This research analysis aims to describe the principles of Ikigai in Japanese society. The secondary data sources used in this research are three books with the theme of Ikigai, each of which is the work of Garcia and Miralles (2018), Ken Mogi (2018), Elisa Irukawa (2019), and several other sources that support the research subject. The data obtained were analyzed using rational choice theory by James S. Coleman (1990) and structural functionalism theory with the AGIL scheme by Talcott Parsons (1902-1979). Methods and data collection techniques in this study used the Library Research method or literature study with the technique of reading library materials as a research focus (Hamzah, 2019). This type of research is descriptive qualitative, with the presentation of informal data, namely the presentation of the results of data analysis using ordinary language which is arranged in a coherent manner so as to produce research that is complete and easy to understand. Referring to the findings of the research, there are four principles of Ikigai that are practiced by the Japanese people, namely, 1. Persistence in life, 2. Giving benefits to society, 3. Healthy living, and 4. Living in harmony.
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