Pengaruh Pelatihan Dan Pengawasan Terhadap Kinerja Mitra Statistik Pada Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Buleleng
The performance of statistical partners has not met the desired standard. The performance of these partners can be assessed by evaluating their ability to meet work targets. This study aims to explore the impact of coaching and supervision both independently and jointly on the performance of statistical partners at BPS Buleleng Regency. The research design used for this research is quantitative with a causal approach. The research population is all statistical partners who work in Buleleng Regency, a total of 260 people. The sampleqfor thisqstudy was selected using purposive sampling, and consisted of 50 participants. Research data were collected through the use of questionnaires andqanalyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that (1) training and supervision had a significant effect on the performance of BPS statistical partners in Buleleng Regency, (2) training had a positiveqand significant effect on the performanceqofqstatistical partners in BPS Buleleng Regency, and (3) supervision had aqpositive and significant effect on the performance of statistical partners in BPS Buleleng Regency. Significant effect onqthe performanceqof statistical partners at BPS Buleleng Regency
Copyright (c) 2024 Kadek Sri Asih

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