
  • I Gede Riski Soma Himawan .
  • Ni Nyoman Sri Witari, S.Sn. .
  • Drs.Mursal .



“Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken”, yang terletak di Br. Cemenggaon, Celuk, Sukawati, Gianyar, adalah salah satu perusahaan yang memproduksi layangan yang dilukis dengan menggunakan teknik air brush. Keunggulan-keunggulan teknik air brush di “Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken” dibandingkan dengan teknik pewarnaan dengan cat kuas antara lain: 1.Waktu pewarnaan menggunakan teknik air brush relatif lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan menggunakan teknik cat kuas, sehingga pesanan dari konsumen bisa lebih cepat dikerjakan. 2.Lukisan yang dibuat dengan teknik air brush tidak menampakan guratan kuas, sehingga gradasi warna yang dihasilkan tampak lebih hidup. 3.Hasil lukisan lebih awet, karena pigmen warna yang disemprotkan ke media lebih menempel ke pori- pori, sehingga daya rekatnya lebih kuat. Artikel ini mengulas tentang keberadaan “Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken”,proses penerapan teknik air brush ke media layangan di “Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken”, dan jenis motif yang diterapkan ke media layangan di “Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken”. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah pengerajin layangan di “Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken”, Celuk, Sukawati. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan kepustakaan. Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah: Keberadaan “Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken”, Celuk, Sukawati, dimulai sejak tahun 1993 yang diawali oleh Bapak I Wayan Bambang Netra. Proses penerapan teknik air brush ke media layangan di ”Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken” yang meliputi antara lain: proses pengerjaan sketsa dengan pensil atau kapur tulis, proses pengerjaan sketsa menggunakan sprayer dengan menerapkan teknik freehand, proses pemotongan plaster kertas, proses pengecatan warna dasar dengan menerapkan teknik stencil, proses pengerjaan warna gradasi dan proses pengerjaan detail. Di “Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken”, kedua teknik ini selalu dikombinasikan sesuai kebutuhan. Jenis motif yang dihasilkan oleh “Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken” dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu motif fauna dengan bentuk realis antara lain: motif kupu-kupu, motif capung, motif burung elang, motif burung merak. Dan motif fauna dengan bentuk imaginatif antara lain: motif serangga, motif burung hantu, motif naga, motif ikan, motif ular kobra, motif barong.
Kata Kunci : Teknik air brush, proses, motif.

“Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken“, which is located in Br. Cemenggaon, Celuk, Sukawati, Gianyar, is one of the companies that manufacture kites painted with a brush using water techniques. The advantages of the air brush technique in "Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken" compared with staining techniques with paint brushes, include: 1. Staining time using the air brush technique is relatively faster than using a brush paint technique, so that the order of the consumer can be done faster. 2. Paintings made with air brush techniques not show brush strokes, so that the resulting shades seem more alive. 3. Results paintings more durable, because the color pigment is sprayed over the media to stick to the pores, resulting in a stronger adhesive power. This article reviews about the existence of "Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken", process of applying the technique to a media air brush kites in "Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken", and motifs are applied to medium kites in "Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken". This research is a descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects were craftsmen kites in "Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken", Celuk, Sukawati. Collecting data in this study was done by using observation, interviews, and literature. The findings in this study are: The existence of "Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken", Celuk, Sukawati, started since 1993 which was started by Mr. I Wayan Bambang Netra. The process of implementation of the media to air brush techniques kites in "Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken" which include, among others: process of sketching with pencil or chalk, process of using a sprayer to apply a sketch freehand technique, plaster paper cutting process, painting process by applying basic color stencil technique, the process of gradation of color and detail workmanship. In "Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken", the second technique is always combined as needed. Motifs generated by "Kite Painting No Problem Sing Ken-ken" is divided into two, fauna motifs with realistic forms include: butterfly motif, dragonfly motif, eagle motif, peacock motif. And fauna motifs with imaginative forms include: insect motif, owl motif, dragon motif, fish motif, cobra motif, barong motif.
keyword : : air brush techniques, processes, motives.




