
  • Ni Wayan Sukerti
  • Cok.Istri Marsiti
  • Ni Made Suriani



pertama ini adalah untuk memperoleh strategi reinventarisasi makanan tradisional Buleleng sebagai salah satu upaya pelestarian seni kuliner Bali. Tujuan dapat dijabarkan sesuai tahapan pencapaian (1) Mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis makanan tradisional yang khas di Kabupaten Buleleng sejak dulu sampai sekarang (2) Menyusun pedoman/panduan resep beragam makanan tradisional khas di Kabupaten Buleleng. Jenis penelitian ini berupa penelitian survei dan pengembangan (Survei and Development Research ) yang dilaksanakan selama 2 (dua) tahun. Penelitian tahun pertama, menghasilkan rancangan sebagai berikut: (a) melakukan identifikasi terhadap jenis-jenis makanan tradisional khas Buleleng yang dikonsumsi masyarakat di Kabupaten Buleleng sebelumnya.,(b) melakukan pengkajian resep-resep berbagai jenis makanan tradisional khas Buleleng berdasarkan hasil identifikasi secara tradisional, (c) Menyusun draft pedoman resep tradisional . Lokasi penelitian ini adalah di delapan Kecamatan yang ada di kabupaten Buleleng, yang terbagi ke dalam 24 desa sebagai wilayah sampling. Metode pengumpulan data adalah metode wawancara, metode observasi partisipasi, dan metode Dokumentasi. Selanjutnya Data dianalisis secara deskriftif kualitatif yaitu pemaparan dengan kata-kata untuk menggambarkan objek yang diteliti. Penggambaran data hasil penelitian dilakukan secara objektif,sesuai dengan keadaan sebenarnya. Data hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Jenis-jenis hidangan khas tradisional kabupaten Buleleng meliputi : (a) Makanan Pokok seperti nasi tulen, nasi moran gadung, nasi moran keladi/talas, moran sele sawi, mengguh, blayag, tipat srosob; (b) Lauk Pauk meliputi : serapah, sate celeng, timbungan , dll, (c) Sayuran meliputi : urab paku, urab kacang dll, (d) Jajanan meliputi: jaja bantal, jaja kaun tulud, jaja lemu, jaja satuh ; dll, (e) Minuman meliputi loloh kunyit, loloh belimbing, es daluman, es kuud, rujak timun.;(2) tersusunnya 1 buah buku draft resep makanan tradisional Buleleng. Kata kunci: reinventarisasi, makanan tradisional, kuliner Bali Abstract The aim of research in the first year is to obtain Buleleng traditional foods re-inventory strategy as one of efforts to conserve Bali culinary arts. Goals can be outlined to the stage of achievement such as: (1) Identify the types of traditional food that is typical in Buleleng since long time ago until now (2) Develop guidelines/manual of various traditional food recipes in Buleleng. This type of research is in the form of Survey and Development Research which held for 2 (two) years. The first year, would produce the design as follows: (a) the identification of the types of Buleleng traditional food that consumed by people in Buleleng in the previous time, (b) assessing the recipes of various kinds of Buleleng traditional food based on the identification which has been conducted traditionally, (c) doing the process of testing traditional recipes. The location of this research was in the eight sub-districts in the Buleleng Regency, which were divided into 24 villages as the sampling area. Data collection methods used in this reseach were interviews, observation method of participation, and methods of documentation. Further data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative that would be presented by describing the object under study. Data depiction of the research results conducted objectively, in accordance with the actual and the real situation. The result of data showed that: (1) The types of Buleleng traditional dishes include: (a) Staple Food such as rice, gadung moran rice, taro moran rice, sweet potato moran rice, mengguh, blayag, tipat srosob; (b) the Side Dish include: serapah, pork satay, timbungan, etc., (c) Vegetables include: urab paku, urab kacang, etc., (c) Snacks include: bantal cake, Kaun tulud cake, Lemu cake, satuh cake, etc., (d) Beverages include turmeric herb, star fruit herb, daluman ice, young coconut ice, cucumber salad. Keywords: re-inventory,traditional foods, Bali Culinary arts



