
  • I Komang Muna Palguna .
  • Luh Putu Tuti Ariani, S.Pd .
  • Gede Eka Budi Darmawan, S.Pd., M.Or. .



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh pelatihan dot drill terhadap kelincahan tendangan T, (2) pengaruh pelatihan down the line drill terhadap kelincahan tendangan T, (3) perbedaan kelincahan tendangan T antara kelompok perlakuan dot drill dan down the line drill. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa putra ekstrakurikuler pencak silat SMP Negeri 3 Mengwi berjumlah 24 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan rancangan the modified group pre-test – post-test design. Tes pengumpulan data menggunakan tes keterampilan kelincahan tendangan T. Analisis data menggunakan perhitungan statistik uji-t (t-test) pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian ini (1) pelatihan dot drill berpengaruh terhadap kelincahan tendangan T, dengan hasil thit = 13,85 > ttab = 2,074, (2) pelatihan down the line drill berpengaruh terhadap kelincahan tendangan T, dengan hasil thit = 11,82 > ttab = 2,074, (3) terdapat perbedaan kelincahan tendangan T antara pelatihan dot drill dan down the line drill, dengan hasil thit = 5,61 > ttab = 2,074. Pelatihan dot drill memberikan pengaruh yang lebih baik dibanding pelatihan down the line drill terhadap kelincahan tendangan T, dilihat dari hasil rata-rata pelatihan dot drill = 23,17 > pelatihan down the line drill = 18,75.
Kata Kunci : kelincahan tendangan T, pelatihan dot drill, pelatihan down the line drill.

This study aims to determine (1) the effect of dot drill training toward the T-kick agility, (2) the effect of down the line drill training toward the T-kick agility, (3) the different of T-kick agility between the dot drill group and down the line drill group. The subjects of this research were 24 male students of Pencak Silat extracurricular SMP Negeri 3 Mengwi. This research was an experimental study, with the modified group pre-test – post-test design. The data collection test was using T-kick agility skills test. The data was analyzed using statistical calculations t-test at the 5% significance level. The results of this study are (1) the dot drill training affected to the T-kick agility, with result thit = 13.85 > ttab = 2.074, (2) the down the line drill training affected to the T-kick agility, with result thit = 11.82 > ttab = 2.074, (3) there was differences in the T-kick agility between the group dot drill group and down the line drill group with result thit = 5.61 > ttab = 2.074. The dot drill training gives a better effect than the down the line drill training to the T-kick agility, seen from the average result of the dot drill training = 23.17 > the down the line drill training = 18.75.
keyword : the T-kick agility, the dot drill training, the down the line drill training.



How to Cite

., I. K. M. P., ., L. P. T. A. S., & ., G. E. B. D. S. M. (2014). PENGARUH PELATIHAN DOT DRILL DAN DOWN THE LINE DRILL TERHADAP KELINCAHAN TENDANGAN T. Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga Undiksha, 2(1).


