Groundwater Quality Analysis for Domestic Needs in the Lampulo Coastal Region of Banda Aceh

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Mice Putri Afriyani
Zahra Ruliani
Ahmad Nubli Gadeng


Morphology Gampong Lampulo is a coastal region with alluvial plains. The groundwater potential on the alluvial plains is quite significant. Alluvial plains are formed by deposits of sand, mud, and grass carried by rivers and deposited for a long time. The research aims to analyze the quality of groundwater for domestic needs in the area of Lampulo City, Banda Aceh. To achieve this goal, a descriptive method and cross-sectional approach are used by measuring physical parameters (taste, color, smell), DHL, and pH directly in the field using a water checker device at 50 sampling points based on a grid of samplings to obtain representative information about a particular characteristic or variable in the broader area or region. This method involves the creation of a network or grid consisting of sampling points regularly scattered throughout the area to be studied. The results of the field survey were an analysis of the quality of fresh groundwater for domestic needs in some parts of the region of Lampulo based on several parameters, such as the physical parameters 80% clear, 100% odorless, and 80% non-sense (sensitive). In contrast, for the DHL parameters, 88% are freshwater, and the last is for the dominant pH parameters. 68% of groundwater reacts base because the soil water is affected by carbonates, bicarbonates, and hydroxides, resulting in groundwater loss in the study area. According to the results of interviews with the citizens of Lampulo, the ground is used only for household needs. The land altitude in the Lampulo region ranges from 1.42 to 6.78 meters, with a stream of land flowing from the south, an alluvial plain region, to the north, a coastal region.

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