Pengaruh ukuran kap dan opini audit tahun sebelumnya terhadap opini audit going concern dengan kondisi keuangan sebagai variabel moderating (studi kasus pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di bei tahun 2013-2015


  • Kadek Kartika Wati .
  • Gede Adi Yuniarta, SE.AK .



Keberlangsungan suatu usaha menjadi impian setiap perusahaan, sehingga perusahaan selalu berupaya dalam mempertahankan usahanya. Keberlangsungan usaha terdapat dalam laporan tahunan tentang opini perusahaan, yang sering disebut opini audit going concern. Opini audit going concern adalah laporan audit yang menunjukkan kekhawatiran bahwa jika ada auditor meragukan tentang kelangsungan hidup usaha perusahaan tetapi manajemen memiliki rencana untuk mengatasi kondisi tersebut. Jika perusahaan mendapatkan opini audit going concern maka keberlangsungan perusahaan diragukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ukuran KAP, opini audit tahun sebelumnya dan kondisi keuangan terhadap penerimaan opini audit going concern. Populasi penelitian ini adalah perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di BEI dari tahun 2013 sampai 2015. Sampel ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Pengujian hipotesis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi logistik. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda dan pengujiaan data dilakukan dengan dibantu oleh Program SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) 18. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ukuran KAP berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern, sedangkan opini audit tahun sebelumnya dan kondisi keuangan tidak berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern. Secara bersama-sama keseluruhan variabel (ukuran KAP, opini audit tahun sebelumnya dan kondisi keuangan) juga berpengaruh terhadap opini audit going concern.
Kata Kunci : Opini audit going concern, ukuran KAP, opini audit tahun sebelumnya, kondisi keuangan.

A well sustainable business always becomes a dream of every company, that it will maintain its program activities in order to achieve the real goal. The sustainable condition of a business could be viewed from the annual report about opinions of a company, opinion is frequently referred to audit going concern opinion. Audit going concern opinion is an audit report indicating worries or concerns that when an auditor feels worried about the business sustainability, however the management had already got planning to solve the condition. When a company got an audit going concern opinion that the business sustainability of a compny could be doubtful. The study aimed at analyzing the the effect of KAP size and audit opinion on the previous years on the audit opinion of going concern. The study involved the population of the manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange during 2013-2015. The samples were selected based on purposive sampling method. The hypothesis was tested by using logistic regression analysis and the data were tested by using SPSS software version 18. (Statistical Product and Service Solution) 18. The results of the study indicated that the KAP size had an effect on the audit opinion of going concern, while the audit opinion on the previous years and the financial condition had no effect on the audit opinion of going concern. Simultaneously all variables such as the KAP size and audit opinion on the previous years and the financial condition also had an effect on the audit opinion of going concern. The financial condition also could not manage to moderate the relationship between the KAP size and audit opinion on the previous years on the audit opinion of going concern.
keyword : audit opinion of going concern, the KAP size, audit opinion of previous years, financial condition.




