JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia) 2025-01-31T05:02:46+00:00 I Wayan Widiana Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia</strong> [<strong>p-ISSN:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2303-288X</a> (print) and <strong>e-ISSN:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2541-7207</a> (online)] is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Research and Community Service Institute of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha since 2012. JPI is an integrated media for ongoing communication related to significant new research findings related to education, including: the fields of educational research in teaching, learning and teaching, curriculum development, learning environment, teacher education, educational technology, and education development. <br /><br />JPI publishes research articles that are comprehensive in nature by inviting reviews from the leading experts in the fields. The incoming papers will be selected based on high scientific studies, provide important new knowledge, and are very interesting for the community in the field of education. JPI has become a member of <strong>CrossRef</strong> with <strong>DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v9i1</strong> so that all articles published by JPI will have a unique DOI number. <br /><br />JPI was first published in 2012 and is regularly published twice a year until 2019. Since then, JPI has begun to receive high-quality articles in large quantities. Therefore, starting in 2020, JPI increases the frequency of publications to four times a year. JPI is accredited by the <strong>Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia</strong>, which is ranked <strong>Second Grade (Peringkat 2, Sinta 2)</strong> from 2016 to 2020 based on <strong>Decree No. 21/E/KPT/2018</strong>.</p> Multiple Intelligences in Elementary Science Education: Impact of Guided Discovery Approach on Learning Interest 2025-01-31T05:02:01+00:00 Dela Galuh Thamkaniah Ari Suryawan Ali Mustadi <p>Science education at the elementary school level often ignores the process dimension, emphasizing more on the final product of knowledge. This study aims to analyze the effect of Guided Discovery Learning model on students' interest in developing multiple intelligence-based basic science learning. Using a pre-experimental design, 27 sixth semester students from the Elementary School Teacher Education program participated with purposive sampling. Data collection included observation, questionnaires, tests, and documentation, with data analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test. The results showed a significant difference before and after the application of Guided Discovery model in the classroom. So it can be concluded that, the Guided Discovery Learning model has a significant impact on student learning interest in the development of multiple intelligence-based basic science learning. This research provides evidence that guided discovery learning and constructive feedback is an effective strategy to improve learning quality and students' interest in learning. This model not only increases students' interest in learning but also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dela Galuh Thamkaniah Pre-service English Teachers in the Teaching Internship Program (TIP) 2025-01-31T05:01:42+00:00 M. Ali Ghufron <p>The Teaching Internship Program is designed to prepare prospective teachers for the world of work, but participants still face many challenges. This study aims to analyze the challenges and opportunities pre-service English language education student teachers face during the Teaching Internship Program in secondary schools in Indonesia. The study used a qualitative approach with a case study method, and data was collected through semi-structured interviews and reflective journals. The analysis was carried out through an inductive process in three phases: open coding (identifying and categorizing themes), axial coding (exploring relationships between themes), and selective coding (highlighting relevant themes for further discussion). The findings showed that participants faced several challenges during the PPL, especially in classroom management, effective delivery of subject matter, and handling non-teaching tasks. The experiences of pre-service English language education teachers in the Teaching Internship Program (TIP) varied greatly, influenced by individual factors, institutions, and the school environment where they were interned. The implications of this study indicate the need to improve the quality of the Teaching Internship Program (TIP) to maximize participants' learning experience. The research results underline the importance of the role of mentors in providing practical guidance, so educational institutions and partner schools need to develop training programs for mentors to ensure they have adequate mentoring skills.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M. Ali Ghufron Independent Curriculum Reform in High School Historical Thinking Skills 2025-01-31T05:02:24+00:00 M. Ari Kuwoto Isrina Siregar Refli Surya Barkara Rizki Ananda Hasibuan Muhammad Afrillyan Dwi Syahputra Ria Rafianti Nadia Ramona <p>Many teachers still have difficulty implementing learning strategies that can develop historical thinking skills, such as critical, analytical, and reflective thinking. This study aims to create a curriculum programmed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. This study uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach and the naturalistic inquiry research method. The research data were obtained from observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data collection, reduction, presentation, and concluding. The results of this study show that curricular learning consists of an assessment of history teaching and learning activities integrated into the learning process, and a structured summative assessment schedule is determined according to its evaluation. Implementation barriers and solutions will be seen when the RPP or teaching modules are not applied in classroom learning activities. Therefore, the Merdeka Curriculum must implement ATP, CP, and teaching modules. The Merdeka Curriculum provides more space for a learning approach emphasising critical thinking. This allows students to delve deeper into historical analysis and source evaluation and understand the historical context more deeply. The study concludes that the Independent Curriculum improves the quality of history learning in high schools, focusing more on critical thinking and analysis skills.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M. Ari Kuwoto Improving Higher Order Thinking Skills Through Multidimensional Curriculum Design at the High School Level 2025-01-31T05:01:38+00:00 Nirmalasari Dinn Wahyudin Deni Darmawan <p>This research is motivated by problems in the field which show that the curriculum in schools has not optimally honed students' high-level thinking abilities. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of a multidimensional curriculum in improving high school students' higher order thinking skills. The approach used in this research is a quantitative approach. The method used is quasi-experimental by testing a multidimensional curriculum model integrated with scientific, creative and future thinking competencies in the experimental group and comparing it with the control group. The participants involved were 300 high school students spread across 7 schools. The instrument used to measure students' thinking skills is a questionnaire that contains three dimensions, namely scientific, creative and future thinking. The scientific thinking dimension contains inquiry skills, the creative thinking dimension contains ways of solving problems, and the future thinking dimension contains individual views and time. The results of the study showed that the high-level thinking skills in the experimental group experienced more significant improvement compared to the control group. The dimensions of ability that experienced the most significant increase were future thinking skills and creative thinking skills. A multidimensional curriculum model must be accompanied by innovative and creative learning strategies or methods that encourage higher order thinking skills in students of various ages. The implication of this research is that the multidimensional curriculum model can be used at the secondary school level in order to improve higher order thinking skills.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nirmalasari, Dinn Wahyudin, Deni Darmawan Silent Reading Training Improves Reading Speed and Reading Comprehension 2025-01-31T05:02:04+00:00 Herdiana Sirojul Munir <p>The speed reading and reading comprehension abilities of junior high school students are still far from ideal criteria. There are still many students who do not understand reading quickly and well. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of fast and silent reading skills training on students' reading speed and achievement at an early age. This research also seeks to explore the effectiveness of training interventions and their potential for students based on gender. The research method used in this research is quasi-experimental. The participants involved in this research were 350 junior high school students in grades 1-3. The experimental group received speed reading skills training 15 times using Indonesian language books. The control group used the regular curriculum. The data analysis used is correlation analysis between variables based on sample data, data range, skewness and kurtosis. In addition, ANCOVA analysis was carried out to determine the impact of the intervention on fast reading skills silently through pre- and post-intervention score analysis. The results showed that students in the experimental group showed a higher reading speed than students in the control group. Students who received intervention showed a better level of reading effectiveness in the posttest phase compared to the reading ability of students in the control group. In terms of gender, male students show better reading speed than female students. However, in terms of reading comprehension level, male and female students showed similar improvements in the posttest phase.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Herdiana Herdiana, Sirojul Munir Guided Reading Methods Assisted by Animation Videos to Improve Inferential and Textual Reading Comprehension 2025-01-31T05:01:58+00:00 Tanto Aljauharie Tantowie Dadang Sunendar Tatat Hartati Laila Nurmalihah <p>Reading comprehension ability is something that students need to master, but students' interest and ability in reading comprehension in Indonesia is still very low. This is partly caused by the less than optimal use of methods or media used by teachers. This research aims to determine the effect of video-assisted guided reading methods on elementary school students' reading comprehension abilities. The method used in this research is a Quasi Experimental method with a Non-Equivalent Control Group Design research design. The research sample consisted of 250 elementary school students who met the researchers' criteria. Data collection techniques in this research are tests, observation sheets and documentation studies. The instrument used is a text that has 2 topics, namely natural disasters and social inequality. Meanwhile, the data analysis used is the t test and regression test. The t-test was carried out to determine the effectiveness of the guided reading method. Apart from that, standard regression test data analysis was also carried out to see which type of understanding was superior, textual or inferential based on the type of text. The research results showed that the reading comprehension ability of students who received guided reading method intervention experienced a significant increase. Improved comprehension skills were seen in textual and inferential comprehension. Apart from that, readers with good inferential abilities also have a good level of comprehension. In contrast to readers whose understanding is textual, they have a good level of understanding only in the textual aspect.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tanto Aljauharie Tantowie, Dadang Sunendar, Tatat Hartati, Laila Nurmalihah Cognitive Abilities, Student Character, and Teacher Self-Evaluation Competencies Through Character Education Programs 2025-01-31T05:02:28+00:00 Hendri Marhadi <p>Many students show a gap between academic achievement and character development, such as discipline, responsibility, and empathy. This reflects the suboptimal integration of character values ​​into the learning process. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of character education programs on academic competence, student character, and teacher competence. The research method was a quasi-experiment to see the effectiveness of character education programs implemented in elementary schools. The sample of this study was 500 students and 300 teachers from 10 elementary schools. The research instruments used were questionnaires, rubrics and other supporting data. The data analysis used was ANCOVA, MANOVA, and MANCOVA analysis. The research findings showed that character education improved cognitive abilities, developed positive student character, and improved teacher competence through self-evaluation. The increase in mental ability was seen in students' reading ability. The positive character improvements were social interaction skills, discipline, empathy, and perceptions of the school environment. The increase in competence seen in teachers after receiving intervention was an increase in self-evaluation skills that could improve the quality of teaching, such as motivation, enjoyment of teaching, interaction skills, stakeholder support, parental support, co-worker support, and trust in students. This study has implications that character education can be used as an alternative intervention to develop academic, non-academic and teacher competency.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hendri Marhadi Social-Emotional Integrated Differentiated Learning in Vocational Schools: A Study of Educational Development 2025-01-31T05:01:45+00:00 Anis Rahmawati Wahyu Noviansyah Taufiq Lilo Adisucipto Agusti Tamrin Arini Silmi Kaffa <p>Differentiated learning that is integrated with social-emotional development in Vocational High Schools (SMK) is a relevant approach to facing the challenges of 21st century education. However, implementing this strategy often faces various obstacles, such as teachers' lack of understanding of the concept of differentiation, limited resources, and difficulty integrating social-emotional aspects into competency-based learning. This research aims to describe the development of teaching modules with a differentiation and socio-emotional approach in learning at vocational schools. This research consists of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation stages using the ADDIE development method with a mixed-method approach. The research participants were one teacher and 27 class XI students at a vocational school in Central Java. The research instruments are learning style tests, questionnaires and observation sheets. Data collection through interviews, tests, observations and surveys. Interview data were analyzed using theme analysis, while quantitative descriptive analysis used student learning style data, expert validation and user evaluation. Results of this research found that the success of this implementation was greatly influenced by school management support, availability of resources, and sufficient time for learning planning. These results conclude that social-emotional integrated differentiated learning has great potential to be implemented in vocational schools, but requires a clear framework, continuous training, and collaboration between educational stakeholders to achieve optimal results.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Anis Rahmawati, Wahyu Noviansyah, Taufiq Lilo Adisucipto, Agusti Tamrin, Arini Silmi Kaffa Digital Multiliteracy-Based Anticorruption Education Model: A Framework for Innovation in Pancasila and Civic Education 2025-01-31T05:01:52+00:00 Guntur Arie Wibowo Florentina Maria Panda Ilham Mahmud Farikiansyah Nesliani Paotonan Loso Judijanto Teguh Ahmad Asparill <p>The country faces significant challenges related to corrupt practices, threatening various aspects of people's lives. Therefore, to overcome this problem, it is essential to instil anti-corruption principles early, especially among students who will become future leaders. This research aims to create a digital multiliteracy-based anti-corruption education model in Pancasila and Citizenship education innovation to improve students' anti-corruption attitudes. This research uses the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method with the ADDIE development model. The research sample consisted of 36 first-semester Physical Education study program students. The results showed that the independent sample t-test result showed a significant influence between the digital multiliteracy-based anti-corruption education program and students' anti-corruption attitudes. Thus, there is an influence between each variable. In addition, this study shows that the digital multiliteracy-based anti-corruption education model successfully improves students' attitudes in fighting corruption. This study recommends integrating this program into various departments and universities to strengthen its impact. In addition, periodic evaluations are also suggested to ensure continued effectiveness.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Guntur Arie Wibowo, Florentina Maria Panda, Ilham Mahmud Farikiansyah, Nesliani Paotonan, Loso Judijanto, Teguh Ahmad Asparill EFL Pre-Service Teachers' High Inclusive Awareness: Researching Practical Implementation 2025-01-31T05:02:14+00:00 Ive Emaliana Egi Nur Lathifah Iswahyuni Lailatul Husna <p>The number of students with disabilities registering to study in Indonesia is expected to increase by 2024. This means that teachers need to know about inclusive education, especially this research will focus on prospective English teachers. Therefore, this study investigates the attitudes of prospective English teachers towards Inclusive Education, their determination to teach inclusive classes, and the implications for teaching practice. This research aims to identify factors that influence the understanding and implementation of inclusivity, explore teachers' practical experiences in creating an inclusive learning environment, and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies used. This research uses a combined research method with explanatory sequential design. 100 prospective English teachers from several universities in Indonesia were involved as participants to answer the questionnaire. The questionnaire contains 17 questions. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS version 25 to determine the average value and correlation between attitude and determination. The results showed that prospective English teachers had high average scores in attitude and determination. However, the interview results showed that they had doubts about teaching in inclusion classes due to lack of preparation. This study shows that despite their positive attitude and determination, these prospective teachers would benefit from professional development courses and programs to better prepare themselves to teach in inclusion classes, which would reduce their doubts. The implications of this research can provide insight for educational policy makers in designing curricula that support the implementation of the principle of inclusivity in schools.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ive Emaliana, Egi Nur Lathifah, Iswahyuni Iswahyuni, Lailatul Husna SaNum and SaLis: Strategies for Preparing Minimum Competency Assessments in Elementary Schools 2025-01-31T05:02:09+00:00 Muhammad Fakhri Saifudin Markhamah Fitri Puji Rahmawati <p>Minimum Competency Assessment is currently one of the goals in achieving quality education. Minimum Competency Assessment is often associated with literacy and numeracy. It is a fundamental assessment of students' competencies to develop their inner abilities and participate in community social activities. This study aims to analyze the preparation of the Minimum Competency Assessment in primary schools through Numeracy Breakfast and Literacy Breakfast activities. The methods used in this research are observation, interview, and documentation methods with the subjects of elementary school students, teachers, and principals. The instrument used was an observation sheet. After the data is collected, it is then analyzed using the interactive analysis method with stages according to Miles and Huberman, namely reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions guided by the results of this study indicate that guidance and training activities to face the Minimum Competency Assessment, namely with the Numeracy Breakfast and Literacy Breakfast strategies starting from group formation, looking for reading books in the library, reading and numeracy activities, and writing activities. So, it can be concluded that the level of literacy and numeracy skills of students is still very low; in overcoming this problem, the researcher saw that the school implemented a literacy movement called Sarapan Numerik (SaNum) and Sarapan Literasi (SaLis). The Numeracy Breakfast and Literacy Breakfast activities are innovations in preparing for the Minimum Competency Assessment in Primary Schools.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fakhri Muhammad Fakhri Saifudin Nearpod Application-Based Diagnostic E-Assessment Interest in Learning Mathematics for Grade 4 Elementary School Students 2025-01-31T05:02:17+00:00 Dyah Tri Wahyuningtyas Risma Meilia Berliana Nyamik Rahayu Sesanti <p>Diagnostic assessments in elementary schools still use paper media and teachers rarely use technology in making or applying assessments in the classroom. The role of the teacher is as the main source of students in learning in class, so teachers must create creative learning, especially by using technology. The type of research used is development research which aims to develop a product electronic assessment diagnostics to increase elementary school students' interest in learning mathematics and measure feasibility, practicality and effectiveness electronic assessment which has been developed. The population in this study was one institution in an area, while the research sample for the small-scale trial was 5 children and the large-scale trial was 21 children. Samples were taken in 4th grade of elementary school. Data collection in this research used expert validation, questionnaires and checklist questionnaires. Researchers tested the validity of the data by using expert validity tests and student and teacher response questionnaires. N-Gain Results initial test And post test with a mean of 0.75. Based on these results, it can be seen that by utilizing technology it is possible to increase students' interest in learning, this can be seen from the significant increase in student learning outcomes. Apart from that, students can also learn while playing by utilizing existing technology. The implications of this research can encourage teachers to adopt more interactive and data-based learning technology, where the Nearpod application allows teachers to provide real-time feedback and monitor individual student learning difficulties.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dyah Tri Wahyuningtyas Mapping Leadership Models in Early Childhood Education Institutions and Their Influence on Organizational Commitment and Work Productivity 2025-01-31T05:01:34+00:00 Abdul Kadir Jaelani Sugito <p>The leadership model implemented by the school principal is at odds with the teacher's wishes, causing teacher performance to be unproductive, thus having an impact on the quality of educational institutions. The aim of the research is to analyze the most appropriate form of leadership and influence on organizational commitment and work productivity. This type of research is quantitative, applying survey methods using questionnaires. The research subjects were 721 kindergarten teachers. Samples were taken using the Slovin formula to obtain 236 teachers. Inferential analysis uses Structural Equation Modeling and Partial Least Squares techniques. The research results are; Participative leadership has a very good direct influence on organizational commitment. The research results prove that participative leadership, commitment has an influence on work productivity, and organizational commitment is a variable that is able to mediate participative leadership on work productivity. The participative leadership model needs to be implemented in Early Childhood Education Institutions to increase organizational commitment and its influence on work productivity. The implications of this research are can help stakeholders, such as school principals, PAUD institution managers, and policy makers, in selecting and implementing the most effective leadership model according to the institution's needs.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Kadir Jaelani Jaelani iSALTY as a Framework for Combining Three English Language Learning Methods: State-of-the-Art Research 2025-01-31T05:01:30+00:00 Mozes Kurniawan Lanny Wijayaningsih Listyani <p>Early childhood language development is critical, forming the basis for cognitive, social, and emotional growth. Children's brains are particularly receptive to linguistic input during these formative years, which makes them an optimal period for developing language skills, particularly in English. The trend of integrating English language learning in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) has increased rapidly in Indonesia. The main objective of the iSALTY research is to develop and evaluate an innovative learning framework that harmoniously integrates three English language learning methods to increase the effectiveness of the learning process. Using a literature study approach, this research provides a comprehensive review of existing research to advance knowledge in early childhood English teaching. This research used purposive sampling to select 45 references consisting of 12 titles about Audio Lingual Method (ALM), 16 titles about Total Physical Response (TPR), and 17 titles about Storytelling. A structured six-step procedure was followed to ensure a thorough and systematic literature review. This stae of the arts research reveals that integrating ALM, TPR, and Storytelling has the opportunity to form a dynamic and interesting way of teaching and learning. This holistic approach utilizes repetition, contextualization, and physical reinforcement, which effectively enhances children's linguistic abilities in strengthening English language skills. The implications of iSALTY research have the potential to have a significant impact in the context of English language learning at various levels of education.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mozes Kurniawan, Lanny Wijayaningsih, Listyani Higher Order Thinking Skills in Mathematics with Project Based Learning 2025-01-31T05:02:40+00:00 Sabina Ndiung Merlin Atika Street Mariana Jediut <p>This research was conducted to overcome teachers' problems in integrating learning activities oriented towards higher level thinking which until now has not been a priority. This research aims to analyze creative thinking skills and mathematical problem solving abilities through the application of a project-based learning model. This research uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experiment method with posttest-only group design. The sample consisted of 53 grade V elementary school students consisting of two classes with details of the experimental class totaling 27 people and the control class totaling 26 people using random sampling techniques. Data collection techniques use test techniques. The tests used are descriptive tests both to measure creative thinking skills and for data about problem solving abilities. Based on the reliability test results, all items are in the high category. The data analysis technique uses MANOVA with the help of SPSS 23.00. Research findings show that both separately and simultaneously the creative thinking abilities and problem solving abilities of students who receive learning using the project-based learning model are higher than students who receive learning using the conventional model. Implications of this research shows that project-based learning (PBL) can improve students' abilities in critical, creative, analytical thinking and complex problem solving.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sabina Ndiung Academic Supervision and Work Climate to Improve Primary School Teacher Performance 2025-01-31T05:01:25+00:00 Fauziah Yolviansyah Hermanto Dyana Maftuhatu Rosyidah <p>The inconsistent implementation of academic supervision reduces the effectiveness of providing support and guidance to teachers, and an unconducive work climate results in a decline in teacher performance. This study aims to analyze the effect of academic supervision and work climate on the performance of elementary school teachers in Bantul District and to evaluate the contribution of academic supervision and work climate partially to the performance of elementary school teachers in Bantul District. This type of research is quantitative research. The population of this study was all elementary schools. The study sample was 136 teachers, using a random sampling technique. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. The data analysis techniques used in this study were multiple regression and partial hypothesis testing (t-test), simultaneous test (f-test), and coefficient of the determinant test (R2). The study's results showed that: partially, academic supervision affects teacher performance with t count, and significantly, partially, work climate affects the performance of elementary school teachers with t count. Simultaneously, there is a positive and significant influence between academic supervision and work climate on teacher performance. This study strengthens previous findings about the importance of academic supervision and work climate in improving teacher performance. The results can guide schools and the government in designing strategies to improve the quality of education at the elementary level. The implications of this study indicate that adequate academic supervision and a conducive work climate play a significant role in improving teacher performance, both in terms of planning, implementing, and evaluating learning.</p> 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 fauziah yolviansyah, Hermanto Hermanto; Dyana Maftuhatu Rosyidah Student Mistakes in Solving PISA Model Questions in Content Domains Based on Learning Style 2025-01-31T05:01:47+00:00 Arie Setiawan Kana Hidayati Yufida Afkarina Nizar Isyam <p>Indonesian students' PISA results in the field of mathematics are still relatively low and students are not yet accustomed to questions characterized by real contexts such as PISA questions, so students often make mistakes in solving PISA model questions. This research aims to describe students' mistakes in solving PISA model questions in the content domain. in terms of learning style. This research is an exploratory descriptive research with a quantitative and qualitative approach. The sample in this study was high school students. The sample in this research was determined using techniques <em>stratified proportional random sampling</em>. Data analysis was carried out by calculating the percentage of errors based on student test results, testing differences in the number of students' errors in solving PISA model questions in terms of learning styles using the Anova test. The research results show that overall, the errors of students with a visual learning style are in the medium category while the errors of students with auditory and kinesthetic learning styles are in the high category. However, inferentially, there is no significant difference in the number of student errors in solving PISA model questions between students with visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles. Therefore, this study suggests that teachers should provide non-routine questions in learning. This is to reduce errors made by students when solving problems. In other words, giving non-routine questions can improve students' problem solving abilities. The implications of this research are able to identify types of errors based on student learning styles, so that the learning interventions provided can be more targeted and effective.</p> <p><br /><br /></p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arie Setiawan Students’ Critical Thinking: The Effectiveness of Using a Global Warming E-book with PhET Interactive Simulation 2025-01-31T05:02:33+00:00 Febri Tia Aldila Jumadi Siti Maryam Ulfa Abidaturrosyidah Nurdiyanti <p>Technological developments have led to innovations in teaching materials such as the development of electronic books (e-books). In physics subjects, e-books need to be developed and used optimally to support learning. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of using physics e-books assisted by PhET interactive simulation based on problem-based learning in improving students' critical thinking skills on global warming material in modeling and implementation classes. This research is a quantitative research with a quasi-experimental research design with one pretest and posttest group. The subjects in this research consisted of 32 modeling class students and 23 implementation class students who were obtained using cluster sampling techniques. The data collection technique used is a test and the data analysis technique is the N-Gain test. The research results show that the use of physics e-books assisted by PhET interactive simulation based on problem-based learning on global warming material has an impact on increasing students' critical thinking abilities. Then, the use of physics e-books is quite effective (in the medium category) in improving students' critical thinking skills in modeling and implementation classes. The use of e-books in physics learning makes students more interested in learning so that it has an impact on students' thinking abilities.</p> <p><br /><br /></p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Febri Tia Aldila, Siti Maryam Ulfa, Jumadi, Abidaturrosyidah, Nurdiyanti Optimizing Science Process Skills through Multiple Representation 2025-01-31T05:00:41+00:00 Acesta Arrofa Eli Hermawati Adila Nurfadilah <p>This research is motivated by students' low science process skills in science subjects, which is caused by conventional teaching methods focusing on memorization, limited variations in learning models and minimal student involvement. This study aims to analyze the effect of the multiple representation learning model on improving science process skills in elementary school students. The method used in this research is the quantitative research method of experimental research type, using a nonquivalent control group design. The population used in this study were all fifth-grade elementary school students. The technique used in taking research samples is the Purposive Sampling technique. The sample in this study comprised students from the VA and VB classes, totalling 54. Data collection methods using test techniques and documentation. The instrument used in collecting data is a test question sheet. The data analysis technique used inferential statistical analysis. The results showed significant differences in science process skills between experimental and control classes and real disparities in improving skills that support the representation of multiple-representation learning models. So, the multiple representation learning model can improve science process skills in elementary school students. This research is expected to help improve the quality of science teaching and students' science skills in elementary schools.</p> 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acesta Arrofa An Improvement of Analysis Skills Through Outdoor Learning Method and Social Skills of Students in Basic Concepts of Social Studies Course 2025-01-31T05:02:46+00:00 Kiky Chandra Silvia Anggraini Ana Fitri Agustin <p>The assumption of social studies as boring learning makes many students underestimate social studies learning which will have an impact on low analytical skills. The outdoor learning method was chosen because it encourages students to actively seek and build knowledge gained through learning outside the classroom. The application of Outdoor Learning method and social skills is expected to improve the ability to analyze. This study aims to examine the improvement of analytical skills through outdoor learning methods and social skills in basic social studies concepts. This study used a quantitative approach with a pre experimental design type one group pretest posttest. The subjects were 52 students. The data of this study were collected through social skills questionnaire and analysis ability test. Data analysis uses descriptive tests, prerequisite tests and hypothesis tests. Hypothesis testing using ANOVA test assisted by SPSS. Based on the tests carried out, there is a significant effect on the analysis ability of students, obtaining the results that there are differences in the analysis ability of students who have high social skills to obtain higher analysis skills through outdoor learning methods than students with low social skills. The results concluded that there was an increase in students' analytical skills after being given the outdoor learning method and there were differences in learning achievement abilities in students with high social skills and low social skills. This research is expected to help teachers, education managers, and policy makers in designing learning strategies that are more effective and relevant to the needs of students in the modern education era.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kiky Chandra Silvia Anggraini Local Wisdom-Based Science E-Worksheet with PBL Model: Efforts to Improve Critical Thinking Skills 2025-01-31T05:02:37+00:00 Ria Rochmi Safitri Anggraita Febriana Putri Jumadi Sabar Nurohman Ismail Fikri Natadiwijaya Laifa Rahmawati <p>Currently, science learning often uses conventional teaching materials that are less relevant to students' cultural context, thus affecting their involvement in the learning process. In addition, although the PBL model is known to be effective in training critical thinking skills, its implementation in science learning is still limited, especially those that integrate local wisdom as part of the learning content.This research aims to analyze the effect of using electronic LKPD based on the local potential of dome houses with the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model to improve students' critical thinking skills in science learning. This research uses a pre-experimental method with a one group pretest-posttest design. The research sample consisted of 48 class VIII students who were determined through random sampling. Data was collected through tests, with analysis using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The research found that the use of electronic LKPD based on the local potential of dome houses with the PBL model in science learning was significantly able to improve critical thinking skills, with significance values ​​reaching the high category. All indicators of critical thinking skills experienced an increase in value in this study. Based on these results, learning using electronic LKPD based on local potential with a PBL model can be one of the recommended strategies in science learning. The implications of this research are This research provides guidance in design and use E-Worksheet based on local wisdom with models Problem-Based Learning (PBL) to improve students' critical thinking skills.</p> <p><br /><br /></p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ria Rochmi Safitri, Anggraita Febriana Putri, Jumadi Jumadi, Sabar Nurohman, Ismail Fikri Natadiwijaya, Laifa Rahmawati Interactive Learning Media Utilizing Google Sites on Quantum Mechanics Topic 2025-01-31T05:02:20+00:00 Aris Kurniawan Rida SN Mahmudah Rifkiyatul Khairiyah Putri Dinda Alfadia Lestari <p>The rapid advancement of technology has significantly transformed the landscape of education. The integration of interactive learning platforms has become increasingly crucial in enhancing student engagement and comprehension of complex concepts such as wave functions in quantum mechanics. This research aims to develop and evaluate an effective interactive learning medium for teaching quantum physics at the university level. Employing a research and development approach, this study involved content experts, media experts, and students as research subjects. Experts were selected through purposive sampling, while students were selected through convenience sampling. Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed descriptively using a media feasibility criteria table. The results of the feasibility assessment by media experts, content experts, and user responses indicate that the developed interactive learning medium is highly valid and feasible for teaching quantum physics, particularly the topic of wave functions. This research suggests that Google Sites-based interactive learning media can be an attractive alternative to enhance students' learning experiences and understanding of quantum mechanics.</p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aris Kurniawan, Rida SN Mahmudah, Rifkiyatul Khairiyah, Putri Dinda Alfadia Lestari Motivation and Learning Outcomes: A Study on Community Activity Learning Centers 2025-01-31T05:02:43+00:00 Rosmarin Tutupary Emma Rumahlewang John Rafafy Batlolona <p>Low learning motivation is supported by socio-cultural factors, economics, parental education, and a lack of family support, affecting student learning outcomes. This study aims to analyze the relationship between motivation and learning outcomes of package C students at the Kadewa Dewa Community Learning Center (PKBM). This study is correlational. The population of the subjects of this study were all students registered at the Kadewa Dewa PKBM, Batu Merah Village, Sirimau District, Ambon City, consisting of 22 students of Package C class 10, 28 participants of Package C class 11 and 30 participants of Package C class 12, so the total number is 80 respondents. The sampling technique used proportionate stratified random sampling. The data analysis technique used quantitative analysis with Linear Regression inferential statistics using SPSS 16.00 for Windows software. The findings indicate that learning motivation contributes only 2% and 98% from other factors. Thus, there is no relationship between motivation and student learning outcomes. Therefore, the study provides educators with deep insight into exploring other factors influencing student motivation and learning outcomes. This study concludes that there is a significant relationship between the level of participant motivation and the achievement of learning outcomes. Participants with high intrinsic and extrinsic motivation tend to show better learning outcomes compared to participants with low motivation.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> 2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rosmarin Tutupary