Strategies for Strengthening Ethics and Integrity to Prevent Corruption in Indonesia




Strategy, Ethics, Integrity, Corruption Prevention


Corrupt behavior in Indonesia has existed since the kingdom era. Therefore, a strategy is needed to strengthen ethics and integrity to prevent corruption in Indonesia. The government has also enacted various laws and regulations that serve as guidelines for strengthening the ethics and integrity of government officials to prevent corruption. One is the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 of 1999 concerning the Administration of a State that is clean and free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism. The research method used is the descriptive qualitative method. The data analysis technique used was the Content Analysis Technique. Nvivo 12 Plus analysis technique uses Crosstab and Sociogram features in data analysis. The Nvivo 12 plus analysis technique is data processing based on the big data obtained. The results of the study show that the strategy that can be used in strengthening ethics and integrity to prevent corruption in Indonesia can be carried out by the government by implementing anti-corruption education in every institution and element of society, which is manifested in various programs and can also be carried out through social media, namely by uploading various acts of corruption. Events around the community can be immediately followed up by law enforcement agencies and through public solid oversight, codes of conduct, and the rule of law.

Author Biographies

Said Amirulkamar, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Dr. Said Amirulkamar, MM, M.SI is a senior lecturer at FISIP, ISLAM UNIVERSITY AR-RANIRY BANDA ACEH, his scientific concentration is related to public administration, public policy, public services, management, social science, state administration, public service quality and so on. He has also published several books according to his field and several published studies.

Khalida Ulfa, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Khalida Ulfa, S.IP., M.IP is one of the teachers / lecturers at FISIP, ISLAM UNIVERSITY AR-RANIRY BANDA ACEH, concentrating on government science, public bureaucracy, technology-based governance, public services, public administration, state administration, social science and political science and so on. He also has a Scopus ID, and has participated in international conference procedings that have been published and also won awards and bestpapers and he has also published several studies that have been published in accredited journals.

Siti Nur Zalikha, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Siti Nur Zalikha, M.Si. she is a lecturer at the state administration science study program, FISIP UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, her scientific concentrations are public administration, bureaucracy and governance, public policy, state administration and social science. She has published many scientific journals in accredited journals.

Ummunisa Hidayati , Monash University of Australia

Ummunisa Hidayati, S.Psi., M. Interdevprac is one of the students who has completed her master's degree in International Development Practice, Monash University of Australia through an Australian awardee scholarship. She concentrates in international development, government, public administration, and social and political science.


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