*Dokar Loloan ( Sebuah Tinjauan Seni Rupa)*
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Rupa dokar Loloan, (2) hiasan Dokar Loloan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Struktur dokar loloan ditinjau dari kerupaan terdiri dari 2 bagian: pada bagian elemen kereta diantaranya : (a) Bum, (b) Tabeng, (c) Tempat Lampu, (d) Lampu, (e) Cambuk Kuda,(f) Bel Kuda, (g) Pijakan Kaki, (h) Bagasi (Gladag Bawah), (i) Sadel, (j) Dongkrak, (k) Roda, (l) Kap/ Tenda, (m) Pintu Belakang, (n) WC jalan, (o) Sayap, (p) Tebengan, (q) Sandaran. Kemudian pada elemen kuda diantaranya (a) List, (b) Tapel, (c) Kalung Jaran, (d) Skring, (e) Buntutan,. (2) Hiasan pada dokar loloan terdiri dari 2 bagian : pada elemen kereta yaitu (a) depan, (b) tengah, (c) samping (d). Pada elemen kuda hanya ada beberapa hiasan yang dipergunkan dokar loloan yaitu keplean dan gincringanKata Kunci : Struktur, hiasan, dokar loloan
*This research aims to know (1) form of buggies Loloan , (2) decoration Buggies Loloan . the type of research that is used is qualitative descriptive research. The method of data collection is done using the method of observation, interview, documentation, and literature. The results of the study showed that (1) the structure of the buggies loloan reviewed from kerupaan consists of 2 parts: on the chariot elements including : (a) Bum, (b) Tabeng, (c) Where Light, (d), Light (e) Whips horses,(f) Bel horses, (g) Foot, (h) Baggage (Gladag below), (i) Cast Saddle, (j) rally, (k) Accessible, (L) Hood/ tents, (m) Rear door, (n) TOILETS road (o) Wings, (P) Tebengan, (q) Backrest. Then on the horse elements such as (a) List, (b) Tapel, (c) Necklace Jaran, (d) Skring, (e) Buntutan, . (2) decoration in the buggies loloan consists of 2 sections : on elements chariots namely (a) front, (b), (c) side (d). On the elements of the horses there are only a few of the decoration dipergunkan buggies loloan namely keplean and gincringan.*
keyword : *the structure, decoration, Dokar loloan*