Minat Berinvestasi di Pasar Modal : Pengetahuan, Modal Minimal dan Risiko
In this era of globalization, the interest in investing is increasing. This is due to the awareness of increasing investment among students, and also the increasing development of technology, which has an impact on increasing ease and speed in making investments through the technology media. The research aims to test and obtain empirical evidence of the impact of investment knowledge, minimum investment capital, and investment risk on student interest in investing in capital markets. Populations in this study are Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Prodi Management Force 2017 financial concentration University of Mahasaraswati Denpasar. The sample in this study consisted of 60 people determined based on the simple random sampling method. The type of data in this study is the primary data obtained from the results of the dissemination of the questionnaire. The analytical technique used is the double linear regression analysis technique. Research results show that knowledge of investment, minimum investment capital has a positive and significant impact on the interest of students to invest in the capital market. Investment risks have a negative and significant impact on student interest in investing in the capital market. Further research could develop this research using other variables that theoretically have an impact on investment interest
Copyright (c) 2023 Ni Putu Yeni Astiti, Taupik Rusdi, Agus Wahyudi Salasa Gama

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