Pengaruh Inflasi, Suku Bunga dan Nilai Tukar terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Subsektor Properti dan Real Estate di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
The researchers conducted research activities with the aim of testing the influence exerted by inflation, interest rates and exchange rates on stock prices during the Covid-19 pandemic. The researchers used research subjects in the form of companies engaged in the property subsector and engaged in real estate which were successful in this case being listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The number of samples used reached 34 companies. Data was successfully collected through document recording and then carried out the stages of multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the research show that 1) Inflation has a positive and significant effect on stock prices in companies engaged in the property and real estate subsector, 2) Interest rates have a negative and insignificant effect on stock prices in companies that engaged in the property and real estate sub-sector, 3) The exchange rate has a negative and significant effect on the stock price of companies engaged in the property and real estate sub-sector. Taken together, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates have a significant influence on stock prices in companies engaged in the property and real estate subsector during the Covid-19 pandemic. The acquisition of the R square value by being able to reach 0.007 means that the dependent variable is the stock price (Y) which is influenced by the independent variables inflation, interest rates and exchange rates by being able to reach 0.7% while the results reach 99.3%. has succeeded in obtaining the influence of external factors from this research activity.
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