Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan ragam miskonsepsi tentang dinamika siswa SMA Negeri di Bali. Penelitian deskriptif ini melibatkan 15 SMA Negeri di Bali yang merupakan perwakilan dari Wilayah Bali Barat, Timur, Tengah, Selatan dan Utara. Ke lima belas sekolah itu dikelompokkan menjadi 6 sekolah vavorit dan 9 sekolah nonvavorit. Jumlah sampel siswa dari sekolah vavorit adalah 386 orang dan jumlah sampel siswa dari sekolah nonvavorit adalah 430 orang. Data tentang ragam miskonsepsi siswa dikumpulkan dengan tes diagnostik dinamika dengan indek reliabilitas r=0,401, yang dihitung dengan formula K-R 20. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Hanya 5% sampai 40% siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri di Bali yang memiliki konsep ilmiah dalam dinamika; (2) Sebagian besar siswa (> 60%) siswa SMA kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri di Bali mengalami miskonsepsi tentang dinamika; (3) ragam miskonsepsi tentang dinamika siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri di Bali bersesuaian dengan miskonsepsi siswa-siswa di berbagai negara.
Kata kunci: miskonsepsi, ragam miskonsepsi, tes diagnostik mekanika
The objective of this study was to describe a various misconceptions on dynamics of XI grade student of science department of Senior High School in Bali. This descriptive study involving 15 High School in Bali which is representative of the area of west Bali, east,central,south and north. That 15 school are grouped into 6 favorite school and 9 non-favorite school. Number of samples of students from favorite school are 386 people and the number of samples of non-favorite school are 430 people. Data about various students misconception collected using a dynamics diagnostic test with reliability index r=0,401, which is calculated by the K-R 20 formula. The result showed that : (1) only 5% up to 40% of grade XI student of science department of Senior High School in Bali had scientific conception on dynamics, (2) most of grade XI student of science department of Senior High School student in Bali (>60%) had misconceptions about dynamics, (2) student misconception about dynamics in Bali in mutual accord with misconceptions in various countries.
Key Word: scientific conception, misconceptions, dynamics, mechanics diagnostic test