DOI: Kunci:
Agrotourism, Tourist Prefrences, Planning, Tourism Product, CrosstabAbstrak
Pusat Inovasi Agro Teknologi Mangunan-Girirejo UGM (PIAT Magir UGM) in Mangunan and Girirejo villages is a forest area managed by an educational institution, Gadjah Mada University (UGM). PIAT Magir UGM has various natural and cultural attractions needed to become an education / education-based agro-tourism directed to a living laboratory for cross-disciplinary science developed at UGM and as one of the agro-tourism with icons in the form of 3S fruit plants (Sawo, Soursop, Srikaya ). With such large land potential, natural beauty and the support of the surrounding community, PIAT Magir UGM is also expected to be able to become a fruit garden that can support the quality and quantity improvement of all aspects of agriculture, especially the diversity of tropical fruits. This study aims to analyze the preferences of tourists on the potential of tourism products for agro-tourism planning at PIAT MAGIR UGM. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method using Crosstab and Chi-Square analysis on the IB SPSS Statistic 23 application. This method was chosen to determine the significant relationship between tourist ages and agro-tourism product preferences. Using the accidental purposive sampling technique to determine the type of respondents, 123 respondents who visited the Mangunan tourism areas and tourists who had visited agro-tourism were selected. The results of this study indicate that: (1) PIAT MAGIR UGM has a variety of potential tourism products that can be developed for agro-tourism planning; (2) Most of the tourists visiting agro-tourism are tourists in the 26 - 33 years age group (63.4%), in which this age group is categorized as the millennials generation; (3) The preferences of tourists for the components of tourism products that have a significant relationship are the 26-33 years age group with tourist attractions in the form of festivals / events, accessibility in the form of bicycle for agro-tourism tours, and amenities in the form of camping and the welcome gate design in the form of an agro-tourism icon fruits statue. The palnning of tourism products based on tourist preferences are holding event, create special cycling track/paths, build the campgrounds, and make a welcome gate in the form of fruits sculpture design.
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