Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Komitmen Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada LPD Se-Kecamatan Tejakula
Work Environment, Work Commitment, Employee PerformanceAbstract
The purpose of conducting this research is to find out how the work environment and work commitment actually affect the performance of employees at the Village Credit Institution (VCI), which is precisely located in the Tejakula District area. This research process activity is included in the scope of causal quantitative research using total sampling techniques or the use of saturated samples to carry out the process of determining the number of samples. The number of samples used in this activity was 68 respondents from the recorded population of 104 people. The instrument used by the researchers in the process of data collection activities was in the form of questionnaires using data analysis techniques and also using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of carrying out research activities are: (1) work environment and work commitment have a positive and significant influence on employee performance, (2) the work environment has a positive and significant influence on employee performance and (3) Work commitment produces a positive and significant influence on employee performance.
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