Media Pembelajaran Penyetabil Tegangan Catu Daya Pada Mata Kuliah Rangkaian Listrik
This research has the goal of making Power Supply Voltage Stabilizer Learning Media in the Electrical Circuits Course which will be used to support learning activities in the Electrical Circuits Course. This research belongs to the type of research and development R&D (Reasearch and Development). The research used data collection instruments by media experts and content experts as well as student responses in the form of questionnaires. The existing sample used a random sampling technique on Undiksha Electrical Engineering Education students. From the results of the study obtained 92.3% results in the media expert trial, and 95.4% in the content expert trial with a percentage of 100% with very decent qualifications. The range of scores of 5 respondents in the small group test for the whole statement obtained a very good classification and the results for the range of scores of 15 respondents in the overall large group test included a very good classification. Based on the research results, the Power Supply Voltage Stabilizer Learning Media in the Electrical Circuits Course is feasible to use and gets a positive response from students in the process of learning Electrical Circuits.References
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