Determination of Total Flavonoid, Iron (Fe) and Chlorophyll Content of Brazilian Spinach Extract (Althernanthera sisso) based on Different Types of Extraction Solvents
Brazilian Spinach (Althernanthera sisso), Total Flavonoid Content, Iron (Fe), ChlorophyllAbstract
Brazilian spinach (Althernanthera sisso) is a vegetable species originating from Brazil and starting to be cultivated in Indonesia. Brazilian Spinach Extract contains secondary metabolite compounds, namely flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids and saponins. The iron and chlorophyll content in spinach plants is relatively high compared to other vegetables. Chlorophyll is used in the treatment of anemia and helps the body utilize iron. The aim of this research is to determine the best type of solvent that can extract the total flavonoid, iron (Fe) and chlorophyll compounds maximally from Brazilian spinach which has the potential to be developed as a food supplement ingredient. The type of research is Quasi experimental with a Completely Randomized Design. The sample is Brazilian Spinach extracted with 70% EtOH , EtAc, and MeOH. Determination of levels using UV-Vis Spectrophotometry and AAS. The results showed that the MeOH solvent had the highest extract yield value (10.87%), the highest Iron (Fe) content (10.205 mg/kg), Chlorophyll of 13,586.571 mg/kg, and Total Flavonoids of 900.128 mg/100g QE, therefore MeOH is the best solvent for extracting Brazilian Spinach (Althernanthera sisso).
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