
  • Tri Yoga Saputra .
  • Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Kanca, MS .
  • Kadek Yogi Parta Lesmana, S.Pd.,M.Pd .



Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar teknik dasar passing (chest pass dan bounce pass) bola basket melalui implementasi model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan bentuk guru sebagai peneliti, yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, terdiri dari tahap perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi/evaluasi dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian meliputi siswa kelasVIII DSMP Negeri 1 Sukasada yang berjumlah 32 orang terdiri dari 15orang putra dan 17 orang putri.Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil analisis data aktivitas belajar pada siklus I secara klasikal 7,38 (aktif) dan ketuntasan hasil belajar pada siklus I mencapai 53% (belum tuntas). Pada siklus II, aktivitas belajar secara klasikal 8,11 (aktif) dan ketuntasan hasil belajar mencapai 90,6% (tuntas). Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan pembahasan disimpulkan bahwa aktivitas dan hasil belajar passing (chest pass dan bounce pass) bola basket meningkat melalui implementasi model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT pada siswa kelas VIII D SMP Negeri 1 Sukasada tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Disarankan kepada guru penjasorkes dapat mengimplementasikan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT, karena terbukti dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar.
Kata Kunci : Model pembelajaran, kooperatif,NHT, aktivitas, hasil belajar, bolabasket.

Abstract This study aims to improve the activity and learning outcomes basic techniques of passing (chest pass and bounce pass) basketball through the implementation of cooperative learning model NHT. This research is a form of class action with the teacher as researcher, who conducted in two cycles, comprising the steps of action planning, action, observation/evaluation and reflection. Subjects of study include class VIII DSMP Negeri 1 Sukasada which numbered 32 people consisting of 15 sons and 17 daughters. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The results of the data analysis of learning activities in the first cycle in the classical 7.38 (active) and learning outcomes in the first cycle reaches 53% (not complete). In the second cycle, the classical learning activity 8.11 (active) and learning outcomes reached 90,6% (complete). Based on the results of the data analysis and discussion concluded that the activities and learning outcomes passing (chest pass and bounce pass) basketball increased through the implementation of cooperative learning model NHT in class VIII DSMP Negeri 1 Sukasada academic year 2016/2017. It is recommended to teachers penjasorkes can implement cooperative learning model NHT, as shown to increase the activity and learning outcomes
keyword : learning models, cooperative, NHT, activities, learning outcomes, basketball




