Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) alat-alat dan aplikasi dalam fotografi smartphone komunitas instagram @gadgetgrapher, (2) proses pembuatan fotografi di komunitas instagram @gadgetgrapher, dan (3) jenis-jenis fotografi di komunitas instagram @gadgetgrapher. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik (1) observasi, (2) wawancara, (3) kepustakaan, Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan cara (1) reduksi data, (2) penyajian data, dan (3) penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Alat dan aplikasi dalam pembuatan Fotografi Smartphone Komunitas Instagram @gadgergrapher : smartphone dan tripod. Smartphone terdiri dari tiga jenis yaitu low-end, mid-end dan high-end. Smartphone yang masuk ke dalam kategori low-end yaitu Samsung Galaxy Ace 3, Samsung Grand Prime, Xiaomi Redmi 2, Sony Experia C3, Lenovo A7000, Smartphone yang masuk ke dalam kategori mid-end yaitu Xiaomi Redmi 3S, Lenovo K4 Vibe, Meizu M2 Note, oppo A57, dan Smartphone yang masuk ke dalam kategori high-end yaitu Xiaomi Mi4i, Sony Experia Z1, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, Nokia N8, Oppo find 7, iPhone 6, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy S7, Samsung Galaxy S6 dan Xiaomi Mi3. Sedangkan aplikasi yang digunakan meliputi : snapseed, VSCO, Camera Fv-5, Tadaa SLR, Motion Camera. (2) Proses pembuatan Fotografi smartphone komunitas instagram @gadgergrapher, dimulai dari proses pemotretan yaitu dari menentukan ide/konsep kemudian menentukan tempat/objek yang akan dituju.. kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mengolah foto atau editing. Proses pembuatan fotografi dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu Memotret dengan menggunakan camera bawaan smartphone, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mengedit foto hasil jepretannya di aplikasi photo editor, dan Memotret dengan menggunakan camera dari aplikasi pihak ketiga, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mengedit foto hasil jepretannya di aplikasi photo editor. (3) Jenis-jenis Fotografi Smartphone Komunitas Instagram @gadgergrapher yang dapat dikategorikan yaitu fotografi potret, fotografi human interest, fotografi stage, fotografi landscape, fotografi seascape, fotografi skyscape, fotografi cityscape, fotografi abstrak, fotografi still life, fotografi jurnalistik, fotografi makro, fotografi fashion, fotografi makanan, fotografi jalanan (street), fotografi arsitektur, dan fotografi malam (night).Kata Kunci : Fotografi, smartphone, @gadgetgrapher
This study aims to describe (1) tools and applications in smartphone photography community in instagram @gadgetgrapher, (2) photography creation process in instagram @gadgetgrapher community, and (3) types of photography in instagram @gadgetgrapher community. This research is qualitative descriptive research. Collecting data in this study was done by using (1) observation, (2) interview, (3) the literature, the collected data is then analyzed by means of (1) data reduction, (2) the presentation of the data, and (3) conclusion. The results showed that (1) Tools and applications in making Smartphone Photography Instagram Community @gadgergrapher: smartphones and tripods. Smartphones consist of three types: low-end, mid-end and high-end. Smartphone that comes into the category of low-end, namely the Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 Samsung Grand Prime, Xiaomi redmi 2, Sony Experia C3, Lenovo A7000 Smartphone that comes into the category of mid-end that Xiaomi redmi 3S, Lenovo K4 Vibe, Meizu M2 Note, oppo A57, and Smartphone that comes into the category of high-end, namely Xiaomi Mi4i, Sony Experia Z1, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, Nokia N8, Oppo find 7, iPhone 6, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy S7, the Samsung Galaxy S6 And Xiaomi Mi3. While the applications used include: snapseed, VSCO, Camera Fv-5, Tadaa SLR, Motion Camera. (2) The process of making Instagram community smartphone smartphone @gadgergrapher, starting from the shooting process that is from determining the idea / concept then determining the place / object to be addressed then proceed with photo processing or editing. The process of making photographic divided into two, Photographed by using the default camera smartphone, followed by editing the results in photo editor, and Photographed by using the camera of a third-party application, followed by editing editing the results in photo editor. (3) The types of Smartphone Photography @gadgergrapher Instagram community that can be categorized, namely photographic portraits, human interest photography, stage photography, landscape photography, seascape photography, photography skyscape, cityscape photography, abstract photography, still life photography, journalistic photography, macro photography , Fashion photography, food photography, street photography, architectural photography, and night photography.
keyword : Photography, smartphone, @gadgetgrapher