IMPLEMENTASI CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY BERDASARKAN KONSEP TRI HITA KARANA (Studi Kasus Hotel Comoshambala Estate di Banjar Begawan Kecamatan Payangan Kabupaten Gianyar)
Implementasi Corporate Social Responsibility berdasarkan konsep Tri Hita Karana merupakan implementasi tanggung jawab sosial yang tujuannya mencapai kesejahteraan dan keharmonisan melalui pawongan, palemahan, dan parahyangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan memahami implementasi CSR berdasarkan konsep Tri Hita Karana pada Hotel Como Shambala Estate. Metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih mendalam dan utuh dari sudut pandang informan terkait. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa Hotel Como Shambala Estate dalam mengimplementasikan CSR diimplementasikan melalui program Como approach. Dalam program tersebut terjadi tiga hubungan yaitu hubungan dengan masyarakat, lingkungan dan Tuhan. Biaya CSR dialokasikan ke dalam akun biaya administrasi dan umum (A&G), dan HRDKata Kunci : CSR, Tri Hita Karana, Implementasi
The implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility based on the concept of Tri Hita Karana was intended to achieve welfare and being in harmony through what is referred to as pawongan, palemahan, and parahyangan. This present study was intended to identify and understand the implementation of CSR based on the concept of Tri Hita Karana at Como Shambala Estate Hotel. Qualitative with ethnographic approach was used to obtain intact and deeper information from the view point of the related informants. The result of the study showed that the Como Shambala Estate Hotel implemented CSR through the approach of Como program. There were three relationships in the program; they are the relationship between the hotel and the community, the relationship between the hotel and the environment, and the relationship between the hotel and God. The CSR costs were allocated to the account of administrative and general costs (A&G), and HRD.
keyword : CSR, Tri Hita Karana, Implementation