  • Ketut Chandra Adinata Kusuma, S.Pd., M.P .



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh pelatihan floating overhand service terhadap ketepatan service, (2) pengaruh pelatihan hook service terhadap ketepatan service dan, (3) perbedaan pengaruh pelatihan floating overhand service dan hook service terhadap ketepatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan rancangan the modified pre-test post-test group design. Analisis data menggunakan penghitungan statistik uji-t yang dibantu dengan SPSS 16.0 pada taraf signifikansi (α) 0,05. Subyek penelitian peserta ekstrakurikuler berjumlah 30 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) pelatihan floating overhand service berpengaruh terhadap ketepatan service, dengan hasil thitung = 5,451 ttabel = 2,145, (2) pelatihan hook service berpengaruh terhadap ketepatan service, dengan hasil thitung = 9,563 ttabel = 2,145 dan, (3) ada perbedaan pengaruh pelatihan floating overhand service dan hook service terhadap ketepatan service, dengan hasil thitung = 3,522 ttabel = 2,048. Disimpulkan bahwa (1) terdapat pengaruh pelatihan floating overhand service terhadap ketepatan service, (2) terdapat pengaruh pelatihan hook service terhadap ketepatan service dan, (3) terdapat perbedaan pengaruh pelatihan floating overhand service dan hook service terhadap ketepatan service dimana pelatihan hook service lebih baik memberi pengaruh terhadap ketepatan service. Disarankan hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan acuan penelitian dengan variabel yang sama baik itu dari variabel bebas maupun variabel terikat. Selain itu, peneliti selanjutnya juga dapat mengembangkan penelitian dengan pelatihan yang berbeda untuk memperoleh ketepatan service bola voli yang lebih baik.
Kata Kunci : ketepatan, floating overhand, hook service

This research aims to identify the effect of 1) floating overhand service training method towards service accuracy, 2) hook service training method towards service accuracy, and 3) the difference between those two methods towards service accuracy. In the study, a modified pre-test and post-test group experimental design are used as research methodology. The data obtained from the research are analyzed through the t-test in SPSS 16.0 at the significance level of 0.05. The samples for this study are all the 30 students who are currently in the extra-curricular group activity for volleyball. The result showed that 1) floating overhand service training affected the accuracy, with a t test= 5.451 t table= 2.145, 2) hook service training affected the accuracy, with a t test= 9.563 t table= 2.145, and 3) the difference between those two training is significant with a t test= 3.522 t table= 2.048. With the result, we can conclude that 1) there is an impact from floating overhand service training method towards service accuracy, 2) there is an impact from hook service training method towards service accuracy, and 3) there is a difference between floating overhand service training method and hook service training method towards service accuracy at the significance level of 0.05. Suggested results of this study can be used as reference research with the same variable either from the independent variable or dependent variable. In addition, further researchers can also develop research with different training to obtain better volleyball service accuracy.
keyword : accuracy, floating overhand , hook service



How to Cite

., D. D. P., ., G. E. B. D. S. M., & ., K. C. A. K. S. M. (2019). PENGARUH PELATIHAN FLOATING OVERHAND SERVICE DAN HOOK SERVICE TERHADAP KETEPATAN SERVICE. Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga Undiksha, 10(1).


