Determinasi Kinerja Pegawai pada Perumda Pasar Argha Nayottama Kabupaten Buleleng
As a company or regionally owned business entity, it is important to improve the quality of human resources in order to alleviate employee performance problems. Aspects of employee performance that can be referred to include job satisfaction, work motivation and leadership style. This study aims to prove and analyze the determination of employee performance, job satisfaction, work motivation and leadership style. The research is non-experimental or expost facto research with quantitative research methods. This research was conducted at Perumda Argha Nayottama, Buleleng Regency with a sample of 126 employees. The results of the study are 1) There is a jointly significant effect of job satisfaction, work motivation, leadership style on employee performance at Perumda Argha Nayottama, Buleleng Regency. 2) There is a significant effect of job satisfaction on employee performance at Perumda Argha Nayottama, Buleleng Regency. 3) There is a significant effect of work motivation on employee performance at Perumda Argha Nayottama, Buleleng Regency. 4) There is a significant influence of leadership style on employee performance at Perumda Argha Nayottama, Buleleng Regency.
Keywords : employee performance, job satisfaction, work motivation, leadership style
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