Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan Terhadap Keputusan Investasi (Studi Eksperimen di Gugus V Mandara Giri Kec. Kubutambahan)
This study aims to compare respondents' investment choices made before and after receiving financial literacy. The population of this research is the teachers in Cluster V Mandara Giri in Kubutambahan District. This study uses quantitative approaches and the data were collected through the dissemination of questionnaires throughout experimental research. All primary schools in Cluster V Mandara Giri, Kubutambahan District made up the study's sample. Moreover, this study utilizes the aid of SPSS 27.0 for Windows with a paired sample T-test data analysis method. The findings demonstrated that financial literacy has a positive impact on investment decisions.
Keyword : Investment Decisions, Financial Literacy, Experimental Studi
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