IoT-Based Catfish Farm Monitoring with ESP32 Microcontroller and DS18B20 Sensor

Pemantauan Tambak Ikan Lele Berbasis IoT dengan Mikrokontroler ESP32 dan Sensor DS18B20


  • Fidya Eka prahesti a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:33:"Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri";}


Internet of Things, temperature control, sensor DS18B20, ESP32, Catfish breeding


Water quality and temperature are important parameters that need attention in fish farming. Inappropriate water quality and temperature parameters can inhibit fish growth, and can even cause death in fish so that farmers experience economic losses for the farm. Especially in the catfish breeding phase. Monitoring water quality in catfish farming ponds is mostly done manually using a timer. This monitoring is considered less efficient because the parameter to be solved is temperature, not time. The purpose of this study is to design a water quality monitoring system in catfish ponds based on the Internet of things by paying attention and regulating temperature in realtime. The quality of the pool water can be seen through the website with an update time span of 10 seconds. The results of the study showed that the monitioring and control system in catfish ponds succeeded by keeping the pond temperature between the lower and upper limits of temperature, which is around 28 ° C to 32 ° C.



How to Cite

prahesti, F. E. (2024). IoT-Based Catfish Farm Monitoring with ESP32 Microcontroller and DS18B20 Sensor: Pemantauan Tambak Ikan Lele Berbasis IoT dengan Mikrokontroler ESP32 dan Sensor DS18B20. JST (Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi), 13(3). Retrieved from