The Supervisory Impact of School Principals on Instructional Excellence


  • Moses Adeleke Adeoye Department of Educational Management and Counselling, Faculty of Education, Al-Hikmah University Ilorin, Nigeria
  • Olaolu Paul Akinnubi Educational Management & Counselling, Faculty of Education, Al-Hikmah University Ilorin, Nigeria
  • Oyeronke Christiana Paramole Department of Arts & Social Sciences Education, Faculty of Education, Al‐Hikmah University Ilorin-Nigeria


Instructional Excellence, Supervisory Impact, School Principals, Behavioural Theor


The role of school principals in promoting instructional excellence is crucial for the overall success and development of educational institutions. The paper explores the supervisory impact of school principals on instructional excellence. It highlights the importance of effective supervision in improving teaching practices, enhancing student learning outcomes and fostering a positive school climate. The paper also discusses the key factors that contribute to effective supervision, including leadership skills and communication strategies for principals. Additionally, it emphasizes the need for collaborative efforts between principals, teachers and other stakeholders to create a supportive and conducive environment for instructional excellence. By addressing the challenges they face and implementing the suggested solutions, principals can create an environment that supports high-quality instruction. 


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How to Cite

Moses Adeleke Adeoye, Olaolu Paul Akinnubi, & Oyeronke Christiana Paramole. (2024). The Supervisory Impact of School Principals on Instructional Excellence. Mimbar Pendidikan Indonesia, 4(3). Retrieved from




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