KERAJINAN ANYAMAN HIASAN LAMPU BERBAHAN ROTAN DI TRANSIT BALI ART SHOP SUKAWATI, GIANYAR I Gede Made Feri Wijaya, I Gst. Nyoman Widnyana, Mursal Jurusan Pendidikan Seni Rupa Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja, Indonesia e-mail : ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kerajinan anyaman hiasan lampu berbahan rotan di “Transit Bali Art Shop”. Alasan dari penelitian ini adalah melihat benda seni kerajinan ini memiliki keunikan dalam penggunaan bahan, bentuk, dan modifikasi yang dilakukan. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut muncul pemikiran untuk mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai alat dan bahan, proses serta jenis-jenis kerajian yang dihasilkan di “Transit Bali Art Shop”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Alat dan bahan pembuatan kerajinan anyaman, (2) Proses pembuatan anyaman rotan untuk hiasan lampu (3) Mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis hiasan lampu berbahan rotan di “Transit Bali Art Shop”. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Proses Pembuatan Kerajinan Anyaman Hiasan Lampu Berbahan Rotan di “Transit Bali Art Shop” Sukawati, Gianyar. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Alat dan bahan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kerajinan hiasan lampu berbahan rotan di “Transit Bali Art Shop” Sukawati, Gianyar antara lain: gunting rotan, gunting besi, pengelasan, kompor perak (semprot), kuas dan mesin kompresor. Sedangkan bahan yang digunakan antara lain: rotan jadi (sudah diproses), kulit rotan (foc), kawat besi, cat polibest, cat luxor, melamin, tinner, kain rayon, lem fox, hardener dan bahan tambahan seperti lidi kelapa, manggar. (2) Proses pembuatan anyaman rotan untuk hiasan lampu yaitu: pembuatan desain, proses kerangka, pengecatan kerangka, proses lilitan dengan kulit rotan pada kerangka, proses kerangka anyaman (peniangan), proses penganyaman, proses pengomporan, proses finishing yang dilakukan dengan dua teknik yaitu dengan teknik finishing melamin gloss dan teknik finishing pewarnaan luxor dan penambahan bahan tambahan seperti kain rayon, lidi, dan manggar. (3) Jenis-jenis hasil kerajinan hiasan lampu berbahan rotan adalah: silinder ruet, siluet ruet, boks ruet, apolo ruet, silang ruet, opal ruet, basabasi ruet, kerucut ruet, silinder tumpuk ruet, bola ruet, bola ruet tanpa rangka, botol ruet, daun ruet, ufo ruet, keong ruet, tulip thailand ruet, bawang lidi ruet, silinder variasi ruet.Kata Kunci : Kerajinan, Ayaman rotan, Jenis hiasan lampu
WICKER CRAFT FOR LIGHTS DECORATION WHICH IS MADE UP USING RATTAN AT TRANSIT BALI ART SHOP SUKAWATI, GIANYAR I Gede Made Feri Wijaya, I Gst. Nyoman Widnyana, Mursal Departmen of Seni Rupa Ganesha Education University Singaraja Singaraja, Indonesia e-mail : Art Education Department This research discuss about wicker craft for lights decoration which is made up using rattan in “Transit Bali Art Shop”. The purpose of this research is to examine the craft thing that has unique characteristics in the use of material, form, and modification that being done. Based on that fact, the researcher wants to know deeper about the tools and materials, the process, and also kinds of craft that is produce in “Transit Bali Art Shop”. This research aims to know (1) The tools and materials in making the wicker craft, (2) The process in making rattan wicker for lights decoration, (3) To describe the kinds of lights decoration which is made up using rattan in “Transit Bali Art Shop”. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this research is The Process of Making Wicker Craft for Lights Decoration which is made up Using Rattan in “Transit Bali Art Shop” Sukawati, Gianyar. The method of collecting data in this research is using observation method, interview, documentation, and literature review. The result of the study shows that (1) The tools and materials that is used in making wicker craft for lights decoration from rattan in “Transit Bali Art Shop” Sukawati, Gianyar such as, rattan scissors, iron scissors, welding, silver stove (spray), brush, and compressor engines. While the materials used include: rattan (processed), leather rattan (foc), iron wire, polibest paint, luxor paint, melamine, thinner, rayon fabric, glue fox, hardener, and some additional materials like coconut sticks, manggar. (2) The process of making rattan wicker craft for lights decoration are making the design, the process of making frame, painting the frame, the process of twisting the rattan in the frame, the process of making the wicker (peniangan), the wicker process, the heating process, the finishing process which is done by two technique such as finishing technique using gloss melamine and finishing technique using luxor paint and adding some materials like rayon fabric, sticks, and manggar. (3) The kinds of wicker craft product for lights decoration which is made up using rattan is complex cylinder, complex silhouette, complex box, complex apolo, complex cross, complex oval, complex basabasi, complex cone, complex piles cylinder, complex ball, complex ball without frame, complex bottle, complex leaves, complex UFO, complex snail, complex Thailand tulip, complex sticks of onion, and complex variation of cylinder.
keyword : Keywords: craft, rattan wicker, kinds of lights decoration.