About the Journal

Journal title International Journal of Language and Literature
Initials IJLL
Abbreviation Indonesian j. of Language and lit.
Frequency Four issues per year 
DOI prefix 10.23887/ijll
Print ISSN 2579-5333
Online ISSN 2549-4287
Editor-in-chief Made Aryawan Adijaya
Publisher Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Organizer LPPM - Undiksha

International Journal of Language and Literature (IJLL) is an international publication of the latest development in language and literature analysis. The aim of IJLL is to provide easy access for international audiences of language and literature researchers. Papers in the field are reviewed and surveyed by experts in related areas.

e-ISSN : 2549-4287 (Online)

p-ISSN : 2579-5333 (Printed)

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): August
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