
  • I Wayan Eskayasa .
  • Ida Ayu Sukma Wirani, S.S. M.Pd .
  • Prof. Dr. I Nengah Martha,M.Pd .




Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan (1) cerita lisan di Desa Terunyan, (2) nilai yang ada di cerita lisan Desa Terunyan, dan (3) keberadaan cerita lisan di Desa Terunyan. Penelitian ini dirancang sebagai penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah cerita lisan di Desa Terunyan. Objek penelitiannya adalah jenis-jenis, nilai dan keberadaan cerita lisan di Desa Terunyan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi kemudian dokumentasi dibantu dengan menggunakan kartu data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa (1) jenis-jenis cerita lisan di Desa Terunyan didapatkan 13 cerita lisan yaitu 10 legenda, 2 mitos, 1 dogeng. (2) Keberadaan cerita lisan yang didapatkan cerita lisan yang paling banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat Desa Terunyan yaitu legenda dalem solo, legenda Kebo Iwa membatu masyarakat Terunyan membuat jalan batu gede, dan mitos Barong Brutuk. (3) nilai di cerita lisan Desa Terunyan didapatkan 12 yaitu keindahan, kultural , filosofis, 9 nilai pendidikan karakter yaitu, agama, toleransi, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, rasa ingin tahu, bersahabat, peduli lingkungan, tanggung jawab. Adapun saran dari penelitian ini agar melestarikan dan mengembangkan kesusastraan Bali khususnya cerita lisan.
Kata Kunci : cerita lisan, nilai

This research aimed to describe (1) the oral story in Terunyan Village, (2) the value of oral story in Terunyan village, and (3) the existence of oral story in Terunyan village. This study was designed as descriptive qualitative study. The subject of this study was the oral story in Terunyan village. The objects of this study were the types of oral story, the value of the oral story, and the last the existence of oral story in Terunyan village. Data collection was done by using observation method, interview, and documentation. The process of documentation was supported by using data card. According to the results of this study, (1)There are thirteen types of oral story in Terunyan village, ten legends, two myths, and one fairytale. (2) The types of oral stories which are most widely known by the people in Terunyan village are the legends of Dalem Solo, the legend of Kebo Iwa where the people believe that this story helped the people in Terunyan made jalan batu gede, and the last is the myth of Barong Brutuk. (3) The values in oral stories which found are twelve, namely beauty, cultural, philosophical, also there are nine characters of education namely religion, tolerance, hard work, creative, independent, curiosity, friendly, caring environment, and the last responsibility. The suggestions from this study are to preserve and develop Bali literary especially oral story in Bali.
keyword : story, values




