Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran 2025-01-17T09:12:46+00:00 Anak Agung Gede Agung Open Journal Systems <hr style="border: 0.5px solid black;" /> <table class="data" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Journal title</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Initials</td> <td width="80%"><strong>JP2</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Abbreviation</td> <td width="80%"><strong>j. Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Three issues per year </strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td width="80%"><strong>prefix 10.23887/jp2</strong><strong><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Print ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2614-3909 </strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Online ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2614-3895 </strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href=";featureToggles=FEATURE_AUTHOR_DETAILS_BOTOX:1&amp;at_feature_toggle=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Anak Agung Gede Agung</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="80%"><a href=""><strong>Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Organizer</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan - Undiksha</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <hr style="border: 0.5px solid black;" /> <p>The <strong>Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran</strong> is published three times a year by the Ganesha University of Education and is freely accessible. Before an article is published in this journal, it is evaluated for article quality. This journal publishes the findings of critical thinking research and empirical studies in education, focusing on learning innovation, curriculum development, and educational technology. The Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran published the findings of critical thinking research and empirical studies in education, with a focus on learning innovation, curriculum development, and educational technology, are published in this journal.</p> <p><strong>p-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2614-3909</a> (cetak)</strong></p> <p><strong>e-ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2614-3895 </a> (online)<br /></strong></p> <p> </p> Workload as Determinant of Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Public Secondary Schools 2025-01-17T07:23:13+00:00 Adeseko Sunday Olaifa Fausat Motunrayo Abisoye Moses Adeleke Adeoye Idowu Philip Ajewole Ebunlomo Oreoluwa Olaifa <p>It has been observed that several teachers are leaving the teaching profession not because of poor salaries but because of a lack of job satisfaction. This study aims to analyze workload as a determinant of teachers’ job satisfaction in public secondary schools in Oyo State, Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design was used. Three research questions were raised to guide the study. The study used a sample size determination to select 183 schools and 1,363 teachers. The research instrument used a self-designed questionnaire titled ‘Workload and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction Questionnaire was analyzed using frequency, counting, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The findings of the study provide valuable insights into the impact of workload on teachers' job satisfaction. The study found that as workload increases, job satisfaction decreases. This suggests that high levels of workload negatively affect teachers' overall satisfaction with their jobs. The results also revealed that teachers in public secondary schools in Oyo State are facing a heavy workload. It can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between workload and job satisfaction among teachers in public secondary schools in Oyo State. It was recommended that the school workload of the teachers in terms of working time and class size should be well maximized in other to improve the teachers’ job satisfaction.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Adeseko Sunday Olaifa, Fausat Motunrayo Abisoye, Moses Adeleke Adeoye, Idowu Philip Ajewole, Ebunlomo Oreoluwa Olaifa The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model on the Attitudes and Character of High School Students 2025-01-17T07:27:46+00:00 Astalini Darmaji Dwi Agus Kurniawan Ahmad Mansur Nawahdani <p>Inquiry learning model is one of the choices, to be applied in the teaching and learning process in physics subjects. The problem that arises is the limited or lack of application of the inquiry learning model in learning activities. The purpose of this research is to find out what students' attitudes and character are, and to find out the effect of implementing the inquiry learning model on students' attitudes and character. This type of research is quantitative research with associative and comparative research types. The research sample was students of class XI Science at high school level which consisted of two classes, each class consisting of 26 students. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling technique. The research instrument is a questionnaire in the form of statements, the questionnaire uses a Likert scale. In this research there are three questionnaires, namely a student response questionnaire to the inquiry learning model, a student attitude questionnaire and a student character questionnaire in physics learning. Quantitative data analysis techniques in this research consist of descriptive statistical tests and inferential statistical tests. The findings show that the inquiry learning model can influence students' attitudes and character for the better.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Astalini Astalini, Darmaji Darmaji, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Ahmad Mansur Nawahdani Student Scientific Literacy Skills of Competence Aspect in Human Reproductive System Material 2025-01-17T07:28:32+00:00 Alfiya Damayanti Paramita C Kuswandi <p>Technological developments facilitate teachers to develop strategies, methods, teaching materials to enhance students' 21st-century skills. However, not all schools have excellent facilities and teachers who can utilize these facilities to develop learning strategies that support these skills. This situation contrasts with the condition, most of which have good school facilities and teachers who can keep up with technological developments. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the attainment of scientific literacy skills in human reproductive system material among senior high school students and to investigate the differences in scientific literacy skills in human reproductive system material among schools as a result of school facility and teacher factors. The population for this research comprises class XI senior high school, with a sample of 189 students selected from six schools. This research is descriptive research using a survey method to describe the achievement of students' scientific literacy skills. The instruments used were questionnaires and multiple-choice tests. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Kruskal-Wallis test. The result indicates that the scientific literacy skills of senior high school student in Yogyakarta are good category and there are significant differences in the scientific literacy skills of each school as a result of the availability of school facilities. The conclusion of this research is that there are significant differences in the achievement of students' scientific literacy skills as a result of school facility factors.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alfiya Damayanti - Profile of Students Creative Thinking Skills and Implementation of Inquiry-based Learning Assisted by Physics 3D Module 2025-01-17T07:30:01+00:00 Nabillah Zuhrotun Nisa Binar Kurnia Prahani Marianus Irwanto Muhammed Akif Kurtulus Muhammad Nur Hudha <p>So far in physics subjects, especially material that contain many formulas, students have complained about difficulties in accepting the material. This is because the learning model and learning media used are still not in accordance with the material provided. The study aimed to analyze surveys about learning model used in physics lesson and tests using indicators of creative thinking ability specially on the material elasticity. This research is preliminary research with a descriptive research design. This research does not use a hypothetical test design but rather a description research project. The study was conducted on 181 students consisting of: 78 male students and 103 female students. The study uses three instruments to gather data, i.e. a.) a creative thinking test instrument of four indicators flexibility, elaboration, originality and fluency on material elasticity and Hooke law, b.) teacher interview sheet about learning model used in physics lesson, c.) student questionnaire about perspective of physics lesson, learning models and learning media. The results showed the creative thinking ability of students still belongs to the low category. The implication is that teachers must be able to apply appropriate learning models and learning media in the process so that students are able to receive the material well and have the ability to think creatively.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nabillah Zuhrotun Nisa, Binar Kurnia Prahani, Marianus, Irwanto, Muhammed Akif Kurtulus, Muhammad Nur Hudha Indonesian Flipbook-Based Educational Magazine with Regional Decorations for Fifth Grade Elementary School 2025-01-17T07:31:14+00:00 Candrika Deva Yani Deni Setiawan <p>This research is motivated by learning problems, especially in terms of students' knowledge of regional decorative materials. This problem occurs due to students' lack of understanding of regional decorative material, causing student learning outcomes to not reach the KKM. This research aims to develop flipbook-based educational magazine media containing Indonesian language in improving student learning outcomes on regional decoration material for fifth grade elementary school students. The method used in this research is research and development research using the Borg and Gall development model. Product validity testing is carried out with material expert validators and media expert validators. The research results showed that the results of the media feasibility test were 86% with the predicate "very feasible", and the results of the feasibility test from material experts were 88% with the predicate "very feasible". The results of the effectiveness test from the trial use can be seen from the results of the pretest and posttest on a large scale. In the effectiveness test of the pretest and posttest, there was an increase in student learning outcomes after using Indonesian educational magazine media with regional decoration material. The conclusion from the research results based on development, feasibility testing with media validation, and effectiveness testing with pretest and posttest shows that there is an increase in learning outcomes in understanding regional decorative material in fifth grade students.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 candrika deva yani, Dr.Deni Setiawan,S.Sn.,M.Hum. The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Model Assisted by Learning Management System in Improving Learning Outcomes 2025-01-17T07:32:21+00:00 Dewiana Novitasari Samsudin Jitu Halomoan Lumbantoruan Yosua Novembrianto Simorangkir Tias Pramono <p>The decline in student understanding and learning outcomes in courses is caused by the learning model and media as tools used in delivering the material are less than optimal. The gap between theory, expectations, and reality in the field makes this research urgent to be researched to improve student understanding and learning outcomes in courses using cooperative learning models with the help of a Learning Management System (LMS). The research method used is Research and development (R&amp;D) with the ADDIE method. The research subjects were 40 students. The product developed is a cooperative learning model. Data collection techniques using product validation, instruments, pre-test, and post-test. Data analysis techniques start from needs analysis, design, development, testing, and evaluation. The results of data validation, tests, and assessment instruments are analyzed in stages until the product is declared valid, practical, and effective. As a result, the technology expert's score was 92.13, the learning model expert's score was 91.43, the peer assessment was 94.02, and all the assessments given were interpreted very well. In small trials, the average post-test result was 88.40. The average score for the large-group trial was 90.83. The difference in scores between students who used the model and those who did not use the model was 18.63. In conclusion, the product developed can increase understanding and student learning outcomes increase significantly in courses<strong>.</strong></p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jitu Jitu Halomoan Lumbantoruan The Relationship between Lecturer Performance Factors and Increased Insight, Strategy, and Impact on Higher Education Students 2025-01-17T07:33:44+00:00 Emma Budi Sulistiarini <p>There are many problems faced by lecturers in higher education in achieving optimal job satisfaction. This is urgent to research because there is a difference between expectations and reality in the work environment of university lecturers. The aim of this research is to analyze factors that influence the level of job satisfaction of lecturers in higher education, with special emphasis on remuneration, duties, and how the work environment. The research method used was quantitative involving 127 randomly selected higher education lecturers. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire whose validity has been tested through a pilot study of 55 respondents. The data collected was then analyzed using SPSS Version 26.0 using the t-test and ANOVA to determine significant differences in job satisfaction levels based on certain factors such as gender, teaching experience, and highest qualifications. As a result, it was found that there were no significant differences in the level of job satisfaction based on remuneration, duties, and work environment factors based on gender, teaching experience, and qualifications in higher education. The conclusion is that certain factors such as remuneration, duties, and work environment do not have a significant effect on the level of lecturer job satisfaction. A practical implication of these findings is the importance of paying attention to other factors contributing to special education faculty job satisfaction and developing strategies to enhance their well-being in supporting students.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Emma Budi Sulistiarini STEM-Based Learning Module Oriented Towards Balinese Ethnomathematics to Enhance Students' Creative Mathematical Thinking Abilities 2025-01-17T07:36:57+00:00 Kadek Dwiki Juliantara I Wayan Puja Astawa I Made Ardana <p>Currently there is a challenge in learning mathematics, namely creative thinking. Many students were found to have low mathematical creative thinking abilities. Therefore, this study aims to develop STEM-based learning module with a focus on Balinese ethnomathematics to improve students' creative mathematical thinking. This research used a plomp research design, this research involved 105 high school students who continued through the preliminary research, prototyping and assessment stages. Various instruments are used, including validation sheets, practicality assessments, and essay tests, using descriptive analysis. This research resulted in the creation of quality STEM-based learning modules, validated for their effectiveness and practicality. This module integrates elements of Balinese ethnomathematics, featuring instructional videos and interactive GeoGebra elements. This study identified learning trajectories involving three main activities related to middle school geometric transformations. The implementation of the module provides a significant increase in students' mathematical creative thinking abilities, as evidenced by the post-test results and the calculated n-gain value. In conclusion, the module developed is a valid, practical and effective tool for improving students' creative mathematical thinking, which combines STEM principles and Balinese ethnomathematics. The study emphasizes the importance of integrating cultural elements into educational materials to foster a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. These findings underscore the potential of this approach to make a positive contribution to mathematics education, particularly in the context of local cultural relevance.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kadek Dwiki Juliantara Students’ Perspectives on the Implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project in Elementary Schools: A Kirkpatrick Model Evaluation Study 2025-01-17T07:38:13+00:00 Ni Nyoman Mariani Kadek Yudista Witraguna Ni Made Wirayani Ni Made Sukarini <p>The Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) in Elementary Schools has been implemented since 2022, but its implementation has never been evaluated. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of P5 with the Kirkpatrick evaluation model. This study is a type of evaluative research with a quantitative descriptive approach. The sample involved in this study was 36 elementary school students. Sample selection was carried out using the multi-stage sampling technique. Meanwhile, the data collection technique was carried out using a questionnaire and the data analysis technique used was descriptive statistics. The results of the study showed that the Implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) reaction level and learning level were in the fairly good category, the behavior level and outcome level were in the good category. Participants' reactions to P5 were pleasant, students' knowledge, attitudes and skills also developed. Students were challenged to explore their knowledge, be creative, independent and responsible, and always try to innovate. Students' knowledge increased, students became more creative, independent, responsible and able to create new products. It can be concluded that the evaluation of the implementation of P5 with the Kirkpatrick evaluation model was carried out well. The latest information in this study can have implications for improving and enhancing the implementation of P5 in the future, so that it can create superior students.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ninyomanmariani, witraguna, Wirayani, Sukarini Implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project in Inclusive Schools 2025-01-17T07:39:22+00:00 Ni Kadek Gita Librayanti Nice Maylani Asril <p>Facts on the ground show that children are less motivated. Lack of motivation in children is caused by children finding it difficult to implement the Pancasila student profile strengthening project. This study aims to prove the implementation of the Pancasila student profile strengthening project in the independent curriculum in schools that provide inclusive education. This study is a type of qualitative research with a case study approach. The subjects of this study were 1 head of the Foundation, and 1 teacher for grades I and II each. The data collection methods used were observation and interviews. The data collection instruments were observation guidelines and interview guidelines. The data analysis technique used was interactive model qualitative data analysis. The results of this study are that the implementation of P5 activities for inclusive schools can be carried out through 3 stages. So it can be concluded that the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the Pancasila student profile strengthening project are running according to the stages of its development and from the project activities, the planning, implementation, and evaluation processes occur in children. The latest results in this study can have implications for its use as a reference or reading material for consideration in making policies related to the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project, especially for early childhood, especially with children with special needs.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Kadek Gita Librayanti, Nice Maylani Asril Problem Based Learning Video on Force Material for Fourth Grade of Elementary School 2025-01-17T07:40:39+00:00 Ni Putu Putri Prananda Maharani Ni Wayan Suniasih I Wayan Sujana <p>Facts in the field show that teachers do not use enough problem-based learning media when teaching. This has an impact on students' low problem-solving abilities. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of problem-based learning video media for the subject of science, the material of the forces around us, grade IV elementary school. The type of research conducted is development research using the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The subjects of this study were 33 grade IV students. The method and instrument for data collection used questionnaires and tests. Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis techniques and inferential statistics. The results of trials by experts and practitioners showed that the learning media were included in the good category and were declared very suitable for use in the learning process. The results of the media effectiveness test on student learning outcomes stated that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that media innovation in the form of problem-based learning videos for the subject of science, the material of the forces around us, grade IV elementary school has proven to be effective in its application. This study has implications for increasing teacher participation in using problem-based learning video media to develop students' ability to solve problems.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Putu Putri Prananda Maharani, Ni Wayan Suniasih, I Wayan Sujana Higher Order Thinking Skill Instrument for Science Subject in Sixth Grade of Elementary School 2025-01-17T07:41:53+00:00 I Gede Adi Suwarma Putra Putu Nanci Riastini I Nyoman Laba Jayanta <p>The lack of development of test questions that contain HOTS elements in training students to be able to think at a high-level causes students' higher order thinking skills to be low. So that the demands of the curriculum cannot be achieved optimally. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of HOTS ability instruments for grade VI elementary school students in science subjects to measure students' higher order thinking skills. This research is development research that uses the 4D model. The 4D research model consists of four stages, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. The subject of this research is HOTS instrument. The object of this research is the quality of the items produced. The data collection techniques used in this research are quantitative observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests. In order to test its feasibility, the multiple-choice test instrument was analyzed which included content validity test, item validity test, reliability test, differentiation test, and difficulty test. HOTS-based instruments for grade VI elementary school students in science subjects, get the results of data analysis, namely, the content validity test of the instrument is declared valid, the validity test of the instrument items is declared valid, the reliability test is declared to have high reliability, the average result of the test of differential power is included in the good criteria, and the test of the level of difficulty is included in the medium criteria. From the tests that have been carried out, the HOTS ability instrument for grade VI elementary school students in science subjects is suitable for measuring students' higher order thinking skills.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Gede Adi Suwarma Putra, Putu Nanci Riastini, I Nyoman Laba Jayanta Problem Based E-Book on Social and Natural Sciences Learning Subjects for Fifth Grade of Elementary Schools 2025-01-17T07:44:02+00:00 I Gede Putu Krisna Darma Saputra Adrianus I Wayan Ilia Yuda Sukmana <p>The limitations of teacher skills in developing innovative learning media affect student learning outcomes in the subject of social and natural sciences. This study was conducted with the aim of developing a product in the form of an e-book to improve student learning outcomes, as well as analyzing the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the product developed. This study is a development research with the ADDIE model. This study involved expert lecturers and fifth grade elementary school students. The data collection method used questionnaires and tests. Then the data was analyzed descriptively quantitatively and statistically. Quantitative analysis techniques were used to test the design and validity stages of the products developed. In addition, this technique is used to process data obtained through questionnaires as descriptive percentages. Then statistical tests were carried out through the t-test which is useful for testing differences in the average value of the calculation between two correlated sample groups and independent samples. The results of the study showed that the overall validity results of the development of e-book teaching materials had a very good percentage and were suitable for use in the learning process. Based on this, it can be concluded that e-book media based on problem based learning are effectively applied to the subject of social and natural sciences in fifth grade elementary schools. This research has a positive impact on teachers, namely expanding teachers' knowledge in developing and utilizing learning media in the learning process so that teachers do not predominantly use lecture methods.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Gede Putu Krisna Darma Saputra Krisna, Anak Agung Gede Agung, Adrianus I Wayan Ilia Yuda Sukmana Illustrated Story Book Media to Improve Reading Skills in Indonesian Language Learning for Second Grade of Elementary School Students 2025-01-17T07:45:31+00:00 Kadek Dwi Nanditasari I Made Citra Wibawa <p>Students' ability to read is still low. This is because there is no interactive supporting media available, only books which are dominated by lots of writing. This research aims to prove the effectiveness of picture story book media in Indonesian language learning to improve the reading ability of second grade elementary school students. This type of research is development. The model used is ADDIE which consists of five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The subjects in this research were 17 class II students. The data collection method uses a questionnaire and evaluates oral reading ability. The instruments used were questionnaires and tests. The data analysis techniques used are qualitative descriptive analysis, quantitative and inferential statistics. The results of the research show a significance value (2-tailed) of 0.000 in the t-test so that it is concluded that the picture story book media for improving reading skills in class II students' Indonesian language learning is suitable for use as a learning medium in the learning process. The implication of this research is that it can be an example for teachers in using interactive media in learning to improve students' reading skills.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kadek Dwi Nanditasari, I Made Citra Wibawa, Adrianus I Wayan Ilia Yuda Sukmana QR Code Pop-up Book Based on Ethnomathematics to Improve Problem Solving Skills 2025-01-17T08:42:06+00:00 Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani Dewi I Wayan Widiana I Nyoman Laba Jayanta <p>Lack of optimization of the application of learning media and the application of methods used in the implementation of the elementary school mathematics learning process is the background of this study. This study has four objectives, namely: (1) analyzing the validity of learning media, (2) analyzing the practicality of learning media, (3) analyzing the effectiveness of ethnomathematics-based QR code pop-up book learning media to improve students' problem-solving abilities in mixed calculation operation material grade III elementary schools. The research model used in this study is the ADDIE model which consists of five stages, namely analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The subjects in this study were 4 experts, and 33 elementary school students. This research trial motorcycle taxi is the problem-solving ability of students in the operation material to calculate the number of cacah class III elementary schools. The data collection methods used are questionnaires and tests. The instrument applied to collect data is a questionnaire in the form of a closed type of questionnaire using a rating scale and an essay test. The results showed that (1) the learning media that had been produced obtained a very good expert validity index, (2) the level of achievement of practicality of learning media in terms of student responses obtained very good qualifications, (3) the implementation of research on correlated t-tests obtained significant results so that ethnomathematics-based QR code pop-up book learning media was effective for improving problem solving skills in class mixed calculation operation material III elementary school.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani Dewi, I Wayan Widiana, I Nyoman Laba Jayanta Improving the Quality of the Learning Process through Fun Thinkers Learning Media in Elementary Schools 2025-01-17T08:43:37+00:00 Ni Kadek Dwi Ery Ni Wayan Rati I Gusti Ayu Tri Agustiana <p>Education today continues to develop to improve its quality standards through various aspects of implementing satisfactory learning. The main components involved include human elements, materials, facilities, and learning processes. The lack of learning media used by educators, especially media that can cover material from the core of learning, causes low student interest in learning. Interesting and innovative learning media can increase student motivation and interest in learning. The purpose of this study was to produce Fun Thinkers learning media for grade II elementary school on theme 1 living in harmony. The model used in the study is the ADDIE model. The research method used is the questionnaire method and for data collection instruments using the rating scale instrument. Meanwhile, for data analysis techniques in conducting validity tests using the average score formula and reliability tests using the Percentage of Agreement formula. The results of the research that has been carried out on the validity test of learning media showed that the learning media has very good qualifications based on expert assessments, teachers and students as users. Based on the results of the analysis, the Fun Thinkers learning media for grade II elementary school on theme 1 living in harmony is said to be valid and suitable for use in the learning process.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Kadek Dwi Ery, Ni Wayan Rati, I Gusti Ayu Tri Agustiana Inside Outside Circle Model Assisted by Audio-Visual Media to Improve Science Cognitive Learning Outcomes of Fourth Grade Elementary School Students 2025-01-17T08:45:38+00:00 Ni Kadek Novi Antari Anak Agung Gede Agung Didith Pramunditya Ambra <p>The problem that occurs is that the science learning method in elementary schools tends to still use the lecture method, without student participation in the learning process. This research aims to evaluate the effect of implementing the IOC model assisted by audio-visual media on science cognitive learning outcomes in fourth grade elementary school students. This research uses a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group design. The population consisted of 386 fourth grade students in elementary school. Samples were taken using cluster random sampling technique, with 30 students as the experimental group and 31 students as the control group. Data collection methods and instruments were carried out using description tests. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques to describe sample characteristics, as well as pooled variances inferential statistical techniques (t-test) to compare learning outcomes between the experimental and control groups. The results of the analysis indicate rejection of the null hypothesis (H0) and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis (H1), which shows that there are significant differences between the two groups in terms of learning outcomes. Thus, it can be concluded that the application of the IOC model assisted by audio-visual media is effective in improving cognitive science learning outcomes in fourth grade elementary school students. It is hoped that the implications of this research will be an example for teachers in applying the IOC learning model to science learning.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Kadek Novi Antari, Anak Agung Gede Agung, Didith Pramunditya Ambra Interactive Multimedia Based on Contextual Approach in Mathematics Subjects for Fourth Grade of Elementary Schools 2025-01-17T08:48:09+00:00 Ni Kadek Sri Widiari I Wayan Wiarta <p>Mathematics is one of the subjects that is often encountered and has an important role in everyday life. Mathematics lessons will always be found at every level of education, both in elementary school and in college. This development research was motivated by the problem of a lack of learning media that could increase students' interest and motivation in learning activities. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of interactive multimedia based on a contextual approach in fourth grade elementary school mathematics subjects. This development research uses the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) development model. The subjects of this research were 3 experts and 32 fourth grade elementary school students. The data collection methods used were observation, interviews, questionnaires and tests. Data collection instruments use questionnaires and multiplechoice tests. The data analysis techniques in this research are qualitative descriptive analysis, quantitative descriptive analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, inferential descriptive analysis. Based on the results of the t test, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that interactive multimedia based on a contextual approach is feasible and effective for use in mathematics subjects with equal fraction material for fourth grade students in elementary school. The implications of this research are expected to help teachers provide mathematics learning that is fun and easy for students to understand.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Kadek Sri Widiari, I Wayan Wiarta Big Book Media with Science Learning Content Based on Balinese Local Wisdom for Fifth Grade of Elementary School Students 2025-01-17T08:48:56+00:00 Ni Ketut Mega Resi Parwati Ni Wayan Rati I Gede Margunayasa <p>The low motivation to learn students is caused due to several factor both from the teacher and students. Through the application of Big Book can increase student motivation. The study aims to develop a Big Book with the science learning based on Bali local wisdom for five grade of elementary school which has been tested for authenticity, practicality, and effectiveness in increase student motivation. This research is guided by the ADDIE development model which consists of the analysis stage, design stage, development stage, implementation stage, and evaluation stage. The study subject includes design experts, media experts, materials experts, practitioners’ experts numbered 1 teachers, and students numbered 23 students. The data collection method is by asking questions to the subject. The percentage of evaluation results of design experts is: 89.28% with very good qualifications, media experts: 85.89%, very good qualifications, material experts: 95.00%, very good qualifications, answers from practitioners: 92.05%, qualifications very good and response from students: 93.85%, very good qualifications. The results of the validity test using the correlated t test method found significance (Sig. 2-tailed) 0.000 &lt; 0.05, so H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. Based on the results of the analysis, the Big Book with the science learning based on Bali local wisdom to valid and practical to use in learning, as well as effective in motivating students to learn.</p> <p> </p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Ketut Mega Resi Parwati, Ni Wayan Rati Interactive Learning Multimedia Using Contextual Approach for Students in Fifth Grade of Elementary School 2025-01-17T09:12:46+00:00 Syifa'ul Fauziyah I Gde Wawan Sudatha I Komang Sudarma <p>There is no learning media that can facilitate learning so that students tend to be passive and have an impact on low student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to develop interactive learning multimedia with a contextual approach to improve the learning outcomes of fifth grade elementary school students in science. This study is development research with the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) development model. The data collection methods used in this study are observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests. The data analysis used is descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative. The results of this study are expert validity tests with very good qualifications in the category of 100% learning material content experts, 94.66% learning design experts, and 93.33% learning media experts. The results of the product trial on individual trials were 94.28%, and small group trials were 92.85% with very good qualifications. The results of the effectiveness test of the application of interactive learning multimedia with an average pre-test of 55.83 and an average post-test of 89.17. This study has implications for interactive learning multimedia being able to improve student learning outcomes with a contextual approach so that learning is more meaningful. It can be concluded that interactive learning multimedia with a contextual approach is stated to be valid and effective in improving learning outcomes in the subject of science for grade V Elementary School students.</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syifa'ul Fauziyah