
  • I Wayan Yogi Mellastyawan .
  • Drs. Ida Bagus Sutresna,M.Si. .
  • Dra. Made Sri Indriani, M.Hum. .



Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan (1) pelaksanaan pembelajaran menyimak teks cerpen siswa kelas VII SMPLB C SLB Negeri Karangasem, (2) evaluasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran menyimak teks cerpen siswa kelas VII SMPLB C SLB Negeri Karangasem, dan (3) respons siswa terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran menyimak teks cerpen siswa kelas VII SMPLB C SLB Negeri Karangasem. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di kelas VII SMPLB C SLB Negeri Karangasem dengan objek penelitian yakni pembelajaran menyimak teks cerpen siswa kelas VII SMPLB C SLB Negeri Karangasem. Ada tiga metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni, metode, observasi, angket/kusioner dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) guru telah melaksakan pembelajaran menyimak teks cerpen dengan baik sesuai dengan konsep pembelajaran yang ada, (2) guru telah melakukan evaluasi secara tepat dengan menggunakan tes esai sebagai alat evaluasi serta hasil baik yang didaptkan oleh siswa setelah pelaksanaan pembelajaran menyimak teks cerpen berlangsung, dan (3) respons siswa terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran menyimak teks cerpen sudah sangat baik dengan persentase 20,42% merespons sangat setuju, 72,42% mersepons setuju dan 7,14 merespons kurang setuju dari pertanyaan yang diberikan.
Kata Kunci : pelaksanaan pembelajaran, menimak, teks cerpen

This qualitative research was aimed to describe (1) the implementation of reading subject by using short story text for 7th junior high school students in SMPLB C SLB Negeri Karangasem, (2) the evaluation in implementation of reading by using short story text for 7th junior high school students in SMPLB C SLB Negeri Karangasem, and (3) students’ respond toward the implementation of reading by using short story text for 7th junior high school students in SMPLB C SLB Negeri Karangasem. The subject of this study was the Bahasa Indonesia teachers in 7th class in SMPLB C SLB Negeri Karangasem. The object of this research was reading short story text for 7th junior high school students in SMPLB C SLB Negeri Karangasem. There were three methods which was used in this research namely; method, observation technique, questionnaire, and documentation. The result of this research was shown that (1) the teacher had been implemented reading subject by using short story text as well as main concept of reading theory. (2) The teacher had been implemented evaluation accurately by using essay test as an instrument of collecting score and the students could get good result after learning a reading skill by using short story text. And (3) the students’ respond toward the implementation of reading by using short story text had been done as well as they expected with percentage about 20.42% of students strongly agree, 72.42% agree, and 7,14% disagree based on questionnaire which was given to students.
keyword : the implementation of learning ,reading, short story




