Aksiologi Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Manfaatnya Bagi Manusia


  • Rosnawati Rosnawati STAI Miftahul Ulum
  • Ahmad Syukri Ahmad Syukri
  • Badarussyamsi Badarussyamsi
  • Ahmad Fadhil Rizki Ahmad Fadhil Rizki



Kata Kunci:

Axiology, Science, Human


This article discusses the nature of the axiology of science and its benefits for humans. Axiology is part of the philosophy of science that questions how humans use their knowledge. So what is to be achieved from axiology is the nature and benefits contained in a knowledge. Axiology is a science that talks about the goals of science itself. So axiology is a science that studies the true nature and benefits of knowledge and actually science is not in vain if we can use it as well as possible for the benefit of humans in general. The formulation of the problem raised is how the nature of axiology, science and benefits for humans. The substance of science is very dependent on its benefits, because it is very worrying and dangerous if science which is full of negative charges is controlled by irresponsible people. The basic goal is to find the truth of the existing facts or wherever possible there is certainty of scientific truth. This paper describes the functions and uses of science that has provided the greatest benefit to human life, where science is an important instrument in every development process as an effort to realize the benefit of human life entirely. Science can be used as a means to improve the standard of living of humans and their welfare by focusing on nature and dignity for the benefit of humans.

Biografi Penulis

Rosnawati Rosnawati, STAI Miftahul Ulum

Ilmu Filsafat


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