Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP <hr /> <table class="data" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Journal title</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Initials</td> <td width="80%"><strong>JPP</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Abbreviation</td> <td width="80%"><strong>J.Pendidikan dan Pengajaran</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Three issues per year </strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td width="80%"><strong>prefix 10.23887/jpp</strong><strong><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Print ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1339223525" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2301-7821 </strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Online ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1478323106" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2549-2608</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href="https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57207252541">IGA Lokita Purnamika Utami</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="80%"><a href="https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JET/manager/setup/undiksha.ac.id"><strong> Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Organizer</td> <td width="80%"><strong>LPPM - Undiksha</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <hr /> <p><strong>Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran [p-ISSN: 2301-7821 (print) and e-ISSN: 2549-2608 (online)]</strong> is an Open Access Journal published by the Research and Community Service Institute of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. JPP is regularly published tri-annually. By publishing tri-annualy: April, July and October JPP is intended to communicate original researches and current issues on education and instruction including: research on learning and teaching strategies, curriculum development, assessment and material development, teacher development and educational evaluation policy. </p> <p>JPP publishes research articles that are comprehensive in nature by inviting reviews from the leading experts in the fields. The incoming papers will be blind peer-reviewed and selected based on high scientific studies and the ability to provide important contribution to the field. JPP has become a member of CrossRef with DOI so that all articles published by JPP will have a unique DOI number.</p> <p><strong>JPP is accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology, Republic of Indonesia, which is ranked second Grade (Peringkat 2, Sinta 2) with the Decree No 200/M/KPT/2020 starting from volume 53, issue 3, 2020.</strong></p> <p><strong>p-ISSN : <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1339223525" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2301-7821 </a> (Print) and e-ISSN : <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1478323106" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2549-2608</a> (Online)</strong></p> en-US Authors who publish with Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran <strong>agree</strong> to the following terms:<br /><ol><li>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-SA 4.0)</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal</li><li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.</li><li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work. (See <a href="http://opcit.eprints.org/oacitation-biblio.html">The Effect of Open Access</a>)</li></ol> jppundiksha@gmail.com (Dr. IG.A. Lokita Purnamika Utami, S.Pd., M.Pd) info.ejournal@undiksha.ac.id (Komang Meli Martini) Sun, 14 Jul 2024 14:00:16 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Increasing the Effectiveness of Fifth Grade Students' Dance Learning Through a Digital Encyclopedia https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/68728 <p>The modern era of education demands digitalization in the teaching and learning process. Learning without using digital media that suits the participants' characteristics impacts arts learning outcomes at a low rate. This research aims to develop a digital encyclopedia of dance learning for fifth-grade elementary school students. This research method is Research &amp; Development (R&amp;D) with the ADDIE model. The research subjects consisted of 2 experts, 1 teacher and 26 students. Data collection techniques were observation, interviews, questionnaires and written tests. Quantitative and qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The research results show that the digital encyclopedia received 83.75% validity from material experts and 96% from media experts, which is a very feasible category. The digital encyclopedia was assessed as practical, with 95% of students being teachers, 91% being small group students, and 94% being large group students in the very good category. The effectiveness of digital encyclopedias in learning activities is proven by increasing the average learning outcomes of students with an N-Gain value of 0.6490. It can be concluded that the digital encyclopedia has criteria for feasibility, practicality and effectiveness in learning dance in grade V elementary school. This research implies that the digital encyclopedia of dance can be used by elementary school teachers in dance learning activities.</p> Firman Ardiyanto, Atip Nurharini Copyright (c) 2023 Firman Ardiyanto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/68728 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Project-Based Learning Media: Embossed Maps of Social Studies Material Content https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/66285 <p>The lack of use of learning media in learning poses and the lack of visual learning media thus affecting the low level of interaction and attention of learners to teaching and learning activities. This study aims to determine the design, feasibility of media, and effectiveness of embossed map media. This research is development research applying the ADDIE model. The data collection method uses observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tutorials of the work. Data analysis uses quantitative descriptive, qualitative descriptive, and inferential statistics. The results of the media were obtained to have validity from the test results of design experts 87.5%, learning material experts 90%, learning design experts 87.5%, learning media experts 88.63%, individual trials 90%, small group trials 91.6%, and field trials of 88.6%. The result of the t-test obtained tcount (11.368) is greater than ttable (2.262) so that H1 is accepted. It can be concluded that embossed map media has proven feasible and effective to be applied to class V social studies subjects.</p> I Putu Yogi Pratama Putra, I Wayan Sujana, Ni Nyoman Ganing Copyright (c) 2023 I Putu Yogi Pratama Putra, I Wayan Sujana, Ni Nyoman Ganing https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/66285 Mon, 06 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Conceptions of Differentiated Instruction: A Case Study of Junior High School Mathematics Teachers https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/67949 <p>Differentiated learning is a learning approach that adapts to the individual needs of students, both student readiness, interests, and their learning profile. Although this concept has been widely discussed, its implementation in mathematics learning still encounters many obstacles. This study aims to describe the conception of mathematics teachers towards differentiated learning and its implementation in supporting the Independent Curriculum. This research is qualitative research using questionnaires as a data collection method. The subjects of this study were 27 junior high school mathematics teachers in the city of Surakarta. Data is analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques including data reduction, data presentation, and verification/conclusions. The results showed that teachers' understanding of differentiated learning was good, both in theoretical concepts and implementation. However, teachers still face obstacles in design, limited learning time, classroom management, and limited knowledge on some aspects of differentiated learning. The study concluded that even though teachers already understand the concept of differentiated learning, they need further support to overcome existing barriers. The implications of this research point to the need for additional training and resources to support more effective implementation.</p> Imam Sujadi, Riki Andriatna, Budiyono, Ira Kurniawati, Arum Nur Wulandari, Yuli Bangun Nursanti Copyright (c) 2023 Imam Sujadi, Riki Andriatna, Budiyono, Ira Kurniawati, Arum Nur Wulandari, Yuli Bangun Nursanti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/67949 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Perceptions of Pre-service Science Teachers in Indonesia about the Greenhouse Effect (GHE) https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/69237 <p>Tackling climate change is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and concerns the world community. The greenhouse effect (GHE) is the primary source of global warming and influences climate change. This exploratory research aims to explore the perceptions of pre-service science teachers in Indonesia about the GHE. The study's participants were 265 Indonesian pre-service science teachers. Research data was collected through a questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of three open questions and 36 statements with multiple-choice responses. The open-ended inquiry is coded, and the resume is shown as a mind map. The remaining questionnaire results were examined using descriptive statistics. Based on the analysis results, it can be concluded that most prospective teachers have not been able to describe the process of GHE in detail, and there are still several misperceptions. Prospective teachers must have the correct perception of the topics they will teach their students in the future, so the implications of this research are recommendations for institutions and teaching lecturers in teacher education to discuss GHE topics in more detail and ensure there are no misperceptions.</p> Shelly Efwinda, Abdul Hakim, Nadya Meriza, Aristo Hardinata, Abdul Latip Copyright (c) 2024 Shelly Efwinda, Abdul Hakim, Nadya Meriza, Aristo Hardinata, Abdul Latip https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/69237 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Multiple-Choice Questions in Basic Biomedical Science Module https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/63314 <p>The evaluation process in medical education involves evaluating knowledge, skills, and attitudes based on the achievements and competencies to be achieved. The multiple-choice question (MCQ) instrument is an assessment instrument often used in the medical field. So far, the MCQs have been implemented in Indonesia's national medical competency examination. Furthermore, maintaining the quality of MCQs at the faculty level is very important to maintain the quality of medical graduates. In this study, an evaluation was carried out on 250 items of MCQs in three basic biomedical modules, followed by analyses of the MCQs characteristics, item difficulty index (DIF-I), and item discrimination index (DI). The analysis found that the Kr-20 value was &gt;0.8 in the three modules. Analysis of the item difficulty index (DIF-I) in the ideal category obtained 33 (36.7%), 29 (38.7%), and 34 (39.5%), respectively. The ideal category's item discrimination index (DI) was 63.3%, 77.3%, and 69.4%, respectively. The results of this study illustrate that there are still MCQs that are not ideal and need attention for future improvements. These results prove that more work must be done to improve the standard of MCQs used in medical examinations. Periodic evaluation and training on making standardized multiple-choice question components need to be planned within the faculty.</p> Made Bayu Permasutha, Gandes Retno Rahayu, Made Kurnia Widiastuti Giri, Dewa Agung Gde Fanji Pradiptha Copyright (c) 2023 Made Bayu Permasutha, Gandes Retno Rahayu, Made Kurnia Widiastuti Giri, Dewa Agung Gde Fanji Pradiptha https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/63314 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Character of Perseverance and Mathematical Processing Skills in Learning Numeracy Operations in Elementary Schools https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/55092 <p>This study aims to determine the effect of the persistence character on the mathematical processing skills of high school students in arithmetic operations. Then, find out the differences in student learning persistence and elementary school math processing skills. This research method uses a mixed practice with an explanatory design. The research sample was grouped into three schools, namely elementary school Basirih 5 from South Kalimantan, elementary school 64 Muara Bulian, and elementary school 131 Muara Bulian from Jambi province, which we will use with a total sample of 60 students—sampling using a simple random sampling technique. The results of data analysis using the independent sample t-test obtained a value of sig &lt;0.05, so it can be said that the character of the persistence of students in each elementary school is different, and for the mathematical processing skills variable sig is &lt;0.05 so that the KPM for each school is different. The results of a simple linear regression test obtained a sig value of 0.025 in the high class of elementary school Basirih 5, elementary school 64, and elementary school 131 Muara Bulian received a sig value of 0.030, where the sig value &lt;0.05, which means that the persistence of character affects the students' mathematical process skills. The conclusion of this study is that learning persistence is an important factor affecting students' mathematical process skills, with the implication that strengthening the character of perseverance can improve mathematical learning outcomes.</p> Noor Fajriah, Kamid Copyright (c) 2023 Noor Fajriah, Kamid Kamid https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/55092 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Character Education Based on Local Wisdom Hasthalaku https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/66260 <p>The increase in corruption cases, the increasing number of cases involved in drugs and various forms of juvenile delinquency are the impact of the erosion of the character that is owned and held firmly by the Indonesian people. One solution that schools can implement is to implement character education based on local Hasthalaku wisdom. This research aims to analyze the implementation of character education based on local wisdom in high schools. The research subjects consisted of the deputy principal, Hasthalaku teacher, several subject teachers, and several students at the school. The research was conducted using naturalistic qualitative methods. Data collection used passive participant observation techniques, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. The analysis technique uses technical triangulation and triangulation of research data sources. Data analysis uses an interactive model developed by Miles and Huberman, including three procedures: data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The research results show that character education based on local Hasthalaku wisdom has been implemented consistently and sustainably through several school programs/activities. The school's efforts to implement character education based on local Hasthalaku wisdom can shape students' character by the character of Javanese society. The implications of this research can have a positive impact on students' lives now and in the future.</p> Feri Dwi Jayanti, Taat Wulandari Copyright (c) 2023 Feri Dwi Jayanti, Taat Wulandari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/66260 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Learning Tools Based on Outcome Based Learning in Science Courses of Postgraduate Primary School Teacher Education Programs https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/63286 <p>Curriculum development in higher education currently requires implementing the independent campus program. The independent campus program requires universities to be able to implement an output-based curriculum or outcome-based education. This research aims to analyze the need to develop learning tools based on outcome-based learning, especially in the core scientific subjects of primary school teacher education postgraduate programs. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection used questionnaire techniques, observation, and interviews with 14 lecturers as respondents. This research produced three important findings. First, all lecturers prepare learning tools before carrying out lectures. Second, 57.1% of lecturers prepared non-OBE-based learning tools. Third, 71.4% of lecturers need to learn about OBE-based learning tools. The education paradigm is changing from Input-Based to Outcome-Based Education (OBE). Education is reviewed and replaced with something more relevant, originally 'what is important for lecturers to teach' and has now changed to 'what is important for students to learn and master.' For this reason, it is necessary to develop OBE-based learning tools in core scientific subjects in Primary School Teacher Education Postgraduate Programs.</p> I Komang Wahyu Wiguna, Ni Nyoman Lisna Handayani Copyright (c) 2023 I Komang Wahyu Wiguna, Ni Nyoman Lisna Handayani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/63286 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Literacy and Numeracy Difficulty Factors in the Independent Learning Curriculum https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/67433 <p>PISA 2018 was released from 78 countries; Indonesia was ranked 70th; only 25% could read, and 24% could count. The research aims to analyze the factors of literacy and numeracy difficulties in the independent learning curriculum. The method used is a mixed method. The subjects were 130 middle school students. Data collection techniques used surveys, observations and interviews. The survey was conducted by distributing instruments to 130 people via Google on a 1-5 point Likert scale. Data was also obtained during randomly selected observations and interviews. The survey analysis technique used SPSS 26, which formed a bar chart. The interview results were analyzed by presenting the data and collecting it, then reducing it, coding it in tables, and verifying the interview with a survey. The results and findings show that 48.63% assess that the Basic Class is difficult to implement, 67.67% assess that the School Culture indicators are not optimal, and 78.54% assess that the Community Base has minimal implementation. The results of observations and interviews also intersect with survey results. According to the third source, indicators of success in literacy and numeracy in schools still need to be fully implemented and meet qualification expectations. In conclusion, minimal implementation of the third indicator impacts students' weak literacy and numeracy skills. This research implies that assignments or projects designed by teachers for students help and train students to improve their literacy and numeracy.</p> Edy Saputra, Lola Mandasari, Novidayanti M., Loso Judijanto, Jitu Halomoan Lumbantoruan Copyright (c) 2023 Jitu Jitu Halomoan Lumbantoruan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/67433 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Leadership Communication Style and Teacher Work Culture towards Collaborative Management https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/68762 <p>Limitations of the leader's communication style with work performance, teacher job satisfaction, teacher commitment, and teacher motivation and teacher ability as a positive work culture have yet to show collective participation. The existence of harmony between theoretical expectations and reality urges a review to analyze leadership communication styles and teacher work culture towards collaborative management. The research method used is quantitative with a descriptive plan. The subjects were teachers and school leaders, totaling 310 respondents. Supervised data collection techniques by developing instruments based on research indicators. Technical analysis using SPSS Version 26.0 with correlation analysis. The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between the level of the principal's basic tendency to power, the basis of expert power, the level of the basic tendency of the principal's coercive power, the level of the basic tendency of the principal's legitimate power, the principal's supervisory communication style, the teacher's work culture, the level of teacher competence, an organizational structure with a level of collaborative management at the level. The research conclusions show a negative and significant relationship between the age of leadership in secondary schools, the education level of school principals, and the level of collaborative management. The implications of this research can provide a positive picture and impact for leaders to communicate and collaborate massively and actively with teachers.</p> Komari , Ruswaji , Henny Mahmudah, Lilik Nurcholidah , Sandi Nasrudin Wibowo , Mesta Limbong Copyright (c) 2024 Mesta Mesta Limbong https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/68762 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Integration and Non-Integration of Life Skills: is There an Influence on the Development of Basketball Shooting Skills? https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/74950 <p>Lack of integration of life skills in training can result in athletes having high technical skills but lacking the ability to adapt and cooperate in everyday life. This study aims to analyze the impact of integration and non-integration of life skills in training on improving shooting skills in basketball. This experimental research was conducted involving 20 basketball players as samples. The collected data will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. This research uses an independent t-test and ANOVA. The study showed a significant increase in shooting accuracy and technique in the experimental group, which received integrated life skills, compared to the control group. These findings indicate that a holistic training approach that includes aspects of life skills can positively improve technical abilities in basket ball sports. Based on these results, this study recommends that trainers consider integrating life skills into training programs. This supports improving the athlete's technical skills and contributes to a more holistic development of the athlete, which includes aspects of valuable life skills. The implications of this research can help deepen understanding of how the integration of life skills can influence various aspects of sports performance.</p> Tri Prasetyo, Padli, Tjung Hauw Sin, Ronni Yenes, Fiky Zarya, Oki Candra, Ali Munir Copyright (c) 2024 Tri Prasetyo, Padli, Tjung Hauw Sin, Ronni Yenes, Fiky Zarya, Oki Candra, Ali Munir https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/74950 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Is it True That My Students don't Understand the Static Fluid Concepts? Rasch Modeling Perspective https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/57883 <p>Students' conceptual understanding can be analysed using the Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item Response Theory (IRT) approaches. CTT can only explain students' conceptual understanding at the group level, while IRT can at the individual level. Therefore, this research evaluates students' conceptual understanding using the Rasch model. This research used a survey research type and was carried out in class XI. Students' conceptual understanding was collected using 10 multiple-choice questions on static fluid material. The level of concept understanding was analyzed in stages using Rasch modelling. Understanding analysis begins by analyzing the difficulty level of the questions and then continues with descriptive analysis. The Wright map is used to see the hierarchy between students' understanding of concepts and the difficulty level of the questions used. Finally, a person diagnostic map will be used to see students' understanding of concepts in detail. The analysis results show that students' conceptual understanding is generally in the high and medium categories. Person diagnostic maps have identified patterns of correct and incorrect answers from students that do not reflect their true abilities. So, it is necessary to analyze the exact location of the weaknesses and strengths of students' conceptual understanding. This has implications for the suitability of the learning plan that the teacher will use.</p> Moh. Irma Sukarelawan, Sriyanto, Miftakhatun Sa’adah, Jimmy Jupri, Fitri Nur Hikmah, Eko Nursulistiyo Copyright (c) 2023 Moh. Irma Sukarelawan, Sriyanto Sriyanto, Miftakhatun Sa’adah, Jimmy Jupri, Fitri Nur Hikmah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/57883 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Ethno-Project Based Teaching Module to Increase Student Creativity https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/67873 <p>This research is motivated by obstacles to implementing an independent curriculum in the learning process. These obstacles are mastery of digital technology as a standard for the independent curriculum and understanding the relationship between several main components. This research aims to produce a development product in the form of an ethno-project-based teaching module in learning Hospitality Basics that is valid, practical, and effective for increasing student creativity. The research method used in this research is the research and development of the ADDIE model. The subjects in this research were 39: 2 judges to assess product validity in terms of content and culture aspects, 1 teacher and 5 students to assess product practicality, and 31 students to test the effectiveness of product development implementation. Instruments and data collection techniques were carried out by administering questionnaires to research subjects at the Develop stage and pretest and posttest at the Implement stage. Data analysis techniques were carried out descriptively, quantitatively, and inferentially. Based on the data analysis carried out, it can be concluded that the ethno-project-based teaching module in learning Hospitality Basics in housekeeping and public area material has very good validity so that it can be implemented in the learning process; the ethno-project-based teaching module is efficient to use in facilitating the process learning and ethno-project based teaching modules are pretty effective in increasing student creativity. </p> I Gusti Ayu Agung Sinta Diarini; Ni Kadek Widyastuti, Putu Andyka Putra Gotama; I Made Ari Winangun Copyright (c) 2023 I Gusti Ayu Agung Sinta Diarini I Gusti Ayu Agung; andyka , Ni Kadek Widyastuti; I Made Ari Winangun https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/67873 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence of Differentiate Learning and Student Learning Motivation on Nationalistic Insight of Elementary School Students https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/66236 <p>This research arose because of the need to understand how differentiated learning affects the national insight of elementary school students. Differentiated learning is an approach that allows teachers to present learning material in different ways according to the needs and level of understanding of each student. This study aims to analyze the impact of differentiated learning and learning motivation on the national insight of elementary school students. This study used an experimental approach with a treatment design by level 2 x 2. The study participants involved 100 elementary school students. Nationality insight is measured through essay tests. Data analysis was performed using SPSS Vol 26 software, with analysis techniques including descriptive tests, prerequisite tests, and inferential analysis using the two-way ANAVA test. The results showed that there was a significant influence of the differentiated learning model on the national insight of elementary school students, as well as the positive influence of learning motivation on increasing the national insight of elementary school students. This study also found an interaction between differentiated learning models and student learning motivation towards the insight of nationality of elementary school students. The implications of this research can be used as a guide for elementary school teachers in developing students' national insights, by paying attention to differentiated learning factors and learning motivation.</p> Asnawi Asnawi, Ary Kiswanto Kenedi, Dini Ramadhani, Tengku Muhammad Sahudra, Muhammad Rizki Wardhana Copyright (c) 2023 Asnawi Asnawi, Ary Kiswanto Kenedi, Dini Ramadhani, Tengku Muhammad Sahudra, Muhammad Rizki Wardhana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/66236 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 English Language Teaching Digital Module for Android-Based Food and Beverage Services https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/63398 <p>The Covid-19 pandemic forced the schools to conduct e-learning. The challenges are even greater for vocational schools since the students do practices using specific instruments. Thus, this study aimed to develop an Android-based digital module for teaching English for food and beverage services to help students learn English effectively through online learning. This study followed the 4D model of research and development study. The data of the study were collected through observation, documentation, expert judgment, and questionnaire. The data were analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. This study successfully developed the final format of the module in the form of an electronic book consisting of eight units. In addition, the quality of the module can be categorized as very good material based on the questionnaire results, which were given to the related students, lecturers, and expert judges. The exercises provided in the module provide many opportunities for students to practice and learn. The implication of this finding has a potential to revolutionize the way that English is taught and learned. By providing students with access to high quality digital modules can help students to achieve the student’s English language learning in Food and Beverage Services. This research merely evaluates the module in the formative process.</p> Ni Nyoman Nidya Trianingrum; Sulistyoadi Jokosaharjo, Ni Luh Putu Sri Widhiastuty Copyright (c) 2023 Ni Nyoman Nidya Trianingrum; Sulistyoadi Jokosaharjo, Ni Luh Putu Sri Widhiastuty https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/63398 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 STEM-CP Based Flipped Classroom Model for HOTS of Prospective Elementary School Teacher https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/65074 <p>This research was motivated by the development of a valid and feasible STEM-CP-based flipped classroom model to improve the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) of prospective elementary school teacher students. Further research is needed to determine the impact on HOTS of elementary school teacher candidates. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the STEM-CP-based flipped classroom model on the HOTS of prospective teacher students. This research is quasi-experimental research with research subjects as many as 200 prospective teacher students. The research instrument used is a higher-order thinking test. Data were collected through administering tests to research subjects. Data analysis techniques are carried out with prerequisite tests, hypothesis tests, and further tests using the help of SPSS 26. The results showed that there was an influence of the STEM-CP-based flipped classroom model in increasing the HOTS of prospective elementary school teacher students. This study concluded that the STEM-CP-based flipped classroom model has a positive influence in improving the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) of elementary school teacher candidates. The implications of this research can be used as a reference for academics to improve the HOTS of prospective teacher students.</p> Dini Ramadhani, Ary Kiswanto Kenedi, Muhammad Febri Rafli, Hanif Harahap, Nadhira Azra Khalil Copyright (c) 2023 Dini Ramadhani, Ary Kiswanto Kenedi, Muhammad Febri Rafli, Hanif Harahap, Nadhira Azra Khalil https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/65074 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 School Partnership Management with Industry and the World of Work to Improve Student Automotive Skills Competency https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/61034 <p>Partnerships play an important role in improving the quality of education. However, many vocational schools must be more optimal in developing industrial work practice partnerships. In this case, the role of partnership policy in the scope of vocational education must involve three important components: the school board, the industrial business world, and vocational high schools. This research aims to analyze the influence of school partnership management with industry and the world of work on increasing students' automotive skills competency. This type of research is quasi-experimental, with the research design being Post-test Only Control Group Design. The sample used in this research consisted of 72 class XI vocational school students. The data collection method uses tests. The data collection instrument uses test questions. The data analysis techniques used in this research are the t-test and ANOVA. The research results show an influence between the management of school partnerships with industry and the world of work on increasing students' automotive skills competency. The impact of partnership management in honesty education has implications, including requiring the development of students' competencies not only to acquire knowledge but also to integrate skills and attitudes in the world of work.</p> Rahmiati Ruwaida; Putu Sudira Copyright (c) 2023 Rahmiati Ruwaida; Putu Sudira https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/61034 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Implementation of Inclusive Pedagogy in Elementary Schools https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/56173 <p>The general problem of learning opportunities for children with special needs is society's serious problem. Therefore, the quality of inclusive education must always be improved, one of which is the teaching staff (teachers). Every teacher must master and improve various aspects of competence, one of which is the competence used in inclusive education, inclusive pedagogy competence. This research aims to describe the implementation of inclusive pedagogy in schools providing inclusive education. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach via phenomenology. The subjects in this research were one inclusion class teacher and one special supervisor teacher (GPK). The data collection method used was interviewed using an instrument in the form of an interview sheet. The collected data is explained using content analysis techniques to identify the main themes in the news with the application of inclusive pedagogy. The research results show that inclusive pedagogy competence involves the teacher's ability to provide learning that considers student diversity. This is done through efforts to accept, communicate, and build an inclusive environment. By showing the benefits and challenges of implementing inclusive pedagogy, this research can help increase public support for inclusive education.</p> Galih Rasita Dewi, Hermanto Copyright (c) 2024 Galih Rasita Dewi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/56173 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Code-Mixing and Code-Switching in Online Teaching https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/68449 <p>Problems that often occur in learning need to be clarified when communicating. This is related to the use of code-mixing and connection switching in learning. This research aims to analyze the types of code-switching and code-mixing in online teaching, how English teachers use code-switching and code-mixing, and why teachers switch and mix speech. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive design. The objects of this research were three English teachers. Data was collected via Zoom video recording of the teacher's speech. Data were analyzed using the Miles, Huberman, and Saldana interactive model. The research results show that the type of code-switching teachers do most often is inter-sentential code-switching. There are 51 types, with a percentage of 50.49%. The code-mixing that teachers most often do is inserting (words). The total is 71 types, with a percentage of 70.29%. Finally, the most common reason teachers change and mix codes in speech is clarification of the content of speech, and the number is 8 with a percentage of 29.62%.</p> Natan Barus , Rahmadsyah Rangkuti , Umar Mono Copyright (c) 2023 Natan Barus , Rahmadsyah Rangkuti , Umar Mono https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/68449 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Interactive Teaching Materials Based on Balinese Ethnomathematics to Improve the HOTS Abilities of Third-Grade Elementary School Students https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/74603 <p>This research was motivated by the need for more learning resources and the low HOTS abilities of students in elementary schools. Therefore, this research aims to develop interactive teaching materials based on Balinese ethnomathematics to improve students' HOTS abilities. This research is a type of research and development method that uses qualitative and quantitative data. The research model used is the ADDIE model, which consists of five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The data collection methods used are test and non-test methods, with data collection instruments in the form of multiple-choice tests and questionnaires. The subjects in this research were validation experts and third-grade students at SD Negeri 3 Penarukan. The research results showed that interactive teaching materials obtained a validity index 0.957 with very high content validity qualifications. Second, the practical value of the product obtained an assessment result of 97% with very good qualifications. Third, the significance value (2-tailed) in the correlated t-test shows that interactive teaching materials based on flat figures based on Balinese ethnomathematics effectively improve the HOTS abilities of third-grade elementary school students. Thus, this development research can positively contribute to learning that is more contextual and relevant to local culture, especially in Bali. This interactive teaching material can be a reference for teachers to improve the quality of learning in schools and maintain cultural heritage and local wisdom.</p> Kadek Ariyani, I Wayan Widiana, I Made Suarjana Copyright (c) 2024 Kadek Ariyani, I Wayan Widiana, I Made Suarjana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JPP/article/view/74603 Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000