Kepuasan Pelanggan Memediasi Kualitas Produk Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Air Mineral Merek Melya di Kecamatan Sukasada


  • I Gede Riskita Heri Gunawan Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
  • Ni Nyoman Yulianthini


customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, product quality


This study aims to examine customer satisfaction mediating the effect of product quality on customer loyalty for the mineral water brand Melya in Sukasada district. The time of this research was carried out for six months with the research design used, namely causal quantitative research. The sampling technique used in this study is a purposive sampling technique using a sample of 80 people with the following criteria: (1) Consumers who have used the Melya mineral water brand and other product brands. (2) Consumers who are 17-50 years old and are considered capable and understand the questions asked by the researcher. The data analysis technique used is path analysis with the results: (1) Product quality has an effect on customer loyalty for the Melya mineral water brand in Sukasada district. (2) customers have an effect on customer loyalty for the Melya brand of water in Sukasada district. (3) Product quality has an effect on customer satisfaction of Melya brand mineral water in Sukasada district. (4) Product quality affects customer loyalty through customer satisfaction with Melya brand mineral water in Sukasada district.


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