app-based supplementary material, glide, reading competencyAbstract
This study was focused on developing reading supplementary material using Glide for 11th grade students in North Bali as based on the observation conducted, teacher needed variation of reading texts and media to solve the boredom in learning reading material. In addition, text based on the local culture was very rarely be found on the internet or another sources. Therefore, the development of Socalture was needed. In developing the supplementary material, this study employed Design and Development (DnD) research model by Richey and Klein (2005) comprising three main stages of design, development, and evaluation. The instruments used in this study are researcher note, validation sheet, expert judgement, and User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). The development of the product was described step by step. Meanwhile, the quality of product from experts were analyzed using formula of categorization of data and from user using UEQ data analysis tool. From the result of data analysis, the quality of the product based on the expert judgment sheet reach percentage 93.3% in content evaluation and 97.8% in media evaluation. It means that the app has excellent quality and feasible. Based on UEQ, the app is qualified as Good in stimulation meaning that the app can bring motivation and excitement to the students. From the result, the reading supplementary material is able to use as teaching media to solve boredom and lack of media in teaching reading material
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