Konstruksi Pohon Filogenetik Spesies dalam Famili Orchidaceae Berdasarkan Marka Gen matK Kloroplas: Studi in Silico
Phylogenetic tree construction of various species in the Orchidaceae family, especially in the commonly known orchid genus, is important to provide information on the kinship relationships between orchid species. The purpose of this research is to construct a phylogenetic tree of various orchid species in the Orchidaceae family with an in silico study using sequence data contained in the database. The source of nucleotide sequence data was obtained from the NCBI GenBank Nuclotide, where the sequence used came from the matK genome. The phylogenetic tree construction method used was the Neighbor Joining Tree method and genetic distance calculations were also carried out with 1000 bootstraps using MEGA 11. The results of the sequence alignment and triming produced 512 bp of parallel and equal-length sequences. The results of the phylogenetic tree construction produced 19 clades that could be formed with a high level of accuracy or confidence in the phylogenetic tree. Each clade generally consists of several orchid species in the same genus, but there are also some clades that consist of several species with different genera, which can occur due to high homology in the matK gene. The results of the gene distance calculation show that the highest genetic distance is 0.21106 in the ingroup group in the orchid species Ophrys apifera with Vanilla planifolia, while the lowest genetic distance is 0.0000.
Kata Kunci: Anggrek, Orchidaceae, matK, Filogenetik.

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Wahana Matematika and Sains is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License