Developing of Authentic Assessment Rubric Based on 21st Century Learning Methods for Assessing Second Semester of 11th Grade Senior High School
authentic assessment rubric, 21st-century learning methods, teacher and students of 11th-grade senior high schoolAbstract
The purpose of this study is to create an authentic assessment rubric using Problem-Based Learning (PBL) based learning, project-based learning (PjBl), and discovery learning, three 21st-century learning strategies. This study employed the Richey and Klein (2007) design and development (DnD) approach, which has four stages: analysis, design, development, and evaluation, or ADDE. The participants in this study were a senior high school English instructor and 11th graders. The data was gathered using a variety of tools, including surveys, interviews, and document analyses, and was then examined using a mixed technique. Instructions for instructors and students as well as the proper assessment methods were included in the created rubric. The developed rubric then produced an appropriate and unique product that is in line with the syntax of each teaching method. It has been specifically adapted for the learning objectives, topics, themes, teaching strategies, from the expert's examination, it can be concluded that the product developed can be categorized as a superior rubric that is suitable for learning English
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